How to get to Benevsky waterfalls?

Primorsky Krai is famous for the huge number of protected places that are located on its territory. These are not only dense forests with rich fauna, but also sea beaches or impassable cliffs. But Benevsky waterfalls are of particular beauty. Bubbling cascades of water silver on stony steps, and diamond splashes ring around. Whoever has ever seen this spectacle will never forget. Today we’ll talk about how to get to Benevsky waterfalls.

benevsky falls

Where are located

They are also called Ermolovsky. And the second name comes from the name of the nearby village of Benevskoye. This place is famous for tourists, here every year there are several dozen groups. The route owes its popularity to the amazing beauty of Benevsky waterfalls. They are located between the same name and the village of Chisinau, on the Kievka River and Elomsky Key. This source originates on the mountain of Belaya and Lysa Partizansky ridge.


The mountainous terrain and the crystal clear waters rapidly rushing from a height are a sight worthy of the poet’s pen. The main one is the Star of Primorye waterfall, which has a height of more than 20 meters. And there are about 25 of them here, each of them is from 1 to 5 meters high. Some believe that the beauty of a waterfall is its height. The higher the water rises and falls louder, the more colorful the sight. In part, they are right, but Benevsky waterfalls are worth seeing even with this level of water.

Here you should definitely take a picture and drink the purest water that never knew bleach. And if you are very strong in extreme sports and have certain climbing skills, then you can climb the slope next to the waterfalls and continue the path up to the lake, from which the key originates. You can get to Lysaya Mountain.

Benevsky waterfalls Primorsky Krai how to get

Winter landscape

Benevsky waterfall in Primorye does not lose its relevance among tourists at any time of the year. In summer you can enjoy a pleasant walk, the murmur of water and fresh air. And in winter, water freezes, forming an ice wall through which water flows. As a result, the ice is not only increasing, but also covered with amazing patterns. Therefore, it is very popular among tourists all year round. The air temperature shows only insignificant negative temperatures, so it will be quite comfortable on the route. Especially if you dress well.

Let's hit the road

If you had to visit Vladivostok, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting these fabulous places. Entrance to the city with its famous rostral columns and a monument can not be missed, but photographed against their background. It will be a wonderful memory. And the suburban area can be easily passed, because you are waiting for Benevsky waterfalls (Primorsky Territory). How to get to them by car, we’ll talk in more detail now.

The next settlement is the city of miners Artyom. Further the route went to the city of Nakhodka. To avoid confusion, look for pointers. It is called the A-188. Now you will find a remarkable section of the road, namely the picturesque "serpentine". You can evaluate the correctness of your location using the signs. You should now be in the urban area of ​​Shkotovo.

At approximately 67 km, you can turn off the Nakhodkinskaya highway and reach the left turn to Partizansk. It is very desirable to refuel here, because it is not known whether there will be further refueling. Before continuing the briefing on how to get to Benevsky waterfalls, I want to note that the road surface is very good, almost smooth asphalt. The main road passes through the village of Steklyanukha, and to the right of the highway remain the villages of Novorossia and Central. Now the road goes steeply up to the pass through the mountains. Therefore, the asphalt is over and the primer begins.

We observe the rituals

Pretty soon we will go directly to the inspection of Benevsky Falls. How to get to it, we will study step by step. So, the torment on the primer does not last long. Almost right after the pass, quite tolerable asphalt begins again. Soon, travelers will reach the village of Uglekamensk. Just at the entrance to it, at the top of the pass is worth a stop. Here, as usual, you need to tie ritual colored rags on the branches of trees and shrubs. This custom originates in Buddhism, and is also used in Yakutia and Buryatia. Rags on the passes are needed in order to appease the gods.

Total length of the road

All along the asphalt road stretched for about 200 km out of a total of 300, that is, we can say that it is quite good. You can drive it in just three hours, even taking into account the fact that you get a little lost and turn off to the wrong place. Further it will be possible to go through the village of Frolovka, towards the villages of Preobrazhenie and Olga.

Immediately after Frolovka, a primer begins, where the speed drops to a minimum. That is, the next 100 km will take about three hours. And around the deaf taiga on the hills extending to the horizon, as far as the eye can see. The last settlement on the way will be Chisinau, and right in front of the village of Benevsky you will reach a wooden bridge through Paramonovsky Key. Here you need to turn right onto an inconspicuous taiga track. Nearby, in a large clearing, stands the taiga hut in which the local huntsman lives. He looks after the taiga and shows the way to the waterfalls.

how to get to benevsky falls

Walking route

Benevsky waterfalls are now at a distance of a day's transition. Taiga here is incredibly beautiful, and what smells! But it’s hard to go, the road constantly rises. Eyewitnesses say that it’s not difficult to meet a bear here. The owner of the taiga, busy picking berries, can quite close a tourist if he goes quietly. But having noticed him, he will try to leave.

So, gradually we get to the Elomovsky key. Further, the road will pass along its shore. After about three hours, you will walk next to a noisy stream. The speed is lower and the mountain path takes a lot of energy. And breaking the next ridge, you hear a noise ahead. Yes, without a doubt, this is a waterfall.

], Benevskaya waterfall in Primorye

Nice photo

Benevsky waterfalls delight with beautiful views. The very first opens to the gaze of tourists the first, largest stream. Sandwiched between rocks in a narrow gorge, it flies out in a tight stream and falls down with a terrible roar. At the same time, it crumbles on the rocks into fine dust, sparkles in the sun and rushes on. Actually huge, its height with a nine-story house. Amazing and invincible, it is worth it to be here. If you go further along the Elomovsky key, you can see the other three waterfalls.

Cultural program

Every tourist wants to get close to a mighty waterfall. But it is impossible to enter the roaring stream, it remains only to observe how the waters are rapidly making their way. However, it will be enough to visit the spray stream, which falls from a height of almost thirty meters. The water is icy, because it has come from the very top of Lysa Gora. By the way, if you run out of water on the way, you can safely drink directly from the mountain stream. Tasty, cold, it does not contain any impurities.

], Benevsky waterfalls photo

Traveling with travel agencies

If you are looking for transport, a map, checking corners is not included in your plans, then it's time to book a tour with a group. In Vladivostok, at least a dozen agencies conduct excursions to Benevsky waterfalls (Primorsky Territory). Photos can then be shown to relatives and friends for a long time to come.

The tour program is approximately as follows. At 6:00 departure from Vladivostok, delivery to the Lazovsky district. Tourists have breakfast on the road, seized with supplies. At 12:00 arrival at the place. Here, an experienced guide will conduct an excursion, walk through the taiga with access to the largest waterfall. After that, you will have a picnic lunch of products that you have taken with you. For those who still want adventure, a trip to the second waterfall. The rest may stay near the parking lot. At 19:00 departure. The cost of the tour is 1700 rubles. It includes transport, an instructor and insurance. Meals on the route are not included in the list of services.

Benevsky waterfalls route

Miracles of the Primorsky Territory

Benevsky waterfalls are not the only ones in the Primorsky Territory. These are amazing places that nature has generously endowed with beauty. Waterfalls Shkotovsky and Smolny, Kravtsovsky, Vanchinsky, Amginsky, Alekseevsky. Each of them fascinates with its mysterious appearance. Add to this the charm of virgin forests, the purity and freshness of the air, and get a real paradise on earth. If the prospect of walking through the taiga attracts you, then do not delay this opportunity for later. Pack your backpack and hit the road.

Instead of a conclusion

A trip to this amazing region on your own can be a pleasant adventure, but be prepared for a difficult and long journey. Therefore, it will be easier to book a tour to the waterfalls and go all the way with the instructor. He will not only show the most beautiful places, but also tell a huge number of legends that are associated with them. Traveling here in summer and fall is pretty safe. Wild animals often go out onto the path and meet with tourists. But a well-fed beast does not seek to attack and leaves. And if the group gathered big and noisy, then this probability is completely minimized. No wonder experienced huntsmen recommend taking sticks with them and treading trees through the taiga.


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