Non-spill drinker: features, types, manufacturers and reviews

The kid is constantly and steadily growing, while he is developing not only physically, but also psychologically. Especially quickly change his habits and actions. Every day the child tries to perform a greater number of independent actions. He tries everything by touch. Refuses nipples. There comes a certain moment in his development when he wants to start eating on his own. Moms are simply in shock, because they have to change their crumbs after each meal.

A modern manufacturer offers special sip-drinkers to help parents.

water spill

Such children's devices are intended to teach the baby to tilt the vessel with the liquid so that it arrives in the right amount. Parents and children are always on the move, which is why they simply need a drinker. Such utensils are especially relevant on the road or on a walk. Thanks to her, you can drink the baby without fear that he will spill his drink on himself or surrounding objects.

When does a baby need a non-spill drinker?

Most parents, especially those with the first baby, ask questions of the following plan:

  • When should a drinker be introduced?
  • How to choose a safe and convenient option?
  • What is such an accessory?

It is worth noting that there are no clear-cut clear answers to some of these questions. No one can say for sure when the baby wants to drink from a drinker on his own. Some children, almost from birth, strive for greater independence, and they succeed. And some people drink from a bottle with a pacifier for a very long time and refuse to eat without the help of their mother. Parents must independently determine when it is time for their child to wean from the nipple. Experts recommend offering babies drinkers from six months old. Gradually appreciating the convenience of such dishes, they themselves will ask to drink from just such a cup.

Design features

Children's drinking bowl-spill is a special kind of cup. Such dishes are reassigned to teach the baby to drink independently. To do this, the non-spill drinker with handles is equipped with a special lid, in the design of which there is a tube or a special nozzle that allows liquid to enter the childโ€™s mouth gradually and in a small amount, without spilling.

Features of choice

When buying such an accessory, it is worth considering some nuances and features so that the baby in the future will use such a mug, and not abandon it.

  • The shape of the drinker should be as comfortable as possible for the children's pen. The most attractive circles are narrowed a little in the center.
  • It is worth giving preference to utensils, which are made of high-quality, durable and fairly lightweight material. Better to buy transparent models. They allow you to track the level of fluid in the tank. Today the most common drinkers made of polymers.
  • The design of the accessory should allow for easy assembly and disassembly. This will allow you to quickly wash the bowl from the remnants of the liquid so that mold does not form inside.
  • To prevent the baby from damaging its teeth or gums, for very small ones, a non-spill drinker with a soft nose is best. It can be made of silicone or any soft material.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the bottom of the circle. It should not be too slippery, otherwise the baby will constantly throw him off the table.
  • It is better to buy mugs that have protective caps for the nose. They will prevent contamination of dishes.
  • It is worth paying attention also to the volume. You donโ€™t need to buy large drinkers, as the babyโ€™s handles are still quite weak, and he will drop heavy large models, and soon will completely refuse to use them.
  • The edges of the mug without a lid should be even and smooth, which will make it possible to use such a drinker as an ordinary dish.
  • Children prefer a bright and cheerful design. Therefore, it is very important to choose the color of the mug in accordance with the taste of your own child.

canpol spill cup

Types of drinkers

Modern production offers its customers various options for such an accessory as a non-spill drinker. The choice is more dependent on the needs of a particular family.

The main types of drinkers

  • Training drinkers are offered for the smallest children. Such mugs can begin to be offered to a child from the age of three months. A distinctive feature of this type of children's dishes is the versatility of methods of use. Such a drinker can be used both as a bottle and as a cup and drinker.

non-spill cup

  • Non-spill drinkers. This is a very convenient option, since the child can tilt such a mug in any way, and the liquid will not pour out of it anyway.

soft spout

  • Thermo drinkers. Such spills are relevant for long trips or walks. Due to the rather thick walls of a special type of materials, the container can maintain the temperature of the liquid for a long time.

drinker shed reviews

  • For children who have crossed the age limit in a year, a non-spill drinker with a straw is perfect .

Siping cup with handles

As can be seen from the description, the choice of such a convenient baby liquid container largely depends on the functions that will be assigned to it. When choosing, it is always worth remembering that a baby even at this age has its own preferences and tastes. Sometimes it happens that the baby refuses to use spills just because he simply did not like the color or shape of the dishes. It is good that today's production offers its consumers not only a wide selection of drinking bowls of various colors, but also various forms of any of its elements.

Popular manufacturers

The modern world of children's accessories is diverse and saturated with goods of various brands. When choosing a product for your baby, you should give preference to those manufacturers who use exclusively natural materials to make their goods. When choosing an accessory such as a watering can, the feedback from experienced parents also plays a significant role in acquiring a quality model. It is also worth considering the individual needs of your child.

The rating of the most popular sippers-sheds by producers is compiled according to the reviews of mothers and is presented in the material further.

Thermostatic glasses from the Fissman company

The greatest number of positive reviews was received by their non-spill drinking bowl, which is made of high-quality metal with steel elements. This mug is very light and comfortable, has an attractive and interesting design. And the silicone handles give the baby the opportunity to confidently hold the thermostat in their tiny hands. Drinking is convenient and easy. The entire line of non-spill mugs from this manufacturer is in great demand among parents and kids like it.

Baby Confort and Philips

For the first training, the best-spill mug from Baby Confort is most suitable. These products are distinguished by bright colorful design and convenient design design. Due to the presence of a valve in each model, the baby does not smear itself and does not stain surrounding objects.

And Philips filers differ in their shapes. They resemble adult cups as much as possible. When drinking, the baby will be able to capture the large edge of the mug, which is very convenient.

Canpol spillless drinker

Accessories of this company are equipped with silicone tubes, which are removed if necessary. Very often, the products of this company are used in the process of weaning the crumbs from the bottle and dummy.

Company Control Lovi

The Control Lovi childโ€™s anti-spill cup is equipped with a special protective coating on the inside. The task is to minimize the development of bacteria inside. Such mugs resemble adult cups, so the baby quickly learns to drink on their own.

cup drinker

As already noted, the ranking of manufacturers of children's drinking bowls-spills compiled according to reviews of parents who use such products. And this is perhaps the best criterion for selection.


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