Tulip tree at home. When a Tulip Tree Blossoms

tulip tree

Each of us is familiar with the messenger of spring - a tulip. It can be found in the flower garden of almost any gardener. Today, there are about 2500 varieties of this beautiful plant. However, few people know that tulips can grow on trees. Yes, yes, this is one of the most beautifully flowering trees in the world! Let's talk in more detail about this "wonder of the world."

Climate and soil requirements

Tulip tree (lyriodendron) is widely cultivated in temperate climates. It can grow in the northern countries, spreading to the latitude of the capital of Norway - Oslo. Tulip tree is the national symbol of the states of Kentucky and Indiana in the USA. Liriodendron is very demanding on the composition of the soil, light and humidity, it does not tolerate excess lime. He prefers deep loamy, well-drained soils with a thick layer of surface chernozem. The tree does not like salty soils. However, tulip trees can grow in sandy soils. They very gratefully respond to top dressing with complex and organic fertilizers.

Tulip tree at home

If you decide to plant a lyredendron on your personal plot, then the following information will be useful to you. Tulip tree is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. In addition, he has low susceptibility to soot and smoke. This tree is distinguished, like all breeds of magnolia, with soft, fragile fleshy roots. Therefore, in the process of transplantation, it is very important to take special care to prevent damage to the root system. Liriodendron can be transplanted during the entire warm period, from April to mid-November (for the climate of Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia).

tulip tree at home

The tulip tree is quite wind-resistant, its life expectancy is 500 (!) Years. Like magnolias, it easily withstands frosts of -25 ° C, provided there are no strong winds. When the temperature drops to -30 ° C for a long period, frosting of the branches can occur, as in walnuts and magnolias.

Propagated by layering, cuttings, grafting, seeds. You need to know that when propagating by seeds, you will have to wait a very long time for the first flowering. Crohn is well formed by cropping. Tulip tree at home perfectly survives and does not require special care. It was noted that when cultivated outside its natural climate, lirendron does not show aggression to local species and perfectly survives in a new place.

Flowering period

Liriodendron has a very original form of inflorescences. In shape, they resemble a tulip (size 6-10 cm) with green-white sepals bending downwards and yellow-green petals with a large orange spot. But in terms of aroma, lyriodendron has nothing to brag about. Flowers have a mild aroma resembling the smell of fresh cucumber. They bloom gradually, one at the end of the branch. Flowering lasts for two to three weeks, from late May to mid-June. Beekeeping enthusiasts should be aware that lirodendron is very attractive to insects, because it releases a lot of nectar. When a tulip tree blooms, a real holiday comes for the bees, because it is rightfully considered one of the most melliferous plants. If you put a plucked flower in a warm and bright room, you can pick up a full teaspoon of nectar from it.

Decoration of any park

when the tulip tree blooms

You should know that the tulip tree (the photos shown in the article will allow the reader to see this blooming miracle in all its glory) is very effective not only during flowering, but also the rest of the time. Its columnar silvery trunks, cleared of twigs, look very elegant. In addition, the tulip tree is distinguished by a luxurious crown, the shape of which can be different - from round-hipped to wide-pyramidal. It has rather interesting ornamental lyre-shaped leaves (up to 15 cm long) of bluish-green color, painted in the autumn in golden tones. A feature of the crown is that the upper branches always bend in the same direction. The branches of the tree seem to be covered with wax, and at the break point they have a pleasant spicy aroma. And how beautiful the alleys along which these trees are planted! Especially when their branches are intertwined, forming a flower dome ... The average crown height reaches 30-35 m, and in the forests there are also real giants with a height of about 60 m. Liriodendron is considered to be one of the most beautiful decorative trees. During the flowering period, it simply catches the eye to its crown, where thousands of flowers are collected.

african tulip tree


In ancient times, lirodendron grew throughout modern Europe, as evidenced by the numerous finds of archaeologists. To date, two types of tulip tree are widespread: North American and Chinese. Both of them are characterized by rapid growth. If one species is adjacent to another, then they easily interbreed. As a result, the resulting hybrid grows faster than each of its "parents".

African tulip tree

Another species of tulip tree grows in West Africa - the bell-shaped spathodea. For its large bright inflorescences it is also called “forest flame”, “fire tree”, “ball lightning”. Spatodea belongs to the Bignonius family. In nature, this evergreen tree grows quite quickly and reaches a 15-meter height.

It blooms year-round, so it is often planted in parks and city gardens of the tropics and subtropics. Unlike wild trees, cultured spatodes are smaller. The mature plant has dark green foliage, which emphasizes the beauty of bright red flowers. During rain, an African tulip tree collects water in its colors, which attracts birds to it . Hummingbirds love to feast on nectar, which is produced in flowers in large quantities. Softwood is home to many species of birds that make nests in it.

tulip tree photo

However, despite its fragility and softness, spathodea bell-shaped wood tends to withstand fire. In West Africa, drums are made from it, and in Singapore, paper is made. Due to the powerful antibacterial action, the leaves and bark of this plant are successfully used in folk medicine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21394/

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