How to make a parachute for children's games?

Parachuting is now publicly available, and parachuting is very popular. In this sporting discipline, the equipped person “drops out” of an airplane or other aircraft and, being in free fall, makes acrobatic movements under the dome, and then lands on the ground. It takes quite a bit of time to jump from a height of 4000 meters - only 60 seconds, while the fall speed is on average 50-60 meters per second.

parachute wing

We have been thinking about how to make a parachute since ancient times.

Translated from French, the word "parachute" means: a pair - against, a sewing - to fall. That is, it is a device for braking during a fall. Based on the story, the first inventor of the parachute was Leonardo da Vinci, in his manuscript of the mid-15th century he mentioned the descent from above using a starched “tent”. Later, at the beginning of the XVII century, another Italian scientist Veranchino described in detail the design of a similar apparatus, the size of the sail of which was directly related to the weight of a person. Parachutes are more widely used already in the XVIII century, after the spread of flying in balloons.

Parachute wing

Parachutes have an elliptical or rectangular dome. The type of parachute - “wing” - is one of the forms that is most common. In this type, unlike round ones, the slings are distributed evenly throughout the dome, and not just along the contour. The following design features are available: tilt and wing shape. Download is determined by the pilot himself. Knowledgeable people precisely for all these features of the parachute immediately determine how it will fly. Specialists are constantly working on how to make the parachute more functional and easier to use. The shape of the wing is determined by the profile (the ratio of the height of the wing to the chord) and elongation (the ratio of the span to the chord). It is understood that the chord is the distance between the trailing and leading edges, and the span is the width from one side edge to the other.

The easiest way to make a parachute for a child to play

If your little son is dreaming of the sky and is very interested in everything related to aircraft, it is worthwhile to make the simplest model of a parachute with him.


For work, you need a dense cellophane or paper bag, a dense thread, an iron ring, scissors.

  1. Cut a circle with a diameter of 35-40 centimeters from the bag.
    how to make a parachute
  2. Make small holes with a diameter of about 0.3-0.5 cm, departing from the edge by 0.7-1 cm. The number is from 4 to 6, the main thing is that they are located evenly along the edge of the circle.
    how to make a parachute
  3. Measure the lengths of the threads 30-35 centimeters long by the number of holes in the future parachute.
  4. Fasten the threads by threading through the holes in the cut circle and tying them into knots.
    how to make a parachute
  5. Tie the other ends of the threads to the iron ring. We got the so-called slings. Instead of a ring, you can attach a small saucer or a box in which toys are placed - future "paratroopers". It is important that the item has some weight for a successful flight.
    how to make a parachute

The parachute is ready - you can launch it with the baby on the first flight!

Having learned how to make a parachute in the easiest way, you may be interested in your son creating a more perfect model.


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