Means for bathing newborns, the optimum temperature of water and herbs for bathing a newborn baby

Bathing a newborn is an important procedure in his life. Thanks to this, the baby's immune system is strengthened. Bathing brings him a lot of positive emotions. What bath products should I use? The article will discuss their varieties and characteristics.

What to choose for bathing a newborn

What should parents take - foam, soap or gel? Currently, the range of products for water procedures is unusually wide.

What safe means for bathing newborns exist? To make them truly effective, you need to study their composition on the label. Parents should make sure that the product is recommended for infants.

Baby soap is the most necessary component that is used for bathing newborns. It’s not possible to wash a child without it. Some mothers replace the soap with more modern means - gel or foam.

The advantage of these products is their cost-effectiveness, convenience and release in colorful packaging that attracts babies, and such a tool can act as an additional toy.

Parents should be responsible in their choice and take into account such factors:

  • The lid is easy to open and close, while it is quite durable.
  • The product must have a neutral Ph, and it must be hypoallergenic.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date.
  • Acquire in specialized stores or pharmacies.

When choosing a shampoo, make sure that it contains mild surfactants that are hypoallergenic and completely safe. From the very first days, the drug is not recommended, since soft and thin hairs are washed perfectly with soap and gel. When the baby is older, shampoo can be selected based on personal preferences and reviews of experienced mothers.

Safe means for bathing newborns

When choosing a suitable product for a child, you must definitely pay attention to the manufacturer. On the market you can find both the products of foreign companies, and domestic.

The list of the most popular and safe means include:

  1. Bubchen. All cosmetics are made on herbs and are in great demand among mothers of babies.
  2. Mustela. It has a proven composition and a wide range.
  3. Johnson & Johnson. The brand has been known for a long time, has excellent quality.
  4. Weleda. A manufacturer of natural cosmetics, has been on the market for over 100 years.
  5. Eared Nannies. The manufacturer produces a wide range of cosmetics for babies.
  6. "My Sunshine". The manufacturer makes cosmetics that have hypoallergenic properties.

Parents when choosing should take into account the safety and effectiveness of means for bathing newborns.

Bathing with herbs

This method of water procedures has been known for a long time. Since that time, nothing has changed, because medicinal plants help prevent prickly heat and skin itching.

The most effective herbs for bathing a newborn are chamomile and succession. It is necessary to consider the beneficial properties of plants for babies.

Chamomile is a herb that has a disinfecting effect on water. It makes baby's skin soft and relieves irritation. Girls benefit from baths with chamomile, because they have a positive effect on the genitourinary system.

The succession is the grass of infants, it has mild properties and fights against various skin diseases (dermatitis). It has an antimicrobial effect and disinfects water.

In addition to these herbs, oak bark, sage, calendula and lavender are used. They have similar properties.

The first bath of the newborn after the hospital

Calendula, like chamomile, moisturizes the skin. Lavender has calming properties, so after bathing the baby will sleep soundly. Sage calms the skin well and removes redness. Oak bark prevents diaper rash and prickly heat.

Brew plant components must be correct. Do not make decoctions of herbs for bathing newborns concentrated. They will not be useful, but will negatively affect the skin.

Bathing circle

To ensure that water procedures are safe and effective, special devices are used. Circle for bathing newborns since how many months can I use? It is intended for babies from 1-1.5 months to 2 years, but it is advisable to consult a specialist before use.

The circle is useful for the following reasons:

  • the bathing process is simplified;
  • the child can actively move;
  • the opportunity to bathe in an adult bath;
  • safety procedures.

Thanks to the circle, bathing turns not only into a special process, but also into a good pastime for the child.

When choosing a device, you must pay attention to the manufacturer. It is best that this company operates in the segment of goods for children.

Circle for bathing newborns since how many months

How many months can a newborn bathing circle be used? Due to the fact that it can be used for babies from 1.5 months to 2 years, when choosing it, pay attention to the notch for the chin, which has a different shape and size.

High-quality indicators include a long warranty period.

Before starting bathing, it is best for the two to wear a circle for the child. One of the parents holds the baby's tummy down, and the second, spreading the ends of the device wide, brings it to his neck and chin. Then connects the ends from the back and tightens the fasteners. The circle does not affect the duration of water procedures. For the first time, it is enough for the baby to swim for 5-7 minutes, because it can be tiring.

In an adult bath, you need to pour so much water so that the child does not reach his feet to the bottom. When he gets used to the circle, then his parents will be able to show all his positive aspects.

How to bathe a child in potassium permanganate

When bathing a newborn at home, it must be borne in mind that pathogens or harmful substances can enter the body through the umbilical wound. Previously, to prevent this process, pediatricians recommended boiling water, although this process is time-consuming. This is where antiseptic drugs come to the rescue.

Potassium permanganate for bathing newborns is used by many mothers, despite the fact that it is a chemical substance.

Potassium permanganate is sold in the form of crystals. If one of them is on wet skin, you can get a burn. The substance is very concentrated.

Potassium permanganate for bathing newborns

Before bathing, the permanganate powder is diluted in a separate container and, after complete dissolution, a little liquid is added to the bath for bathing the baby. It is forbidden to directly add crystals to water. After all, if they do not completely dissolve, then the child may get a burn.

There is the following procedure for preparing a means for bathing a newborn:

  • water is poured into a glass jar;
  • add 5-7 crystals of potassium permanganate;
  • stir until completely dissolved;
  • pour liquid into another dish, filtering through several layers of gauze;
  • a little solution is poured into the bathtub so that the water turns pale pink.

They bathe the child as usual, but make sure that the liquid does not get into the mouth or eyes. This is to prevent irritation.

Bathing a baby for more than 10 minutes is not worth it, because potassium permanganate leads to dry skin. As a result, you can get rid of prickly heat, rash and diaper rash.

Basic bathing rules

In order for the procedure to bring pleasure to the infant, separate recommendations must be observed. The first bathing of a newborn after the hospital can be carried out immediately if there are no various contraindications:

  1. It is only possible to immerse the child in water only when the navel heals. Otherwise, swimming is carried out very carefully.
  2. The first bathing session is 5-10 minutes, then it is increased to 15-20 minutes.
  3. For a relaxing and antiseptic effect, decoctions of herbs or a solution of potassium permanganate are added to the bath.
  4. Bathing water is taken from the tap. Many parents boil it to kill the bacteria present in it.
  5. Means for bathing newborns (foams, shampoos) are not used in the first months to avoid allergies. Before use, be sure to study their composition.
  6. Rubbing the skin with a washcloth or a rough sponge is not recommended, so as not to damage it.
  7. Bathing is carried out at certain times, it is best in the evening from 19 to 21 hours.
  8. It is not recommended to bathe the baby after feeding, this should be done no earlier than 2 hours after eating.
  9. Before bathing, mother should remove all jewelry on her fingers so as not to damage the skin of the child.
  10. If he is in a bad mood, then water procedures must be rescheduled the next day.
Means for bathing newborns

Observing the basic rules of the procedure, you can turn it into a process that pleases the baby.

What is necessary for swimming

Before starting water procedures, it is necessary to check the air temperature. The room should be comfortable.

It is best for the baby to bathe in a separate bath. But if it is not, then you can do this in general. However, parents should monitor its cleanliness.

The necessary devices and safe means for bathing newborns include:

  • thermometer to monitor the temperature of the water;
  • slide, bathing mattress and more;
  • rinse bucket;
  • soft towel;
  • baby cream;
  • talcum powder;
  • diapers;
  • napkins.
Decoctions of herbs for bathing newborns

In order not to be distracted while swimming, parents need to prepare all this before starting the procedure.

Water temperature for water treatments

Everything necessary for swimming needs to be prepared in advance. The main thing is the comfort of the child throughout the procedure. The skin of the baby is delicate and sensitive, so it acutely senses all the differences in water temperature. If it is too hot or cold, then this can lead to negative consequences for the health of the baby. Here, young parents should not be mistaken.

Hot water for bathing a newborn baby is capable of:

  • steam the skin, and therefore, bacteria can enter the body through the open pores;
  • lead to overheating;
  • create an additional burden on the heart;

Therefore, the water should not be too hot. This will negatively affect the baby’s health.

Why water should not be cool

This water temperature can lead to:

  • hypothermia of the child's body;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • a cold
  • decreased immunity.

The optimal temperature for bathing a newborn baby is 35-36 degrees, it is not recommended to exceed 38-38.5.

Depending on the season, bathing has some differences. In winter, water treatments are carried out once a day. There should be no drafts in the bathing room.

Water for bathing a newborn baby

In the summer, you can bathe your child several times a day, especially in hot weather.

Experts recommend wrapping him in a diaper when he bathes the newborn after the hospital, so that he is comfortable and not stressed.

How to determine the temperature of bathing water

Before water procedures, measure the water temperature with a thermometer. If it is absent, then you can use this method. Mom needs to immerse an elbow in water. If, in her opinion, the water is neither cold nor hot, then you can bathe the baby in it. The skin on the elbow is much more sensitive than on the fingers.

When can hardening begin?

Many parents are sure that the hardening procedure can be carried out starting from the first months of the baby’s life, because it strengthens the immune system and forms the process of thermoregulation. However, this should be done carefully so as not to harm the baby's health.

The temperature of the bathing water is gradually reduced by 1-2 degrees. So the baby will not feel stress and have time to get used to it. In the room where the bathing takes place, it must be very warm so that the child does not get too cold.


Bathing a child is an important process in his life. Parents should use safe means for bathing the newborn, as well as create favorable conditions for water procedures.


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