Dolls: Sofia the Beautiful. Reviews, photos

Modern dolls “Sofia the Beautiful” - a collection of characters from the famous Disney cartoon “Sofia First”. The animated series is designed for girls from the age of three, and the toys of the same name are released for young fans of the young princess. Doll Sofia the Beautiful looks almost the same as her animated prototype. The choice is quite large: many manufacturers produce toys, there are various collections, including Sofia, both with her pets and in the form of a mermaid or a horsewoman. Children really like the clothes, face and chic doll hair. Sophia the Beautiful is sold alone or with her faithful animals - funny birds and a cheerful rabbit Clover.

Dolls collection

Today, no one has problems with the choice and purchase of toys of foreign brands. You can find anything you want, picking up a toy according to the preferences of the child and his age. For girls, dolls are always relevant. Sophia the Beautiful - a wonderful princess, which can be found in the Disney animated film of the same name. The most common and interesting version of the toy is a talking and singing girl. What can the talking doll Sofia do? The vocabulary of the princess consists of 30 phrases (the choice of language is possible: Arabic, English, Russian, Turkish). The toy works simply: just insert the batteries, press the button and select the desired language.

Dolls Sofia

When the princess sings songs or talks, a beautiful amulet on the doll’s neck lights up. Sophia falls asleep after talking or singing, and you can wake her up by pressing the amulet. Options may be different: it all depends on the manufacturer, the selected set. The height of the doll is about 25 centimeters.

To play all the plots from the cartoon, you can collect a complete collection of toys "Sofia the Beautiful." Available for sale:

  • singing and talking options;
  • doll with outfits and various accessories;
  • princess with her pets;
  • doll with a horse Minimus;
  • Sophia the Mermaid.

Description of a talking doll

The princess from the popular cartoon is dressed in a very beautiful dress in purple : he has a multi-layered skirt, transparent material of the sleeves. Doll Sofia, whose photo is presented in the article, will delight any girl who is fond of the world of princesses. The heroine of a kind and informative cartoon is amusing talking: for this, you need to bring your favorite pets (included) to her magical amulet around her neck - birds and a rabbit. A magic outfit, several animal figures, a beautiful hairstyle - all this will not leave indifferent the girl who received such a wonderful gift.

Doll Sofia Beautiful

A doll can pronounce different phrases if you bring her pets closer to her, but not all at once. During the dialogue, her beautiful amulet begins to glow. The toy works due to several "little" batteries. If you do not play with the doll, then it falls asleep. Awakens from clicking on the amulet. In addition to a dress of a delicate purple hue, Sofia has shoes and a diadem of white color, made of high quality plastic. Hands of the doll can only rotate around its own axis, are in a bent position. Sophia the Beautiful doll cannot stand on her own, the only option to give her a stable position is to plant a toy.


The set with the main doll toy (height 25 cm) in a beautiful purple dress and with a diadem on the head includes the following:

  • Keychain made of plastic.
  • Mia bird of blue color.
  • Robin bird is red.
  • Rabbit Clover gray.

The toys are packed in a voluminous beautiful box, which is perfect for a gift to a young princess.

Main characteristics

Of the main characteristics of the doll of Princess Sofia, who knows how to sing and talk with her friends, they note the following:

  1. Age category - for children over three years old.
  2. Kit weight - 500 g.
  3. The main material is textiles and high-quality plastic.
  4. Box size - 28 by 33 and 8 cm.
  5. Type of food - from AAA batteries in the amount of 3 pcs.
  6. Additional features - Russian translation of the text, interactivity.

Talking doll sofia

Restrictions on use - no, except for age: not recommended for children under 3 years old, since the kit contains small parts

Sophia Doll Reviews

Doll Sofia, reviews of which contain a lot of useful information regarding the quality of the toy and its appearance, is popular in many countries of the world. Many purchase a princess for girls who like to watch a cartoon about the life and adventures of charming Sofia. One of the most sold out options is a toy with several outfits in the kit. The size of the doll is 25 cm, the crown adorns the head, the hair is shiny chestnut with beautiful curls. Unlike the talking and singing version, the doll with two dresses is well worth it.

Doll Sofia photo

Some mothers note that there are not many similar facial features of a toy princess with a cartoon character of the same name. However, the toy because of this does not lose its external attractiveness. Long cilia, beautiful facial features - all this attracts little lovers of the princess world. Hair causes many disappointments: there is no density, there are small white blotches, plus the curls are unpleasant to the touch. All this compensates for the beauty of Sofia's outfits and shoes. The doll has neat lilac shoes, a chic winter wrap and beautiful styles of dresses. The only “but” of the outfits is the sparkles from the fluffy skirts. However, the Sofia doll with jewelry is considered the Mattel sales leader.

Advantages, disadvantages, price

Because of what are the toys-heroes of the cartoon "Sofia First" so successful and do not stand on the shelves of children's stores for a long time? Firstly, because of the ability to speak and sing, and secondly, the size is well chosen: the doll is not huge and not small, it is convenient to play with it. Finally, some sets include various accessories and beautiful dresses, pets, miniature houses and furniture - exact copies of the magic castle from the cartoon.

Doll sofia reviews

The advantages of Sofia's dolls are, first of all, beauty and the ability to talk with the help of her magic talisman around her neck. Among the shortcomings, the low-quality hair already mentioned above is distinguished, poor fixation of the decorative elements of the dress - sequin. The undoubted advantage is the moderate cost for the Disney princess. On average, a toy will cost 1,500 rubles. Some retail stores inflate the price, reaching the mark of 2500 rubles.

Soft Princess Sofia with sound

Many mothers celebrate the doll Sofia from a domestic manufacturer. Its distinguishing feature is soft material as a basis. The doll also knows how to talk and runs on batteries. The universal size (30 cm) and materials safe even for a small child distinguish it from its analogues.

The soft toy of the Sofia Beautiful series is made of textile, there are plastic elements. The hair is well combed and does not fall out. Work is carried out on three batteries.

Princess with pets

Many girls will be delighted with the game set with the characters of their favorite cartoon about Princess Sofia. The doll is dressed in her favorite satin gown of lilac color with lace, her crown is pearl. Cute animals that always accompany the princess in the cartoon will make the game with Sofia even more interesting and fun. This is a famous rabbit named Clover, a good dragon and a small bird.

Doll Sofia with decorations

The size of the doll in full growth is 38 centimeters, it weighs a whole set with a box of 1 kg. The materials used as the basis are textiles and plastic. A set with the princess’s pets and the doll herself in an unusually beautiful outfit is a great gift for a girl on her birthday or New Year's.


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