Visa to Sri Lanka for Russians: is it necessary, how to apply for it yourself

Sri Lanka is an exotic island that many Russian tourists wish to visit. Most of them are interested in information about whether or not a visa to Sri Lanka is needed for Russian travelers? Definitely yes. Next, we consider in more detail the features of the process of obtaining a visa to Sri Lanka, as well as a list of documents that will be required for this process.

Sri Lanka Visa

General concept

A visa is a document that gives a certain tourist the right to cross the border of a particular state, as well as stay on its territory for a certain period. The appearance of such permission can be established both in electronic form and in print. In addition, some countries of the world practice pasting a visa into a passport (Schengen states, India, USA) or affixing a stamp to its pages.

As for the visa to Sri Lanka, a sample of it can be found on the official website of the island’s diplomatic mission in the Russian Federation. It has an electronic form and is provided in a fairly simple way.

Primary requirements

Before going on a trip to Sri Lanka, you should familiarize yourself with the main rules, the observance of which a tourist should pay attention to.

First of all, the traveler should pay attention to the validity of the passport. It must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry.

When making a trip, a tourist must necessarily present tickets to the migration service of the airport for a return flight to Russia or to a third country, if suddenly the traveler plans to continue the vacation. Their presence suggests that the tourist plans to leave the island in a specified period. The date of return flight indicated on the presented tickets must be within the period during which his stay in Sri Lanka is allowed.

Representatives of the airport’s migration service can also request a document that certifies that they have the financial ability to travel. We will talk about what evidence can act as such.

Ways to get a visa

It should be noted that there are several ways to get an electronic visa to Sri Lanka. Most residents of Russia prefer to obtain such permission using the online service available on the official website of the representative office of the Sri Lanka diplomatic mission in the Russian Federation. In addition, some tourists prefer to seek the help of intermediaries, who for a fee can help in obtaining an electronic visa.

Often, the opening of a visa is made directly upon arrival on the island or by personal appeal to the embassy of the country. The smallest part of tourists takes the opportunity to apply for electronic permission through the Department of Migration, located in Colombo.

Next, we consider in more detail each of the above options for applying for a visa to Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka visa for Russians

Using online services

Many tourists who want to get a visa for the island in question often notice that applying for an ETA (electronic tourist permit) is a fairly simple and hassle-free process. To do this, go to the main website of the representative office of the diplomatic mission of Sri Lanka in the Russian Federation (in the appropriate section) and fill out an application there. You need to understand that you can get such permission only if the purpose of the visit is tourism, a transit flight or a short-term solution to business issues.

In order for the application to be considered, the tourist must provide the commission with a questionnaire filled out in strict accordance with the established requirements (which ones - we will consider further). After it is formed, it is necessary to pay the consular fee, and then click on the "apply" button. After the request is accepted for consideration, a letter with an individual number will be sent to the email address from which it was sent.

After a certain period (no more than 10 days), the tourist will receive an electronic response. In the event that it is positive, a file with issued electronic permission will be attached to the letter.

Visa opening upon arrival

If you want to open visas to Sri Lanka, upon arrival to the island, tourists should prepare documents while still on board the plane. During the flight, you must fill out a migration card, as well as pay a consular fee (the latter can be done in advance).

After landing, the traveler should head to the passport control point located at the airport. If all documents are presented, including a valid passport, a completed migration card, a return ticket, and a receipt for paying a fee, the tourist will certainly receive a stamp in his document.

Despite the fact that the described method of obtaining a visa to Sri Lanka for Russians is very simple, not all tourism experts recommend using it. This is due to the fact that tourists often have disagreements with the employees of the migration service regarding the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as the sufficiency of the data indicated in them. That is why, according to many operators of Russian agencies, it is advisable to pre-issue an electronic permit.

Sri Lanka visa sample

Obtaining a visa through the embassy

Residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow have the opportunity to obtain a visa to Sri Lanka in a simpler way. Filling out all the documents necessary for this can be done by contacting the embassy of the island, whose representative offices are located in these cities. After forming a package of documents and paying a consular fee, on-site travelers receive a permit stamp in their passport.

The same path can be taken if a trip to Sri Lanka is planned, and the length of stay in the territorial borders of the country will be more than 30 calendar days.

Filling visa Sri Lanka

Ride with children

Some features of a visit to Sri Lanka must be known to those tourists who plan to make a trip in the company of underage travelers.

In the event that the child has not yet reached the age of 16, he has the right to travel across the border without an individual passport. For this, it is enough to enter data about him with a photograph in the passport of at least one of the parents. In the event that the child is sent accompanied by one of the guardians or parents, the migration service will necessarily request the presence of a notarized written consent provided by the second parent. In the event that its writing is impossible, it is necessary to submit the originals or certified copies of certificates confirming the impossibility of this (certificate of recognition of a person as dead or missing, death, etc.). If the child travels to the island accompanied by third parties, then written permission for the removal of the child, drawn up on behalf of both parents, with their personal signatures and notarization will be required.

If the traveler has reached the age of 16, he must cross the border of the island according to personal documents, having an individual passport.

Filling in the questionnaire

As mentioned above, the process of filling out a visa application form for Sri Lanka for Russians should be approached thoroughly, since based on the literacy of its application, a decision will be made whether to issue a visa or refuse to grant it.

The migration service does not make any special requirements regarding the process under consideration, however, all data should be indicated in exact accordance with the way they are presented in the tourist's passport. The document must be completed in English.

In the event that the official reviewing the application notes that the data are inconsistent, the tourist risks refusing to grant him permission to enter and stay on the island.

Sri Lanka visa needed or not

Confirmation of financial solvency

One of the factors that concern the employees of the migration service is how well-off the traveler is from the material point of view for a temporary stay on the island. The documents that can be used to confirm this can be: a certificate of employment indicating the position and salary, a bank statement drawn up in the name of the applicant, as well as a sponsorship letter.

As practice shows, most Russian tourists for this purpose prefer to submit a bank statement, since this method is actually very simple.


Do Russians need a visa to Sri Lanka, issued to visit relatives or friends? No, a special permit of this type will not be required to visit the state, an ordinary tourist visa, which is granted for 30 days, is suitable for this - this period, as practice shows, is quite enough.

It is provided in electronic form, on a paid basis - the cost of permission is $ 35 (about 2,000 rubles). You can issue it using any of the methods described above.


Do I need a visa to Sri Lanka for Russians planning to work in an island nation? Undoubtedly, yes, since, despite the fact that the tourist electronic permit provides a lot of opportunities that can be used during the entire period of stay in the country, its owners are prohibited from finding work in Sri Lanka.

In order to obtain a work visa, the applicant must come to the embassy of the country located in the Russian Federation, or to the Migration Department, which is located in Colombo.

As for the documents, in the general package it is necessary to submit not only a valid passport and a completed application form, but also a letter of invitation from the company of Sri Lanka, indicating the position for which the Russian was hired, as well as the size of his monthly salary. In some cases, recommendations and additional help may also be required.

A feature of the Sri Lanka employment visa for Russians is that it is valid for a year. It can always be extended by first contacting the authority where it was received.

Sri Lanka electronic visa

Visa for residence

Do I need a visa to Sri Lanka if a Russian plans long-term residence in the state? Yes, in this case, its design is necessary. This type of document is issued for a period of five years. As for the circle of people who are able to obtain this type of document, then any Russian may be among them who has good reason. However, as practice shows, in the country special attention is paid to investors who plan to make a certain contribution to the development of the island's economy. In order to confirm their intentions, a person must deposit an amount of at least $ 250,000 in any economic sector of the state.

Issuing visas to the island for those planning a long stay on it is handled by the Department of Migration in Colombo.

Do I need a visa to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka visa for Belarusians and Ukrainians

As for citizens of countries neighboring Russia, they also have the opportunity to obtain a visa to the island in question. They can get it at the airport, as well as electronically. Due to the fact that there are no representative offices of the Sri Lanka diplomatic mission on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, citizens of these countries will have to travel to Moscow or St. Petersburg to obtain visa types requiring personal filing.

In all other respects, the procedure for acquiring a document is completely similar to the one established for the Russians.


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