Electricity meter specifications

Electric meters are divided into electronic and induction devices. Induction (mechanical) is a counter with a disk. The magnetic field of the two coils that make up the product sets such a disk in motion. It spins faster due to increased voltage.

Electricity meter
In recent years, electronic products have replaced mechanical ones. They are more accurate than old-style aggregates and have the following advantages:

  • small sizes;
  • ease of reading;
  • the ability to integrate into automated systems;
  • the impossibility of breaking into the electricity meter;
  • high accuracy class.

Which meter is better to install - single-phase or three-phase, what are their differences? Some believe that three-phase input allows you to consume more electricity, but this is not quite the right opinion. The dimensions of a three-phase device, indeed, are very different from a single-phase electricity meter, however, a three-phase connection has its drawbacks:

  • permission to conduct it is required;
  • higher risk of fire;
  • modular overvoltage limits should be established.

What are the electricity meters
The advantages of this device include:

  • the ability to install powerful electric boilers, heaters, electric stoves;
  • You can redistribute the voltage load between the phases.

Connecting a three-phase electricity meter makes sense if the house is large, or if a powerful unit will be connected to the network. In other cases, it is more advisable to install a single-phase device.

Which electricity meters are better to install? When choosing a product, we pay attention to such a moment as the accuracy class. For example, class 2.0 is quite suitable for an apartment. Also, the user should be interested in the multi-tariff function, of course, if it is connected in this region.

When choosing an electricity meter, it is advisable to know in advance which device is needed. To do this, you need to look into the technical conditions of a house or apartment. Before buying, you should also study the product passport. There are rules for installing new units, where it is said that the devices must be sealed, and there must be a seal on the three-phase meter, which is no more than 12 months old. On a single-phase product, the verification limitation is allowed no more than 2 years. When buying, be sure to check the availability of these seals. They can be both internal and external, made of lead or plastic. The inner seal is usually filled with mastic. On the last page of the passport of the device should be a copy of this seal.

How to take electricity meter readings
How to take an electricity meter? If it is new, the readings on it are not necessarily zero. Imagine a situation when a meter is being replaced in an apartment. Previous testimonies were taken and recorded on October 10. We will carry out the calculation first according to the indicators of the old counter. It was taken with readings of 880 (kWh), and a new device was installed with such numbers - 240 (kWh). Currently, the numbers on the device are 280 (kWh). Indications for the previous month on the old apparatus are on November 10 - 937 (kWh).

So, we consider:

  1. 937-880 = 57 (kWh) - according to the old device.
  2. 280-240 = 40 (kWh) - for the new device.
  3. From October 10 to November 10 - 57 + 40 = 97 (kWh).

There is a large selection of meters on the market. However, this device is best purchased with a specialist who is well versed in all technical matters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21402/

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