DIY gift per year. What gifts to give in the year of the Monkey: advice of an astrologer

So the year of the Monkey came. What does he portend to us? What rules should be followed to please the mistress of the year? What gifts to give in the year of the Monkey? All this will be discussed in the article.

What to give in the year of the Monkey?

The Year of the Monkey should bring endless fun and at the same time wisdom. It is these two qualities that characterize the symbol of the year. That is why it is necessary to show great wisdom when choosing a gift in the year of the Monkey for a loved one.

You need to start with a suitable color: usually it is red shades or the color of fire. Many astrologers recommend choosing a gift based on the wishes of their friends. A vivid example will be bright organizers, diaries. In any case, one should proceed from the preferences and wishes of the person.

gift in the year of the monkey

Gifts for women and men

Very often, people get into a dead end when choosing a gift for the year of the Monkey for females. How to choose among the diversity that is ideal for the fair sex? You can give your friends everything from trinkets (in the form of original jewelry) to volumes of serious works. It becomes more difficult when choosing a gift for mothers, aunts or grandmothers. Of course, if they have a sufficient sense of humor, then you can get off with a bright trinket, but, unfortunately or fortunately, adult women of this rank are usually given something more serious or practical. For example, one should proceed from their interests, not forgetting, of course, the wisdom of the year of the Monkey. Suppose mom loves to read an interesting book for long evenings while drinking her famous delicious tea. There are several options: you can present a comfortable armchair or a special table on which books, tea, various goodies could fit, or several new works by a beloved author. This is both practical and very wise, and if you choose something in bright red shades, you will generally get a combo!

What gifts to give men in a year of the Monkey? The only similarity of surprises for representatives of both sexes can be called the practicality of souvenirs. Oddly enough, any gift for a man should be practical. Usually these are accessories for his hobby: fishing rods, gamepads, game console or radio-controlled machine. You can also choose something for personal use: a cool razor or care products that a man could never afford. The main thing in this business is fantasy and wisdom.

what gifts to give in the year of the monkey

What to give to the children in the year of the Monkey?

In any case, do not forget about gifts for children. These people are especially picky and will not tolerate any wise and too "adult" gifts. Here definitely need gifts in the year of the fiery Monkey from the category of fun. First of all, it is necessary to find out what exactly the child is interested in. Maybe he is an avid collector? Or is he seriously interested in this or that creativity?

What gifts are relevant in the year of the fiery Monkey?

In general, many people value gifts as a gift. The monkey - the queen of 2016, has a beneficial effect on wise impulses when choosing gifts. She calls for combining wisdom and fun. That is why, making a choice in favor of a particular gift, it is worth considering the interests of a person, his dreams and desires. Thanks to a correctly selected gift, a person will remember his importance before the donor and will remember him with warmth.

Among the unusual gifts include a variety of things. For example, it can be a photo frame with a fun and memorable overall photo. The best option is a homemade frame. In this case, the main thing is attention. Or you can recall childhood, having arranged a holiday with the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, who will be able to individually congratulate each of the participants in this celebration. Elite chocolate or tea, any New Year’s paraphernalia - all that will bring joy on New Year’s Eve and remain useful for a couple of years.

new year gifts in the year of the monkey

Original gift in the year of the fiery Monkey

Original gifts in the Year of the Monkey are things that have the image of this animal. Such things will add some sharpness to the design of a room or office. For relatives it will be an actual gift for pajamas with the image of a cute monkey or an umbrella, napkins and much more. In general, the image of the mistress of the year will make special gifts.

DIY Gift Ideas for the Year of the Monkey

Such gifts will become no less original, as they are made with their own hands, a soul is enclosed in these presents. For example, you can knit socks in bright red colors or mittens, embroider with your own hand a napkin or a cute monkey on a new blouse. The scope for imagination is inexhaustible. The main thing is to combine practicality and convenience in a gift. Children will appreciate a toy made by the hands of a grandmother, mom or sister, or a dad's master class in any craft that a child or wife is interested in. Do-it-yourself New Year's gifts for the Year of the Monkey is an excellent solution, because when you make them, you put a part of yourself in the thing. Native people will appreciate it. You only need desire and imagination - and you will get a wonderful gift.

gifts in the year of the fire monkey

Gifts in the year of the monkey. Astrologer Tips

In the modern world, it has become very popular to confine gifts to the zodiac signs. A huge amount of advice from astrologers has long appeared on this subject. It is considered very fashionable to select gifts according to the astrological forecast.

For example, Aries are quite practical people who are always content with received things in everyday life every day. In addition, a vivid and memorable gift will be that Aries will be able to remember at any moment of her life: impressions, photos or video. All salt is the surprise of surprise. The main thing is to pack a gift in a bright style, in the style of the Monkey.

Taurus value the spiritual connection enclosed in the gift. It may be cheap, but at the same time it may not be cheap. Gifts related to the "cheap stuff" include surprises-draws (something like toys that make obscene sounds). This balance must be taken into account. Any practical thing that can last for many years can be a gift. For representatives of the Taurus sign, it is very important to surround yourself with cozy things and comfort. Therefore, it will be useful to take care of the various charms of everyday life or jewelry made of precious or natural stones, metals.

Gemini is one of those representatives who value attention and care most of all. That is why such people need to give gifts, which help in facilitating life and its knowledge: any office equipment or fashionable gadgets, travel. You shouldn’t especially climb out of your skin when the gift is wrapped. After all, for them the main thing is the content.

original gifts in the year of the monkey

Zodiac signs: collectors and connoisseurs

Crayfish are usually collectors. That is why there should not be any special problems in choosing a gift. If you had to deal with those cancers that are not keen on gathering, then in this case you can give something for home or personal use.

Lions are the chapters of the pride, and therefore gifts must be selected accordingly. That is why the solemn part where you can show your respect and love is very important. Gifts may be different, but it is best to pick something for relaxation. After all, we remember that lions from the cat family love to sleep very much.

Virgo love to communicate and are an active sign. And you need to give something that immediately goes into circulation, will not wait long in the wings. For example, something to decorate everyday life, dishes or appliances, a plaid or pillows. Virgo does not have particular selectivity in the style of a gift; one can choose from both an official style and an informal one.

Scales always weigh everything. And therefore, they are one of the most demanding signs. Representatives of this sign should give something from the world of art to satisfy their aesthetic feeling. Libra will become the most grateful sign of the zodiac if they receive as a gift something made by their own hands.

do-it-yourself Christmas gifts in the year of the monkey

Zodiac signs adoring experiments

Scorpios are the biggest lovers of gifts, and the more they are, the better. Printed materials, culinary, travel, history and other various directions in which the donor can think, a huge amount. The main feature is the secrecy of the gift, before giving, it must be hidden. Scorpions love to search.

Sagittarius - passionate lovers of travel and everything connected with them. The main effect will be the compilation of the company. This will especially flatter Sagittarius.

Capricorns accept absolutely everything with gratitude. You can give them special happiness with the help of various things that give warmth. True, in no case should we forget about the practicality of gifts.

Aquarians are very curious, because they will appreciate amazing gifts. For example, unusual paintings or incredibly fashionable clothes.

Pisces is perhaps the most sensual sign of the zodiac. Like Libra, they value art very much. Representatives of this sign will suit a gift in the form of a romantic photo or video, capturing the most important moments of life - that’s what the fishes like.

gifts in the year of the monkey astrologer's advice
The main criterion for gifts in the year of the Monkey will be wisdom, ideally combined with fun. A gift in the year of the Monkey is a thing that expresses attention, care and love to the person to whom it is given. It is very difficult to please everyone and everyone, but this is exactly what the mistress of 2016, the royal Monkey, requires. It is believed that if you please the mistress of the year, then luck and happiness will pursue this lucky guy throughout the year. Carefully select a gift in the year of the Monkey and appreciate what you get in return!


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