Thermomix - what is it? Thermomix: reviews

Modern technologies help not only to feel like a goddess in the kitchen, but also significantly reduce the cost of acquiring various kinds of equipment. Agree, it’s difficult for a woman to do without a blender, a food processor, a meat grinder. Also, the presence of a microwave, a slow cooker, scales, a bread machine, deep fat fryer and other kitchen appliances does not hurt.

The acquisition of a number of small and large household appliances for the kitchen carries huge costs, in addition, in some apartments it is very difficult to place this entire arsenal, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

What to do in this case? Take advantage of the innovative development and purchase a thermomix! What is it, you ask? You can find out just about this in the material of our article.

thermomix what is it

Thermomix - an assistant for young and experienced housewives

Thermomix - what is it? It is difficult to say in one word. This is a universal multifunctional device that can replace a number of kitchen appliances, namely:

  • Electric scales.
  • Home electric mill for any grain.
  • Churn.
  • Double boiler.
  • Pressure cooker.
  • Sokovarku.
  • Egg cooker.
  • The pan.
  • To the pan.
  • Deep fryer.
  • Electric stove.
  • Electric tea pot. It is also possible to brew the so-called elite tea, for the disclosure of the flavor bouquet of which certain conditions are necessary.
  • Coffee maker: custard coffee, cappuccino.
  • Coffee grinder: coffee bean, seasoning.
  • Water bath: medicines, herbs (also involved in cooking and baby food).
  • Yogurt maker (yogurt with live bacteria stays for 3-4 days).
  • Juice chopper (fruits, vegetables, berries).
  • Mixer.
  • Blender
  • Meat grinder.
  • Food processor.
  • Mixer operator for different technology of kneading.
  • Bread maker: steamed buns, french baguettes and much more (also used for making jam and jam).
  • Ice cream maker.
  • Frapper (for crushing ice crumbs, as well as for making homemade cocktails).

thermomix recipes

You still do not understand what you get by purchasing a thermomix?

What it is? This device, the purchase of which will open in your kitchen 12 multifunctional mini-factories:

  1. Meat processing: carbonates, pastes, sausages, etc.
  2. Creamery for the production of butter, mayonnaise and other sauces.
  3. Dairy for the manufacture of ice cream, yogurt, curds and casseroles.
  4. Combine for the production of minced meat, semi-finished products, dough (and, using thermomix, you get the dough in a professional bakery, only from homemade products, which is good news).
  5. Home confectionery: eclairs, cookies, rolls, pastries, cakes.
  6. Flour mill: flour, cereals, bran.
  7. Bakery: pasta, noodles, bread.
  8. Soft drinks factory.
  9. Distillery: liquors, mulled wine, punches, cocktails.
  10. Baby food factory for the entire diet of the baby.
  11. Canning plant: home-made preparations of all kinds, as well as the separation of seeds from pulp.
  12. As a bonus, a beauty cosmetic factory for creating natural creams and masks.

If you have ever used an ordinary multicooker, then you probably could estimate the time savings on cooking. Now imagine how much this multifunctional kitchen robot thermomix can give, the price of which is several times less than all of the 25 pieces of equipment listed above. On average, its value ranges from 39 thousand rubles. up to 57 thousand rubles. depending on the model.

thermomix reviews

What can be cooked in a thermomix

With this device you can cook everything. Of course, there are some exceptions, especially when it comes to delicate work, for example, making sushi at home. But this, as they say, is a drop in the ocean and, given all the advantages of a mobile kitchen, you can easily turn a blind eye to it.

Where to get recipes for cooking

Each set has a basic recipe book for a kitchenette. In this miraculous invention, you can create real masterpieces, you can steam, bake, beat, stew using various recipes. Thermomix will inspire you to experiment, because with such a chef you will be able to do everything. Thermomix is ​​a real friend and helper in the kitchen!

thermomix reviews negative

Some advantages and zero disadvantages

In addition to the advantages described above in the form of significant savings in kitchen space and the benefits of acquiring fewer household appliances, the following can be distinguished:

  • Thermomix daily frees a woman from routine and tedious work in the kitchen.
  • Due to its ease of use, it is attractive to men. Now everyone can prove himself effortlessly as a virtuoso chef.
  • Mini-kitchen "Thermomix" allows children to cook their own food, while the cooking process is as simple and safe as possible.

Reviews of real people

For beginner housewives, it can sometimes be difficult to master the preparation of certain dishes, in this case, a mobile kitchenette is a great option. And her name is thermomix. Reviews of people are proof of this.

According to many housewives, this is an excellent household appliance, which in a sense replaces women in everyday kitchen work. This kitchenette is really inspiring to prepare new dishes, uplifting.

Another caveat: thermomix practically does not receive negative reviews, as, in principle, analogues. Of course, each housewife has her own requirements for a particular technique, and it is certain that all women will not be able to win 100 percent recognition of this mini-kitchen. But we can confidently say one thing: thermomix is ​​an excellent assistant who will help out in most cases both a beginner and an experienced hostess.

Strange, but many still do not know about such a device as a thermomix. What is it, learn on the forums or from friends. At the same time, already a sufficient number of women use this development in everyday life.

Thermomix: negative reviews

There are two nuances that sometimes scare buyers a little:

  • The first is the price category. But if, again, we consider the mass of equipment that it replaces, then its cost is more than justified.
  • The second - for some women it is not immediately possible to cook some recipes. Thermomix really requires a habit of self. But when you get used to it, you will be able to cook not only familiar dishes, but also those that you could not even dream of before.

thermomix Price

Subtleties and nuances

And finally, we’ll tell you about some of the intricacies of using a home kitchenette.

Thermomix cleans itself with minor impurities. Cleaning is due to the reverse operation. Therefore, it is enough to pour hot water into the mixing bowl and add a drop of detergent, then turn it on at 5-6 speed and work, turning on / off the reverse.

If the pollution is serious enough, you can always remove the main bowl, the lid and, if the model provides, a nozzle for steam treatment, wash them with your hands or in the dishwasher.

In no case do not wash the knives in the dishwasher in order to avoid quick wear of the gaskets between them.

Adding some seasonings, such as curry and turmeric, can stain the plastic parts of the thermomix, so they must be washed well with detergent immediately after use.

thermomix dough

You will believe that in the kitchen you can relax while working for yourself at the same time.


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