Som synodontis: types, description and content

Beginner aquarists often have a lot of problems. The bottom of the aquarium very quickly grows with silt, the water turns green, dear fish get sick and die. Here you can not do without professional advice. And one of them is the recommendation to have an interesting fish called catfish synodontis. This is a conscientious and very voracious orderly from Central Africa. It will help keep the aquarium clean without any special procedures. This underwater inhabitant not only perfectly copes with the task, but also decorates the home underwater world.

catfish synodontis

general description

Som synodontis is one of the most interesting aquarium inhabitants. Amazing creatures are mostly nocturnal, while they are very spectacular, large and vibrant. They get along well with most aquarium inhabitants. Predators do not touch them because of their large size and bottom habitat, as well as because of their peaceful nature. However, small ornamental fish can be considered catfish as feed. They will not hunt on purpose, but they will swallow what climbs in their mouths. Som synodontis came to us from the Congo Basin, and in the aquarium he did not change his eating habits, continuing to collect organic debris from the bottom and walls.

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When you first come to choose the inhabitants for a home aquarium, you first pay attention to how the fish looks, and only then you start to ask questions about how whimsical it is and what requirements it makes to its content. In fact, the catfish synodontis is an ideal option for beginners, for whom the capricious decorative fish would be a real test. In addition, you will receive a true aesthetic pleasure from observing these creatures. One of the representatives of this species has the ability to swim on his back, that is, up belly. Thanks to this, they got their second name - Somiki-Changeling. But during the bottom hunt for food particles, they occupy a typical position for the fish. This feature is easily explained by the physiological structure, which we will talk about a little later. Som synodontis, the content of which is simple enough even for beginners in the aquarium business, was first taken out of Africa back in 1950 and very quickly fell in love with aquarists.

catfish synodontis content

External data

These are stocky creatures, slightly flattened on the sides. They have very strong mucus-coated skin. It is because of this that aquarium predators do not see them as prey. The back has a characteristic bend, which is even deeper than on the belly. The muzzle is also of interest. The catfish aquarium synodontis has large eyes, its mouth is lower and is equipped with three pairs of whiskers. His dorsal fin is very large, has a triangular shape. The caudal fin is two-lobed, in addition, it is equipped with a large fat fin.

Coloring may vary depending on what species are in your tank. Most often these are grayish-beige individuals with dark spots. Usually, the fish’s abdomen is a little lighter than the back, the same thing is exactly the opposite: the back is light, and the abdomen is dark gray, almost black. By gender, it is not so easy to distinguish between males and females, but adult individuals differ in size. Females are larger, they reach 10 cm in length, and males usually do not grow more than 6 cm. Under good conditions, they live in captivity for up to 10 years. There are a lot of varieties of these fish, each of the subspecies is different in appearance. Let’s talk more about each of them, so that it would be easier for you to make your choice even before going to the pet store.

catfish cuckoo spotted synodontis

Fish behavior

Typically, a new owner, having launched new fish into the aquarium, is ready not to leave the glass for hours, observing the life of new pets. However, you need to make a discount on the fact that you have synodontis catfish. Keeping these fish requires patience. Released in a new aquarium, they will lie down or try to hide in shelters, which it is advisable to prepare in advance, and will not appear before dark. Moreover, even if they are well accustomed, they will repeat the usual practice. Therefore, consider installing a dim light source near the aquarium. Then with the onset of night you will be able to observe their life. It was at this time that the catfish went in search of food. They dig up the soil and eat what they find with pleasure. This fact must be taken into account before starting the aquarium. If you plan to run near-bottom catfish into it, then avoid fine sand. These fish will regularly dig it up, each time lifting turbidity into the water. The filter is unlikely to cope with such a load. Large and sharp stones are also best removed so that your pets do not hurt themselves about them. Small pebbles, which are also great for planting plants, will be ideal. The soil layer should be decent so that the fish could not dig out the roots of plants. In general, these fish are very peaceful, they like to live in flocks, so it would be better if you buy several individuals of the same species for a large aquarium.

catfish synodontis compatibility

Elegant veil catfish

A real dandy of the underwater kingdom, the synodontis veil catfish has a very impressive appearance. First of all, its dorsal fin, which captivates with its veil shape, makes it so elegant. The color of these individuals is monophonic, most likely it can be classified as gray. The catfish has a large number of black dots throughout its body. It is very difficult to distinguish males from females, their appearance is identical, and genital maturation occurs only at the age of two years. Before that, one can only guess who is sitting in your aquarium.

These beautiful fish grow large, up to 30 cm in length. If you are only looking for an aquarium for yourself, then it is better to opt for a container of at least 100 liters. In fact, these creatures are peaceful, but they can swallow small fish, so it’s better not to plant guppies and other miniature inhabitants with them, so as not to create difficult conditions for them to survive. In general, veil catfish love solitude in shelter, darkened places. All these fish eat, they are completely unpretentious, with great willingness to respond to live food. But it will be very difficult to wait for the offspring even if you have dioecious sexually mature individuals in your aquarium. Professionals use hormones to stimulate reproduction. However, if you do not plan to sell aquarium fish, then it will be quite enough to have some beautiful catfish and enjoy them.

catfish synodontis changeling


Another interesting representative of this species. Som synodontis cuckoo does not make characteristic sounds, as you might think, based on the name. No, the nickname was given to him for another reason. These curious creatures are nesting parasites, that is, they do not care about their offspring, or rather, they do this at the expense of other underwater inhabitants. This is the only fish that reproduces in this way. Moreover, cichlids, who in nature live in the same reservoirs, assume the responsibility of bearing offspring. They carry and incubate catfish eggs in their mouths. So in your aquarium you can hardly get offspring.

This catfish is considered very elegant. It has a light yellow color with numerous black spots. The fish are small in length, about 15 cm. The body is dense, elongated and slightly flattened from the sides. The eyes are large, there are also three pairs of whiskers. There is a large adipose fin and a dorsal fin - of a small size. The caudal fin has developed lobes. The character is very peaceful, schooling fish, look good in the amount of five individuals. Requires an aquarium of at least 80 liters. Cuckoo catfish (multi-spotted synodontis) is omnivorous; it consumes both plant and animal food with pleasure.

Somik Changeling

One of the most favorite aquarium species of fish. The large, interesting, good-natured catfish synodontis changeling more often than others is the choice not only for beginners, but also for people who are professionally fond of keeping fish. It belongs to fringed catfish. He has an almost triangular body, a semicircular mouth and powerful spines in the dorsal and pectoral fins. They have the same three pairs of antennae, however, two of them are cirrus, as if with a fringe. He feeds on insects that have fallen into the water, but has a lower mouth, and therefore he has to roll over and swim upside down to collect food. Som synodontis, the photo of which we give below, is prone to obesity, so leave it without food once a week.

catfish synodontis cuckoo

Synodontis euprerus

Very elegant creatures, whose homeland is Tanzania. Large enough, therefore, choosing an aquarium for them, stop at least 150 liters. In it, they can grow up to 12 centimeters. This variety, like everyone else, loves shade and shelter, so you need to plant plants and build special grottoes. Who does the synodontis catfish get along well with? Its compatibility with other species is very good, but colorful cichlids are ideal. These are very voracious creatures, and they prefer live food, various insects and snails.

Flag synodontis

This is another popular catfish synodontis. Reviews say that it is not too common in pet stores, but is a welcome guest in every aquarium. The flag catfish is light, with a silver tint and black spots. The first dorsal fin is elongated in a high beam, which is its main decoration. They grow large, about 20-25 centimeters. Life expectancy in the aquarium is about 10-15 years. Their character is very peaceful, but if any fish in the aquarium gets injured, it needs to be planted, otherwise the catfish will eat this place. Food is mainly of animal origin. This can be bloodworms and daphnia, as well as scraped meat, liver and heart. Approximately 20% of the diet may be plant-based feed. These are bread crumbs, dandelion leaves, oatmeal.

catfish synodontis photo

Catfish dalmatian

This bright representative of his appearance in a spacious aquarium can reach up to 20 cm in length. Som synodontis dalmatian is very smart. The back of the fins is white and blue, and the tail fin has a fringing of the same color. To keep this fish you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 100 liters. The water temperature is 28-29 degrees, do not forget that these are tropical creatures! For normal life, it is necessary to provide effective filtration and aeration, as well as regular water changes. There are no problems with feeding, catfish will be happy to gobble up any food offered. Most of the time the fish spend near the bottom, preferring to emerge at night.

To summarize

Each of the representatives of this large family is worthy of your attention. These are not very whimsical fish that can easily live with you for up to 10 years. If you are just starting your first aquarium, then opt for them. Then your aquarium will become habitable without any problems. Do not choose too small neighbors - catfish are peaceful, but predatory creatures. And finally, do not overfeed them, they all have a good appetite.


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