Danilovskoe cemetery: how to get there? Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit at Danilovsky Cemetery

Danilovskoe cemetery is located in the southern administrative district of Moscow. It was discovered in 1771. At some distance is the Danilov Muslim Cemetery. How to get to it, many residents and guests of the capital are interested. It is worth noting that in the XVIII century, many metropolitan cemeteries appeared, as the plague raged. Nearby was a village called Danilovskoye. In honor of him, the cemetery got its name. Here, only merchants, tradesmen and artisans were buried mainly.

Graves of famous patrons

In particular, the Tretyakov merchants Sergey and Pavel found their last refuge here. As you know, they opened a gallery named after their last name.

Danilovskoe cemetery how to get there
January 10, 1948 there was a reburial of the ashes of both the Tretyakovs and the wife of Paul - Faith. Their remains were transferred to the Novodevichy cemetery. And the graves of the father and mother of the Tretyakovs remained in place. More precisely, only one thing is known - that their monument is currently intact. And whether the remains are still underground, no one knows. Danilovskoe cemetery keeps many secrets. How to get to it is known to everyone who has relatives buried here. There are always a lot of people here.

Graves of the little Tretyakov

At a certain distance from the grave of father and mother, in the very center of the Danilovsky cemetery, there is another burial ground of the Tretyakovs. Not far from the St. Nicholas Chapel is an unremarkable monument - a small pink granite column. There lie the remains of the sister and brothers of famous patrons; they died when they were still children, in 1848, at the height of the scarlet fever epidemic. Their names are Alexandra, Nikolai, Daniel and Michael. They were not allowed to live to adulthood. Many graves were replenished during the epidemic Danilovskoe cemetery. How to get to him, learned hundreds of people who have lost their loved ones.

Graves of clerics

In addition, Metropolitan Nechaev (Pitirim) was buried in the cemetery, as well as the famous metropolitan saint - Matron. Pilgrims regularly come to her grave.

Moscow Danilovskoe cemetery how to get there
In 1998, the remains of the blessed were sent to the Intercession Monastery. But people didn’t stop reaching for the cemetery. Pilgrimages are also made to the graves of Aristocles (hieroschimonhos from Athos) and his ward Isaiah. In general, several dozens of people who have dedicated their lives to God are buried in the cemetery.

Temple at Danilovsky Cemetery

The church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit is located in the cemetery. It was built with the money of a merchant named Logg. In 1832, F. M. Shestakov, an academician of architecture, realized his own project by erecting a new rectangular cathedral with an altar ledge, and soon it was illuminated.

Danilovskoe Muslim cemetery how to get there
The church, made in the Empire style, is decorated with great restraint, there are chapels of the venerable Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary, the princes Alexander Nevsky and Daniel of Moscow, the martyrs Efrem, Eugene, Elpidius, Basil, Kapiton, Epherius, as well as Agathodor. Here is such a wonderful architectural monument famous Danilovskoe cemetery. You can find out how to get to it from the parishioners of this church.

Some changes in the appearance of the temple, its transfer to renovationists

At the dawn of the twentieth century, the cathedral underwent some changes - a large extension was added on the south side. Interestingly, this pretty single-headed, rectangular, with a sphere-shaped dome, round rotunda and a two-story bell tower, the church did not suffer from the Bolsheviks. It was not abolished, the bells were not dropped, but in the 30s of the twentieth century, it went to the Renovationists for a short time. It was a sad period in the history of the church. But even then, many people flocked to the Danilovskoye cemetery every day. How to get there, an increasing number of pilgrims recognized.

Return to the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church, the temple today

In 1944, the cathedral again passed into the possession of the Russian Orthodox Church, namely, the metropolitan patriarchate.

temple at Danilovsky cemetery
From the Simonov Monastery that had ceased to function, shrines were handed over to the church: the icons of the Mother of God “Skorokoslushnitsa”, which are especially respected among pious people, as well as Iverskaya, the image of Seraphim of Sarov and the chest with relics.

Today, services are held in the cathedral, in addition, you can always visit the library and Sunday school.

How to get to Danilovsky cemetery

One of the interesting places with history, which is famous for Moscow - Danilovskoe cemetery. How to get there? You can get there by metro, get out at Tulskaya station. Trams No. 1 and No. 8 also go to the cemetery.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21468/

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