What are teachers' councils in kindergarten

What are teachers' councils in kindergarten? According to the law on the education of the Russian Federation, this is a form of leadership for a preschool institution. The pedagogical council is attended by all teachers. It examines the methodological activities, as well as problems relating to the entire educational process. In addition, issues of an economic or financial plan that require a collegial decision are sometimes submitted for discussion.

teachers' councils in kindergarten
Why are teachers' councils in kindergarten necessary? Ten to fifteen years ago, all pre-school institutions worked according to the general program and almost the same grid of classes. Now there is a choice. So, in order to decide which program the kindergarten will work on, what training and educational tasks he sets, what form of documentation he chooses, and so on, a pedagogical council is held. All these issues are necessarily recorded in protocols called local acts, which have legal force.

What topics of teachers' councils in kindergarten are most relevant? Such collective meetings are held not only for the approval and resolution of important issues. The current teachers' councils in kindergarten, which are held once a quarter, are devoted directly to educational activities, and one of the institution's annual tasks is being discussed. In practice, the activities of educators applying for the first or highest category are most often taken. According to the regulation on certification of pedagogical staff, the applicant is obliged to submit his developed concept of education, to conduct

final teacher's council in kindergarten
open lesson, where innovative teaching methods were used , to prove their effectiveness. All this ends with the report of the teacher, in which he summarizes his methodological work. At the general meeting of teachers of the institution, everything is discussed. But each meeting begins with the fact that the decision of the previous one is read out and an analysis of implementation is made.

The final teacher's council in kindergarten is needed in order to summarize the results of various activities. It takes place in late May or early June. In May, teachers monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities of students and process the data. They clearly show where there is significant success, and what remains to be worked on. In addition, at the end of the school year, all reporting forms are completed. There is an opportunity to analyze them and draw the appropriate conclusions. Usually at the same meeting, participants are offered a preliminary long-term plan for the next academic year.

topics of teachers' councils in kindergarten
How are teacher councils drawn up in kindergarten? The minutes of each meeting are kept. This is a serious document, it is written by hand in a special journal. This is to ensure that corrections cannot be made in a later period. Ideally, the pages of the magazine are stitched and endorsed by the stamp of the institution. The protocol begins by indicating the number and date of the meeting. Next is the agenda and the number of attendees. Statements of speakers are necessarily included in the protocol, this can play a big role in resolving contentious issues. The protocol ends with the decision of the pedagogical council. For each item, a person must be appointed responsible and the number of votes cast for or against is indicated.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2146/

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