Diseases of cherries and ways to combat them

Cherry care consists of a whole complex of works, and these work should be performed in a certain sequence. If the tree is healthy, then pests and diseases of cherries will not cause him much damage. But if you do not follow preventive measures, then the unpleasant consequences will not take long. Depleted by pests, cherries become less resistant to fungal diseases. There are quite a few pests affecting cherry trees, and some of them can cause huge damage to the garden. In order to prevent the destruction of the garden by pests and diseases, you should know how to determine the presence of a disease and how to deal with it.

cherry disease

Cytosporosis and black cancer

These fungal diseases of cherries are usually infect the bark of a tree and cause it to die. Weak plants are most susceptible to these diseases. To prevent the death of the tree, it is necessary to cut the infected parts of the bark down to the healthy layer and treat the tree with 1% solution of copper or iron sulfate, and then carefully cover the treated areas with garden varieties. If the branches are severely affected by the disease, they should be removed and burned. If the disease has spread to all parts of the tree, it will have to be uprooted and destroyed.

cherry diseases and their control

Fruit and gray rot

These fungal diseases of cherries can be determined by mummified fruits that do not crumble from the branches, but remain on them during the winter period. It is on such fruits that fungal spores winter, which, with the onset of spring, begin to multiply actively and can be carried by wind flows throughout the garden.

If such a disease of cherries as fruit rot is found on the tree , spoiled fruits must be collected and burned, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to spray the trees with copper chloroxide or polycarbacin.

Holey spotting

Especially dangerous are diseases of cherries caused by infections, such as hole blotch. Usually young growths, as well as leaves, buds and fruits are susceptible to the disease. To determine hole spotting is quite simple, since spots with brown color appear on the leaves of the tree . Such leaves gradually die and fall off. A leaf looks like it is shot through by a fraction. If the summer is dry, then the risk of hole blotch is reduced significantly. There are no outbreaks of spotting in the dry season. To prevent and treat this dangerous disease, experts advise treating trees with a solution of Bordeaux fluid (it is better to take a 3% solution) or colloidal sulfur.

cherry disease

Non-infectious chlorosis

Cherry diseases and their control can be very diverse. A disease such as non-infectious chlorosis often appears at the top of the crown. Leaves turn yellow and fall. The disease can be caused by a lack of elements such as iron, sulfur, nitrogen, or the cause may be a close occurrence to the groundwater plantings. Fertilizing fertilizers, which contain the missing elements, will help to rectify the situation.

By providing plants with proper care, you can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21455/

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