"Prince of Silver": chapter by chapter summary of the work

One of the most famous works in Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century is A.K. Tolstoy "Prince of Silver." For chapters, the summary of this work is not easy to retell, since the storyline and composition are complex and have a lot of unexpected twists, dynamic scenes, and the constant introduction of new characters into the text. It is difficult to remember the course of events even due to the fact that it is complicated by numerous descriptions, which, however, convey the flavor of the era.

General characteristics of the work

One of the main novels of Tolstoy was the work "Prince of Silver." In chapters, the summary of this work should be retold, grouping the storylines according to the main events that are associated with certain characters. But for a more detailed answer, one should take into account the most characteristic features of the novel, which strongly distinguish it from other works of literature.

The novel was published in 1863 and immediately attracted the attention of the public. Some considered it a colorful and expressive story about the time of Ivan the Terrible and praised the author for reproducing one of the most dramatic and interesting periods in Russian history, while others, on the contrary, claimed that the work was too romantic and exalted in spirit and meaning, which was perceived under the rule of realism as step back. Sources for the writer were Karamzin's “History of the Russian State,” a monograph on the life of the Russian people, as well as folk songs, tales, and traditions.

prince silver chapter by chapter summary


During the reign of Ivan the Terrible and his oprichnina, the novel "Prince of Silver" is dedicated. In chapters, the summary of this work must be remembered in accordance with the appearance of the characters. The first three of them are dedicated to the arrival of the protagonist, the voivode Nikita Romanovich Serebryany to Russia after the unsuccessful Lithuanian embassy, ​​during which he tried to achieve peace, but did not achieve his goal, because he was too blunt, while foreign diplomats turned out to be tricky. Driving through the village, he witnesses the atrocities of the guardsmen and, mistaking them for robbers, repels the attack with the help of local residents. One of them remembers him and promises to complain to the tsar himself about the behavior of the boyar.

prince silver 8 chapter summary

Further development

The novel "Prince of Silver", the chapters of which a brief summary is the subject of this review, is interesting for everyday scenes of the 16th century. The next four chapters are devoted to the description of the arrival of the protagonist to the royal court, his reception and a feast in the chambers. Here, the author sets out in detail the new order, which was established while the governor was abroad. The writer with particular expressiveness shows the terrible behavior of the new royal minions in the novel "Prince of Silver". Chapter 8, the brief summary of which is a description of the feast, is especially important for understanding how the author imagined this difficult time in Russian history. It is here that the main minions of Ivan the Terrible are shown and their description is given. But first, Tolstoy reproduces the picture of the royal chambers, the richness of the decoration of the room, a plentiful lunch - all this luxury, as it were, even more sets off the terrible events that followed. Here, the author represents Malyuta Skuratov, Athanasius Vyazemsky, as well as Boris Godunov, whose figure is particularly interesting because, while remaining a supporter of the ruler, he nevertheless managed to avoid participating in his cruelties.

a summary of the chapters of the prince silver thick

New plot twists

The novel “Prince of Silver” is particularly expressive of historical figures. Chapter 8, a brief summary of which is the relationship of the king with the governor, reveals the writer's skill with renewed vigor.

The king pardons the governor, but at the same time shows his ruthlessness to disagreeable persons when, on his orders, an old nobleman was poisoned. With chapter 15, a love affair between the main character and his former bride Elena Dmitrievna, who, however, is already married, is more actively tied up. The next two chapters describe her abduction by Vyazemsky, who was also in love with her. So, one of the difficult issues in school is a brief summary of the chapters “Prince of Silver”. In the 20 chapters, Tolstoy tells of the misfortunes of his hero, who went to prison, but was rescued by his robber acquaintance, and how he subsequently took part in the battle with the Tatars and met Fyodor Basmanov.

a summary of the prince silver novel chapter by chapter


At the same time, the author tells about the fate of the wife of Elena Dmitrievna, who was executed for his honesty and directness. The same fate befell the other guardsmen, to which the 30 chapters are devoted. The description of the adventures of the protagonist, who, having parted with his beloved, went to fight in Siberia, where he died. Thus, a brief summary of the Prince of Silver novel by chapters shows how complex and serious this work is.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21420/

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