Porridge "Vinnie": reviews of mothers will tell everyone

When it comes time to introduce porridge into the baby's food, young mothers sometimes do not know how to make the right choice in such a variety of similar products. And in this case, the advice of experienced mothers who have already encountered such problems, but managed to successfully cross the Rubicon, will be quite appropriate. The usual Winnie porridge helped them with this. Reviews about it can dispel the fog of doubt and decide on a purchase.

Briefly about porridge

It's no secret that now it’s quite difficult to find good and high-quality children's products. To be absolutely precise, then baby food with a composition that would not be scary to offer the baby. Indeed, in many cereals there is sugar, palm oil, various chemistry, which is categorically contraindicated to the growing body of crumbs. And not every kid will eat the first porridge offered to him. And this is normal - even the smallest have their own tastes.

Variety of porridge "Winnie"

A product that parents should pay attention to is Vinnie porridge, reviews of which (in most cases) are positive. The packaging is bright and attractive (this can attract the attention of a pean in the process of making porridge), the composition is fully consistent with the standards, and the price is not sky-high.

Favorite Buckwheat

So, "Winnie", buckwheat porridge. Everyone knows that buckwheat is very useful for the child's body and must be present in the diet of the child. But how to bring buckwheat to a state of gruel? Here, even a blender does not cope. The described porridge will help out. By the way, it can be offered to babies from the age of 4 months.

When you open the package, you can see that visually porridge is like flour. Preparing it is simple: you just need to know how much porridge the baby needs at one time, measure the amount and fill it with hot water. Moreover, it is necessary to constantly stir to give uniformity.

Winnie porridge: when the package is open

If a child does not like to drink porridge from a bottle, do not make it too liquid. Many mothers are surprised to write that their children prefer these porridges to others, even more expensive and famous. And this is an indicator that the product deserves attention. Due to its composition (there is a probiotic) in children, as a rule, there are no problems with stools, which is also important, especially in infancy.

Return to childhood ...

Some mummies say that Vinnie porridge (reviews about it contain many words of gratitude to the producers) is initially chosen by them solely because of the price: as a rule, of all the cereals on the shelves of supermarkets for babies this is the cheapest. But then it turns out that the purchase was absolutely correct. And this is not surprising.

Winnie porridge for children has a great taste. Adults usually call it - "as in childhood." In addition, this porridge also kneads without lumps. Tip from an experienced mom: stir better with a fork.

Porridge "Winnie"

Some other cereals require constant grinding. By consistency, it is uniform and dense. The taste of milk is felt.

Sometimes mothers in their reviews write that if their baby did not eat the porridge, they will gladly empty the plate themselves. The only thing that worries parents is the rumors that such porridges are not always found in stores.

Fly in the ointment

Indeed, when mothers decided to opt for this particular brand, they acquire both Vinnie's milk and dairy-free cereals. Any of them will be tasty, healthy. In addition, they will save a lot of time that is spent on cooking ordinary porridge. And in the finished one there is iron, calcium, iodine, a lot of vitamins. This will be a huge plus of purchased cereal versus cooked at home.

Variety of cereals

But not all parents tend to share such an optimistic point of view. Some are sure that these very porridges contribute to the fact that babies get allergies. It is possible that the whole thing is about vitamins that are not suitable for children.

Porridge "Winnie" (reviews about her a couple of times mention this situation) can cause reddening of the skin and an allergic reaction after only a few times of use. Yes, kids like porridge and they eat it with great pleasure. But the consequences, unfortunately, are not far off: red spots appear, which the baby then combs. Parents are forced to contact a pediatrician who prescribes medications at a cost much higher than a box of cereal.

But even in this situation it cannot be said that this is a bad product. After all, all children on the same food can react in completely different ways. Therefore, you have to follow the path of trial and possibly error.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21412/

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