Multifunction tool Bosch PMF 190 E: reviews, specifications, photos

It is widely believed among professional builders that a quality tool can only have a narrow specialization. Universal technology is associated with unreliability and low efficiency in complex operations. Nevertheless, manufacturers of construction equipment are intensively developing the concept of devices capable of combining a wide range of options. This approach is fully justified, since it saves users money, eliminating the need to purchase a separate device for each type of work, and at the same time increases ease of use. An example of the implementation of such an idea is the Bosch PMF 190 E Set multifunction tool , the creators of which were able to take advantage of universal models and also minimize their shortcomings. Of course, there is no need to talk about perfect performance, but the German company approached the needs of the modern master quite tightly.

Model description

bosch pmf 190 e

This is a universal model with which you can perform grinding, sawing, scraping and cutting operations. What is especially important: the multifunctional tool Bosch PMF 190 E is able to work with a wide range of materials, providing high accuracy. In particular, the device can be used to work with plastics, wood and even metal. The developers have created a special design of the cartridge, which organically interacts with different nozzles. That is, the user can rely on flexibility in operation.

Each operation requires a certain level of power. Although the tool does not belong to the strongest in its class, its potential is quite enough for working in the private sector. At the same time, Bosch PMF 190 E is distinguished by an electronic filling, which allows you to perform smooth adjustment of the vibration frequency taking into account the characteristics of the workpiece.

Tool specifications

bosch pmf 190 e tool

German designers provided the model with average performance. On the one hand, this limits the range of possible work, from the point of view of a professional. But, on the other hand, the Bosch PMF 190 E tool compensates for the lack of high power with ergonomic advantages, which makes the model more attractive for home users. So, the characteristics of the device look like this:

  • Power potential - 190 watts.
  • The highest level of revolutions per minute is 21,000.
  • The minimum revolutions per minute is 15,000.
  • The oscillation angle of the tool during operation is 1.4 degrees.
  • Machine weight - 1.2 kg.
  • The weight of the complete set is 2.6 kg.
  • Additional features - electronic adjustment and maintaining a fixed speed level.

In terms of power, this model is comparable to worthy offers from the segment of specialized cutters and grinders. But in this case, the emphasis is on combining several tasks that can be performed using one tool.

Functionality and Ergonomics

multifunction bosch pmf 190 e

The machine has no special focus. It can equally well be used for grinding work, processing various surfaces, cutting and scraping. Among the new functions for models of this type, the angle of oscillation and electronic adjustment systems can be distinguished. This complex allows the operator to rationally use nozzles and at the same time perform high-quality processing. In terms of ergonomic qualities, the Bosch PMF 190 E model also surpasses many competitors. Like most tools of this manufacturer, the device received a comfortable grip with a nice and grip pad. In addition, compared to its predecessors, this version has reduced the level of noise and vibration.

Features and Benefits

You should start with the main element of the model - the cartridge. It is equipped with a universal screw, which allows not only to use different nozzles in the device, but also to change them quickly and without delay. Electronic filling has already been mentioned more than once, due to which the user can conveniently perform the necessary settings. Focusing on the properties of the processed building material, you can adjust the number of revolutions - that is, fluctuations. It is worth noting the benefits of a four-stage depth gauge. This feature of the Bosch PMF 190 E is especially useful when making complex cuts. Modern jigsaws have strict restrictions on the depth of cutting of different materials. In turn, the Bosch multi-tool relieves the operator of control of this indicator, not allowing to go beyond the boundaries of the desired depth. In the grinding process, another option will be effective - a universal vacuum cleaner. It is connected in order to instantly eliminate dust that is formed during the processing of materials.

Elements of equipment

Bosch multifunction tool pmf 190 e

The manufacturer has provided rich equipment, as, incidentally, relies on universal tools. In particular, the kit includes a segmented bimetallic saw blade with a diameter of 8.5 cm. With it, it is possible to process both wood and metal. Especially for working with wood products and surfaces, a set of delta sanding plates with a size of 9.3 cm and a saw blade HCS submersible type are also provided. For maintenance and operation, the multifunctional Bosch PMF 190 E is complemented by an Allen key and depth gauge. By the way, the adjustment range in depth varies from 8 to 14 mm, which allows you to fine-tune the parameters of the cut. Using the tool, you can carry out both standard operations and mortise cuts. This feature is useful in creating niches for outlets and ventilation grilles. The triangular sanding sheets included in the kit also provide a clean finish for non-ideal surfaces at the edges and corners.

Positive feedback about the model

Bosch multifunction tool pmf 190 e set

The model received a lot of good reviews for ergonomics, lightness and advanced settings. The makings of the tool are not bad - it can be seen that the manufacturer was eager to give the model an extensive range of options, while maintaining accessibility to use. As user experience shows, this has been largely successful. For example, the Bosch PMF 190 E multi-tool requires minimal effort from the operator, making it easy to carry out work even in difficult areas. An affordable price is also noted, which amounts to 5-6 thousand rubles. If you purchase a separate specialized tool for each type of work provided for in this machine, the amount will be several times higher. If we talk about competitors of this class, the development from Bosch is not much ahead of them in cost.

Negative reviews

multifunction tool bosch pmf 190 e

If everything is in order with functionality and ergonomics, the quality of work and reliability are in doubt. Even if you put up with a small power, then in the process of operation the weak grinding function will upset you even at high speeds. In general, the quality of the nozzles is quite low - for example, the teeth quickly grind off, which makes it impossible to cut. Many also note defects in the Bosch PMF 190 E wiring, which break off from the starter. There is criticism in terms of protecting the instrument from dust. Often it is the absence of special devices that prevent pollution, becomes a factor in failure.


bosch multi-tool pmf 190 e

The concept of a universal tool involves a combination of several functions in one device. Putting this idea into practice is quite difficult, since different types of work provide for their design features. True, the multifunctional tool Bosch PMF 190 E has demonstrated that such a combination is quite possible. Of course, you should initially make a discount on the low power of this model and its focus primarily on performing simple tasks. But even adjusted for the lack of professional skills, this version has many complaints. Moreover, most of them are addressed to consumables, nozzles and components.


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