Outstanding people of our time. Outstanding Russian people

Their names are carved with gold in history. They are not just outstanding people of our time, but key figures that shaped the trends of the 20th and 21st centuries. Thanks to them, we live in such a world as it is, in all its manifestations.

Albert Einstein

He was recognized as the most important and significant personality of the past century. The largest physicist of the past century and the creator of the famous theory of relativity was born in the German town of Ulm on March 14, 1879. He worked for a long time to conquer the world and become famous. In 1921 he succeeded: they talked about Einstein on all continents. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect, which subsequently materially embodied in the form of a laser. He was the first to think that the distortion of space and time is a form of gravity. All famous people of the world have influenced the formation of modern knowledge and ideas. And Einstein is no exception: a modern picture of the world is based on his theories.

prominent people of our time
The personality of the famous physicist attracted attention due to his anti-war performances. Speaking at rallies, he constantly called for social reform and equality. But his communist ideas often succumbed to criticism. He was even threatened with reprisal. Many envious sighed freely when, after the Nazi party came to power in Germany, he was forced to permanently emigrate to the United States.

John Paul II

The photo gallery of famous people in various encyclopedias is also decorated with a portrait of this great pope, who not only improved the Catholic Church, but could, according to eyewitnesses, perform real miracles. In 2005, only through prayer did he heal a woman from Parkinson's disease. Doctors could not give a scientific explanation for such a sudden healing. Earlier, dad also saved the boy from leukemia with only one blessing and miraculously saved two girls.

most famous people
John Paul was born in Poland in Wadowice on May 18, 1920. Like other prominent people of our time, he made a brilliant career. However, he has come a long way from a simple seminarian to the highest post of the Vatican. He was elected pope in 1978. He was the first non-Italian on the throne in the last five centuries. Staying in office for more than 26 years, he became a symbol of the era of the collapse of the communist regime in European countries. His merit is also that in observing the canons of the Catholic Church, he introduced modern innovations into the church charter. Under him, Galileo, Copernicus and other scholars condemned by the Inquisition in the Middle Ages were rehabilitated.

Nelson Mandela

The most famous people of our time have changed the world for the better. And Nelson Mandela in this important matter distinguished himself as the most ardent human rights activist. He became a symbol of the fall of apartheid, his actions and deeds inspire human rights defenders in all countries. Born in South Africa, Mandela over the years observed racial discrimination. And once he decided to put an end to the dominance of whites over blacks. Nelson has always said that his ideal is a democratic society where people have equal rights and opportunities.

famous people of the world
For his work, Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment. But even while in prison, he did not give up the goal of his whole life. He did not agree to change his political views even in exchange for the coveted freedom, for which he became the idol of millions of citizens not only of Africa, but of the whole world. He still got out of prison, already in 1990. Like all the outstanding people of our time, going through difficulties, he began with even more zeal to realize his dreams. After becoming president of South Africa, he defeated apartheid and settled all differences in the country.

Bill gates

The names of prominent people have firmly entered our lives: we study them at school, read books about them and watch films. About the activities of Bill Gates, our contemporary, they have not yet lectured, but it can be argued that in the near future more than one paragraph of the history textbook will be devoted to him. After all, he stands at the origins of the computer era. Back in 1975, a programmer and his colleague Paul Allen organized Microsoft Corporation. Being young, progressive and smart, they made their company dominant in the software market.

photos of famous people
In addition, Bill Gates was awarded the title of Honorary Knight of the British Empire in 2005 for his charitable work. Together with his wife, they created a fund that today allocates money for health and education. Already in 2006, Forbes magazine named him the richest man on the planet. Experts estimated his fortune at $ 50 billion. Since then, he constantly takes leading positions in various ratings, like other successful outstanding people of the 21st century.

Oprah Winfrey

Oddly enough, but this woman is the most influential not only in the United States, but throughout the world. And all thanks to her world-famous show: the most famous people considered it an honor to take part in it and pour out Oprahโ€™s soul in unique interviews. The program, which has no analogues, was broadcast from 1986 to 2011. For exclusive sharp questions, informative conversations and the disclosure of interesting details from the life of pop stars, politicians, doctors and representatives of other spheres of life, Oprah was called the "Queen of the media world."

names of prominent people
She also became the richest black woman in the world with a fortune of $ 2.8 billion. Oprah was recognized as the most generous philanthropist on the planet. Some experts say that there is no influential female person in the world, while others say that her influence is limited only to the US states, and as for the world, then Angela Merkel should be given priority. In 2013, Oprah was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for supporting the White House policy.

Coco Chanel

This little fragile woman possessed a nasty character, excessive causticity and sharp tongue. Like all other prominent people of our time, she destroyed stereotypes and introduced progressive innovations. Coco has revolutionized the fashion world. She freed the fairer sex from tight corsets, heavy puffy skirts and curled letters on her head, giving in return a small black dress, boy haircuts and business trousers. It was Chanel who released a series of perfumes under her own name, which has no analogues in the whole world.

prominent people of the 21st century
Photos of famous people dressed in Coco's latest fashion items adorned the covers of popular magazines at that time, were printed in newspapers and broadcast on television. Imitating her was considered good form. As for Chanel's expressions, whole legends go about them. โ€œIf a woman at 30 is ugly, then sheโ€™s a fool,โ€ is only one of Cocoโ€™s famous phrases. In our century, her quotes have long become winged, and the fashionable novelties she invented become relevant and insanely popular.

Andrey Sakharov

Probably, in the modern world there is no person who is unfamiliar with this name. The famous nuclear physicist, academician and Nobel Prize laureate was born in Moscow in 1921. During his life he won the title of Hero of Socialist Labor three times, conducted many tests and studies, and played a decisive role in creating thermonuclear weapons in the Soviet Union.

outstanding russian people
Prominent Russian people, being smart and progressive in their views, often opposed the current government and its beliefs. Sugar was no exception. Being one of the "fathers" of the hydrogen bomb, he simultaneously turned out to be an ardent supporter of the ban on nuclear weapons. He often argued about this with Khrushchev, as a result of which he was removed from serious research work and joined the dissident movement. He demanded full publicity and respect for human rights from the authorities. Sakharov advocated for radical social and political reforms in the Union.

Maya Plisetskaya

Her portraits were painted by Marc Chagall, stage outfits for her were invented by Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent and other famous fashion designers. KGB agents considered her a professional spy for Great Britain and constantly monitored her. And she was just a prima, which was not equal in the whole world. The best choreographers in the world fought for the right to invite Maya to perform on stage. Plisetskaya shone in The Dying Swan, Carmen, The Sleeping Beauty. And in Odette-Odile, she reincarnated endlessly, because she had to dance this part more than 800 times.

prominent people of our time
Plisetskaya left the stage only at the age of 65, although all the ballerinas are retiring at 30. Until now, her beauty has not faded, despite the absence of plastic surgery. Her career did not stop her from creating a strong family with composer Rodion Shchedrin, with whom she even recently played a golden wedding.

Of course, these are not all famous people in the world. Here are only striking examples of unique celebrities who have turned its way. In fact, there were hundreds of times more, and each of their achievements changed our life and decorated it with new colors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21437/

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