Gas boilers "Daewoo": models, specifications, instructions and reviews

Gas heating equipment is the most profitable in terms of operational investments. Natural fuels are much cheaper than electricity and easier to accumulate than solid combustible materials. Small heating boilers can be used in an apartment or in a private house. They differ in modest size, convenient control and noiseless operation. In a wide range of this segment, gas boilers "Daewoo" occupy far from the first positions. These products are more likely to belong to the middle class, which means a relatively affordable cost, acceptable quality and certain technological innovations.

The device of gas boilers

gas boilers daewoo

The manufacturer produces gas boilers in the format of the so-called boilers. These are units whose function is performed in the process of heating water circulating along the contours. Basically, Daewoo wall-mounted gas boilers are presented on the market, which take up little space and at the same time do not constrain the owner in the possibilities of laying contour heating networks of the room.

The design is formed by several component groups. The basics are a gas burner that then transfers energy to the heat exchanger. The latter is interfaced with circulation pumps - two or one. Workflow is underway on this infrastructure. However, measuring instruments in the form of a thermostat, a manometer and a thermometer are also provided for monitoring and control. These devices allow using a gas boiler with optimal heat transfer. The price of equipment varies on average from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. Again, these are average price measures that determine the corresponding quality of the units.

Key Features of Daewoo Boilers

gas boiler daewoo

The key parameter in choosing a boiler is power. Typical models from the Daewoo range for domestic use operate with potentials of 20–25 kW. Thermal power varies in the same interval and can reach 30 kW. These data are characteristic for models designed for operation for private needs. Productivity to a large extent depends on gas consumption. In standard representatives of the family, it is approximately 2.5-3 m 3 / h. As for the design, the Daewoo gas boilers are small in size, which allows installation even in a small kitchen. Do not forget that these are mainly wall-mounted units that practically do not occupy the housewife's working space. Another thing is that experts recommend evaluating the possibility of a chimney. The diameter of the channel varies from 100 to 120 mm on average.

Reviews about the model DGB-160 MSC

gas boiler Price

Models of the DGB line are suitable for operation in the engineering structure of private houses and apartments. According to users, the option for 160 MSC may become optimal for the needs of an average family, the power potential of which reaches 18.6 kW. Practice shows that this power is enough for hot water supply and heating function. Another thing is that the achievement of high efficiency in different modes is possible only if the quality of installation and proper use of the control system. Those using the Daewoo gas boiler in this modification also point to an improved safety system. For example, the developers have optimized the stabilization system when supplying gas. At the same time, there was an improvement in ergonomics. The heating process is performed in an accelerated mode, which saves time for cooking and bringing to the required air temperature.

Reviews on the boiler DGB-160 MES

gas boiler daewoo spare parts

A similar version of the gas boiler is similar in general characteristics, but the MES series has its own characteristics that users highlight. This modification has significantly improved control system. For example, one can note the presence of a weekly programmer of operating modes, the autonomy of the control panel, as well as a simplified connection to the chimney. In other words, the design of the model saves space for loop integration and maintains high control reliability. In addition, gas boilers "Daewoo" in this series, according to the owners, are favorably distinguished by the presence of an integrated pulse power supply stabilization module SMPS. Together with the durable materials of the technical components of this version, the latest control systems make it almost ideal for private needs. True, you still have to forget about high power. This option is good primarily for environmental friendliness, safety and ergonomics.

Feedback on the DWB-201 GOM

wall mounted gas boilers daewoo

If the previous models are guided by the common requirements of the average owner of a small house or apartment, then this option is usually used by private owners who require more powerful equipment. According to the manufacturer’s calculations, the Daewoo gas boiler in the 201 GOM version is capable of serving an area of ​​up to 250 m 2 . And the opinions of most cottage users confirm this. Along with this, a quality assembly based on a modern elemental base is noted.

Compared to traditional boilers equipped with a combustion chamber, this option is also advantageous for the lower placement of the turbine. The fact is that the gas boilers "Daewoo" in the latest versions create an adjustable air boost, which increases the efficiency of operation. To this, users add the advantages of electronic ignition, eliminating the routine of the operator.

User's manual

During the use of equipment, the user will have to deal with several groups of parameters. In the future, it will be possible to fully rely on automation, but the first time the boiler needs to be tested according to operating modes for compliance with specific needs. So, initially it is necessary to determine the heating modes by indicating the temperature limits through the control display. The same applies to the regime of water supply, but in this part the volumes of the heat carrier along the circuits that serve the Daewoo gas boilers are also determined. The instruction notes that the protection of equipment from freezing in automatic mode will only work when switching to the appropriate mode. This nuance is taken into account when performance indicators are rearranged from winter to summer format of use and vice versa.

dual-circuit gas boiler

Maintenance Instructions

Again, the user will be required to carefully work with setting up automatic functions. For example, most gas-fired Korean boilers support options for air removal, tank disinfection, troubleshooting, etc. As for physical maintenance, it is important to prepare for some repair operations, which the Daewoo gas boiler can undergo at home. Spare parts are supplied separately - a typical list of the main components includes heat exchangers, expansion tanks, fans, pipes, pipes and accessories for the contour infrastructure.

It is important to note that regular maintenance can significantly increase the cost of maintaining equipment. It depends on the gas consumed, and on the use of new consumables with accessories. For example, a gas boiler, the price of which is no more than 20 thousand, on average every six months requires an investment of up to 2-3 thousand for updating pipes with fittings.


gas boilers Daewoo instruction

Judging by user reviews, the Korean manufacturer offers generally reliable, technologically advanced and user-friendly boiler models. It is worth emphasizing balanced performance. Already in medium-sized modifications, the gas-fired double-circuit gas boiler “Daewoo” is able to cope with the needs of a modern cottage. Of course, it makes no sense to serve a small apartment with such an aggregate. To solve such problems, it is worth taking a closer look at the MES and MSC lines, in which low-power, but safe and functional boilers are presented.


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