American science fiction writer Bryn David: biography, creativity and reviews of the works. Star Tide Book by David Brin

Bryn David is a contemporary famous American science fiction writer who has become famous for the cycle of his works called The Exalted Saga. This series of books brought him world fame and a number of prestigious literary awards. Currently, he is one of the most sought-after authors, as evidenced by the use of the plot lines of his novels in computer games and a special encyclopedia.

war for exaltation david brin

short biography

Bryn David was born in California in 1950. His descendants came from a Jewish immigrant family. He graduated from a local university with a degree in applied physics. Subsequently, the future famous writer received a master's degree and became a candidate of science in space technology. In 1980, he published his first work, Leap in the Sun, which marked the beginning of his literary career. In addition to writing, Bryn David writes analytical articles on works and films that he publishes on his website. In addition, he takes an active part in online discussions, and also became the compiler of the book on the impact of the famous Star Wars franchise on the development of the fantasy genre.

david brin exaltation saga

First success

The author’s first novel was very warmly received by the public. At this time, the readership was extremely interested in works of this kind. The book tells about the journey of a spaceship to the sun in order to explore its outer shell. According to the author’s fantastic concept, people wanted to learn about the existence of space civilizations and, if possible, rise to a higher level of development. Bryn David in this work outlined the main theme and idea that he later adhered to in his more famous novels: the confrontation between people and the galaxy with epic descriptions of interplanetary battles and eerie intrigues. Reader reviews regarding this first literary experience of the author as a whole are very positive, although some point to holes in the plot and not very successful use of the detective line in the work.

star tide david brin

Peak of popularity

One of the most famous science fiction books of the second half of the 20th century was Star Tide. David Brin wrote it in 1983, and she immediately made a splash among the reading public, and also won three prestigious literary prizes at once. This time, the novel tells how a spaceship from Earth accidentally stumbles upon an abandoned fleet, which, according to the author’s fantastic concept, belonged to some intelligent galactic race. After some time, people are subjected to severe persecution, and the planet on which they landed turned out to be full of strange puzzles. In this essay, the writer first introduced the concept of "exaltation", which meant mastering the mind of creatures with the help of his leaders - patrons.

Features and reviews

The most famous novel in the series of works of the writer is "Star Tide." David Brin carefully thought out the plot and worked through all the parts of the composition of his new composition. The author invented the existence of several races that people have to face in the process of struggle. Readers liked this novel for the amazing and at the same time terrible world that the author presented on the pages of his book. They note that the writer managed to create ambiguous, controversial heroes and convincingly show this psychology. Many liked the dynamic plot, which compares favorably with the somewhat protracted narrative of the first novel.

brin david

Final part

David Brin, whose “Exalted Saga” has become a true bestseller, continued his famous series with the publication of the third, final part, which is dedicated to the war between the old and young races. According to the author’s fantastic concept, the cosmic races were dissatisfied with the development of people and tried to stop their further evolution. This time the struggle is for the fleet of the original race, which is equally valuable for both sides. The author introduces new groups of planet inhabitants: bird-like creatures and chimpanzees. The latter are allies of the people, and the former, on the contrary, are fighting against them.

So, the famous cycle ends with the “War for the Exaltation”. David Brin received positive reviews for her. Many liked the author’s new idea that humanity realized the responsibility for the existence of intelligent races, as well as for the uniqueness of the inhabitants of the Earth. Some readers noted a successful storyline related to diplomacy, which is described interestingly.

david brin exaltation


After some time, the author returned to the popular trilogy and wrote new works in the same spirit, but he was not able to repeat the success of the original cycle. Nevertheless, it is necessary to mention these books, as they are part of this fantastic universe. David Brin, “The Exaltation” of which became one of the most iconic works in the genre of science fiction, wrote three new novels and a separate story.

The first work in the new cycle is called “Reef of Brightness”, it tells about the fantastic story of the coexistence of refugees, representatives of several races, on a desert planet. According to readers, the composition turned out to be quite interesting, despite the fact that at the very beginning the author pays too much attention to detailed information regarding the space and time of what is happening. Another book of the new trilogy is called “Coast of Infinity,” and it tells about the continuation of the struggle of people for the right to exist in the fictional author's community of five galaxies.

david brin books

Place in culture

David Brin, whose books are still very popular with the modern reader, created an unusual cosmic world, which in many respects resembles the similar fantastic universes that were created on the screens of the 1980s. It is no coincidence that his first sensational works came out just at the very time when the public was extremely interested in stories of this kind. This happened largely due to the appearance of such famous paintings as Star Wars and Star Trek. Therefore, the writer's writings fell to the taste of the then reader, who saw in them a kind of reference to his favorite subjects.

At the same time, his works are distinguished by a more complex plot. The composition of the story often makes the reader reflect on the meaning of the story. His novels are not so easy and easy to read, as mentioned films. The world created by science fiction is more diverse, and this maintains an interest in his works today.


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