Beautiful Islamic names and their meaning

Islamic names from the Qur'an carry quite serious meanings. In them lies the secret of the character and fate of the person who bears this name. Previously, one could even determine the origin of a person and his position in society by name. Muslims now attach less importance to this, but choosing a name still remains an important issue for young parents. Muslims take this even more seriously. Men, by the way, sometimes even think about it more than women. In this article we will look at beautiful Islamic names and their meanings.


Let's start with male names, because men in Islam are the main ones. Adele is a beautiful Islamic name for a boy, but it is often used in relation to girls. But girls are so called mainly in some parts of Russia, but Muslims thus still prefer to name men.

Adele is considered one of the best Islamic names. From an early age, this boy will show independence and express his own opinion. The incredible courage that has settled in this child since birth is amazing. As soon as he grows up a little, a lot of questions about everything in the world will pour down from the lips of the boy.

Adult Adele will also be incredibly energetic. May want to start a business, but this is not the best choice. It would be wiser to achieve a high position in some enterprise. This is a real man who will never ask for help and will cope with all his problems himself. A good leader will come out of it. Adele loves spending money, but only when he has it. He is selective in communication, and therefore the list of his friends is very small. However, if someone got there, then this is really a reliable and loyal person. By the same criteria, he chooses a soul mate.

When Adele meets her soulmate, then he can change beyond recognition. He will take extraordinary care, become a good husband and a very passionate lover. But the girl must fully comply with his requirements, which this man is quite high. This is a brief description of one of the masculine names from the Qur'an.

male islamic names


Another beautiful and fairly common name among Muslims. If you study the translation of Islamic names, the name Ali will mean "high" or "exalted." In childhood, Ali is persistent, he is very stubborn, and it is not always easy for parents to agree with him about anything. Growing up, he enters into a strong friendship with laziness, which prevents him from developing, achieving great heights. Ali, born in the winter, has poor attention, is quite restless, he has absolutely no ability to grasp on the fly. It’s difficult to get along with him because of an unbalanced nature. However, he can withstand many life difficulties, he is strong not only physically, but also morally.

Ali, who was born in the spring, is rather squeamish, especially sensitive to various smells. In all, he shows caution and prudence. As for the summer owners of this name, they absolutely do not know how to use the chances that life offers them. This is due to their self-doubt and modesty. But the boy born in the fall is very attentive, and if he is busy with something, then nothing can distract him. In general, he likes to look at the actions of others from the outside. It has a good memory and can quickly memorize information.

These men make good husbands. However, the spring ones prefer to marry late and choose a wife for a long time. It must meet their requirements. Ideal for spring Ali will be a wife who will devote a lot of time only to him. Even a telephone conversation that lasted more than five minutes could infuriate him. But if he requires something from his wife, then he gives all the best for the family. He is a great father, a good family man. He tries to devote all his free time to his family. And in the summer of Ali, the wife should be an independent and wise woman.

Ali is always happy to help, but quite often his laziness interferes with him. With age, he becomes more active and emotional, learns to communicate with people and establish contacts. He rarely shares his problems and experiences with others and prefers to keep everything within himself.

islamic names for boys


The beautiful Islamic names for boys include the name Damir. Now it has gained popularity among other nations, including in Russia.

From childhood, the boy has been curious, you can immediately notice his desire for knowledge. Damir is especially fond of reading books about animals, so parents can safely get a pet for him and be sure that the little one can take care of him. From an early age, this boy is very independent and can easily do without parents for a long time. Damir is a good leader, because he easily captivates large groups of people and can combine them in one session.

Thanks to such qualities in his adult life, his career is rapidly going up. But, moving up the career ladder, he does not forget about his friends, trying to help them and carry him along. For this, he is very much appreciated and respected. Damir is a good leader, he can achieve great success in business.

He will choose an independent woman as his wife, who will become his faithful companion and assistant. He will not keep her near the stove, but, on the contrary, will help her in every way in realizing her goals. Damir’s wife can be absolutely sure of his loyalty. He does not like to bring up children, but always keeps under control their spiritual development and education. He will gladly play chess with children or solve some kind of scanword. Kids love spending time with dad. Neither Damir nor his family will sit still. At any time of the year, dad will find active entertainment for everyone.

People like to chat with this man. He is always ready to talk, likes to discuss a variety of topics. In his head there is always a fresh idea for business or leisure, which can be easily implemented. He is popular and respected among work colleagues and just friends. This is the most concise but accurate description of one of the most beautiful name forms from the list of Islamic names.


Camille in translation means "perfect", and perfection is considered in all respects. Now this Islamic name for boys from the Koran is common not only in Arab countries, but also in many countries of Europe.

In childhood, Camille is very stubborn. If you scold him for something, then he can do evil to his parents. It is not assembled and is not distinguished by good attention, quite often in a hurry somewhere. Camille, born in winter, has a rather controversial character. On the one hand, he is cocky and really does not like if someone tries to hurt him. But at the same time, in his character, kindness and responsiveness is manifested, he is a rather flexible boy, he will not go into a fight without any serious reason. He differs from many of his peers in a strong and firm character. Camille, born in the spring, loves himself very much, praises his actions a lot. He seeks to subjugate loved ones, spends quite a lot of time near the mirror, adjusting his appearance. He is also a very neat young man.

The summer man is very susceptible to failures and rather painfully experiences any defeats. He has an analytical mindset, this man also has an incredibly good memory, which greatly helps him in his work. He has a well-developed intuition, and Camille has every reason to trust one hundred percent of his inner voice, which has never let him down for many years.

Sometimes this man is lazy, but you can rely on him, because in business he shows responsibility and diligence. Among the variety of professions, it is better to choose entrepreneurial activity. The main features of his character:

  • seriousness;
  • enterprise;
  • practicality.

Camille does not really like big and noisy companies, especially if he was born in the winter. A man born in the summer is more sociable, but with a large number of listeners, he can also close himself. In the list of his friends there are only smart and sociable people with whom you can talk on any topic.

islamic names for boys from the koran


There are several different versions of the origin of this name, and according to one of them, Nazar is from among the beautiful Islamic names for boys. Translated - "ahead of you."

The nature of Nazar is quite interesting. This is a very bright, controversial, warlike man. He attracts people by the fact that in his character there are such character traits as uncontrollability and fury. Often such unusual people gather around themselves a large audience.

In childhood, Nazar talks a lot with peers and is engaged in various sports. After cycling, he can go on a soccer game, and then do some more acrobatics. This speaks of his vital energy, which just hits over the edge. But in addition to active sports, Nazar does not mind spending several hours reading books. He is a curious and very creative child. Nazar, who was born in July, will be a lot like a mother. He closes himself from the people who surround him, for a very long time ponders his every decision, but in life he shows himself quite a bit. He wants to live in peace, wants to be a wealthy family man.

Women are drawn to him because of the inconsistency of character. Of course, because they like these men! During communication, a woman can observe next to her a strong, decisive and domineering man, with whom nothing in this life is scary. Nazar marries only when he is confident in the reciprocity of feelings. She never presses on her chosen one and waits until she herself shows interest in him.

His wife should be tolerant, affectionate and tender. Only having met such an ideal, he can go down the aisle. The wife must be fully surrendered to him. In it, he sees a faithful helper and a reliable shoulder. To whom, if not to my wife, you can come after another failure! From his beloved, he expects her to help him believe in herself, in her strength. This should be a sensible and strong woman who is always ready to give advice or help during a serious decision.

best islamic names


We considered the most common names among men, and now it's time to understand the meaning of Islamic names for girls. There are not so many of them as men, but they amaze with their beauty and depth of meaning.

Amina is a primordially Arabic name that was widespread among many peoples of the world. Among Islamic female names, it occupies a leading position. In childhood, this is a pretty active and agile girl who does not want to hear anything about compromises and will insist on her own in any situation. When you meet Amina for the first time, you might think that this is an impregnable fortress that is simply impossible to conquer. Indeed, thanks to her analytical mindset, Amin can calculate all her steps to the smallest detail and easily sees with what intentions people come to her. Although she is trying to control her feelings, a too vulnerable soul makes her quite emotional. The girl often changes her mood. However, despite this, she quickly finds a common language with completely strangers and can talk with them about everything in the world for a long time.

Amina, born in winter, is not doing well with constancy. If now she agrees with you and is ready to give in, then in ten minutes she will enter into a fierce debate with you, and you will not even have to dream of a compromise. This girl has a rather masculine character, she often manifests selfishness.

Autumn Amines are quite prudent, luck is always on their side, and the inner voice almost never gives bad advice. She can find a way out of almost any situation, and her self-discipline can only be envied. The girl appreciates her time and therefore does not do anything that was not planned in advance. In the collective, she will not give herself an insult, because she always knows the intentions of others. Amina will make a good housewife who will successfully connect work, family and gatherings with friends. Moreover, none of these points will suffer. Amina loves pets very much, but rarely finds time to care for them properly.

However, Amina’s willingness to help everyone and everyone often plays a cruel joke with her. After all, a woman can never refuse, leave someone in trouble, and people begin to use it. The girl succeeds in school, reads a lot, is interested in all of the sciences little by little. At work, she is valued, and her career growth is quite rapid. But sometimes because of work, she can forget about her personal life, which cannot be done. After all, even such a strong and independent woman needs a strong male shoulder nearby.

islamic names for girls


The name of Samir is another beautiful Islamic name for girls, which has several origins, but as for Muslims, then in their faith it is translated as "the one that can support the conversation."

As the decoding of the name insists, Samira is incredibly talkative and always enjoys life. She spends a lot of time among people, resting only in large companies, where there is someone to talk to. However, Samira will not tolerate if someone begins to tell her what she should do, and insult will not be forced to wait for any comments. If you do not know how to have fun, then get a girlfriend with that name, and you will have a fun life.

Samira is always ready to help, her delicate and sensitive nature pity everyone who needs help. But this girl has a negative character trait - talkativeness. Yes, in a big company it’s cool when someone can keep up the conversation and amuse the audience, but you cannot trust this girl with a secret. No matter how close your relationship may be, she cannot help but share with other friends. Because of this, Samira is often left without loved ones who do not consider her a serious enough girl.

Samira is among the successful women. Almost every her undertaking ends in success. Quite often, without completing one thing, it is already taken for another, but, most interestingly, both work out perfectly. Samira will not sit idle, it is not in her style.

Marry this girl in no hurry. She wants to walk up, study men, choose the best for herself. Her nature is amorous and fickle. However, if she still decides to go down the aisle, she will become a faithful wife and an excellent mistress. She needs a wealthy man who can convince her that Samira suits him.


This is the name that the Prophet Muhammad’s wife had. This is one of the Islamic names for girls from the Koran. Previously, this name could only be given to girls from noble families.

Khadija is a faithful companion who will never let you down. This girl will easily find a common language with any person who meets on her way. She likes to live well, always wears bright clothes.

Khadija is a passionate lover and faithful wife. She knows how to really strong and sincerely love, but she often does not have time to express these feelings. All because of her ambitiousness and desire to succeed in life. But you can’t behave like that, because no ambition is worthy to deprive your beloved of affection and tenderness.

Khadija will never begin to hide the truth about you and will easily express everything in person. Yes, not everyone likes this straightforwardness, but honestly. If problems arise in the girl’s life, then she will only blame herself for their appearance, and no one else. And no matter what the nature of these difficulties. Khadija is prone to digging herself up, but one must get rid of this addiction.

female islamic names


Yasmina is a rather strong-willed and courageous girl who has incredibly large ambitions. If she is busy with something, it’s better not to distract her, because you can run into a flash of anger. Yasmina has a rather interesting life, and this is manifested in her appearance, actions, home environment. Such originality attracts people to a girl.

This girl has good intuition, and therefore it is unlikely that even the most sophisticated liar will be able to circle her around her finger. She is doing well in business, likes to live well and not deny herself anything. This is the woman who knows exactly what she wants from this life.

Parents of the girl should teach her from childhood to respect others, be able to listen to them and provide assistance. , , .

Yasmina always looks great, she likes to subdue her appearance. She takes the choice of her life partner very seriously and will not connect life with the first man she comes across. He must be well-off, handsome, educated, and must appreciate her desire for independence. Finding such a man is not so simple, however, if he meets in the path of this woman, then she certainly will not miss her.

Pretty seriously, the girl approaches the choice of a future profession. She can find herself in many fields of activity. It will turn out to be a good psychologist or medic, and you can delve into creativity. However, the family business is a favorite job for this self-sufficient girl.

Islamic names and their meanings


The meaning of the name Farid is compared with such precious stones as a diamond and a diamond. A lot can be said about this beautiful name for a girl in Islam.

Since childhood, Farida has a lot of energy, she loves movement. The girl is stubborn. However, growing up, it acquires such a character trait as cunning, its peculiar character is manifested. It’s better not to do anything bad to her, because Farida is vindictive, and for a long time she can be offended by you. She is absolutely not exposed to the influence of others and is extremely aggressive in responding to any, even comic, insults against her. She has her own subjective point of view and always insists on her own. The girl loves communication and shows interest in many areas of life.

Farida clearly sees the goal in front of her and goes towards it, despite the obstacles. The girl loves to be in the spotlight, and during communication, the interlocutor will not be able to hide absolutely nothing from her penetrating gaze.

With its grace and intransigence, it attracts many men. And she likes it. She likes to be surrounded by the opposite sex. In relationships with men, she often shows audacity and self-will.

When choosing a life path, Farida will not ask anyone for advice, because she herself knows what she wants from this life. The mistress from her is not very good, so it’s quite in her style to shift all the available household chores to the shoulders of others. She has an unstable character, and the strongest anger instantly turns into a good, carefree mood.

If Farida noticed that you have ceased to admire her, then be prepared for the fact that your communication will soon cease, and it will be quite difficult to establish contact. How to win her attention? Yes, very simple. You need to fill up the young lady with gifts, surprises and compliments. This character trait manifested itself in her as a child.

Farida does not let anyone into her inner world. She prefers to discuss all the innermost secrets and desires exclusively with herself. Farida is constantly moving somewhere. Life is not life, if nobody needs it, nobody needs its advice and help. She needs to act, do something, move forward.

So we looked at some common Islamic names. Undoubtedly, this list is much longer. However, for any people you need to highlight the most popular and beautiful. So in this article we studied Islamic female names that belong to charming girls. And the meaning of each name is unique and carries many secrets. Islamic male names are also very beautiful. Their meanings conceal courage, self-confidence, loyalty and love for their family.


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