Red arrow (tomato): variety description and cultivation features

Red arrow - a tomato with oval-round fruits of a bright red color. Ideal for salting, and salads from fresh vegetables, it gives a special aroma and vivid taste. Hybrid varieties of tomatoes with such characteristics have always been liked by customers, so they deserve special popularity. The red arrow is a tomato of a new breeding form, which has absorbed the best qualities from tomato parents.

Red arrow: grade description

Tomatoes of a semi-determinant early ripe type. The average development period (before the first harvest) is 105 days. This variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and outdoors. Depending on the technology of growing in height, a tomato can reach from 1 to 1.5 meters. Breeders managed to develop a variety that is highly resistant to the group of major diseases, and this is tomato Red arrow f1. Reviews about him on the Internet are common, and almost all of them are positive. It is believed that this variety is practically devoid of flaws.

Red arrow tomato

The red arrow is a tomato that does not form a stem. The fruits are round-elongated, the skin is thin, but at the same time strong. During ripening, a small spot appears on the skin (at the base), which gradually disappears. Inside, as well as outside, there are red tomatoes, light pronounced fibers are absent. In small narrow semi-dry chambers of the fetus - a small amount of small seeds. The average weight of one tomato is 65-80 g, the maximum - 125 g.

Red arrow - tomato, characterized by medium transportability. Such a product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 40 days.

Where did the red arrow tomatoes come from? Additional Information

The appearance of this hybrid tomato variety is a merit of Russian breeders.

Tomato red arrow f1 reviews

The growing regions include:

  • Middle Urals.
  • Siberia.
  • European part of Russia.

This tomato variety is designed for cultivation in risky farming areas.

Red Arrow: Productivity

From one bush it is possible to collect up to 4 kg of tomatoes. Planting at home 1 square meter of tomatoes Red Arrow, you will be provided with a crop for conservation with a total weight of 27 kilograms.

tomatoes red arrow reviews

Method of use

This is a universal hybrid. Tomato variety Red Arrow is great for preservation and pickling. Tomatoes retain their taste during heat treatment and are in good harmony with other salad vegetables.

The fruits of this variety are ideal for making pasta from tomatoes. Some summer residents are experimenting and even trying to make jam from tomatoes of this kind, because their characteristics contribute to this: thin skin and a small number of seeds are almost not felt in the texture of jam or pasta. Taste qualities of tomatoes Red arrow contribute to the creation of an ideal culinary masterpiece.

Advantages and features of the variety

The advantages of tomatoes of this variety include:

  1. Friendly return on the crop.
  2. Versatility in use.
  3. High disease resistance.
  4. Endurance.

The disadvantages of this tomato variety are rarely spoken about. In general, we can say that these plants do not have them. That is why there is such a demand for tomato Red arrow f1. Reviews gardeners confirm this.

Tomatoes feel comfortable in shaded conditions, so they are often used to seal plantings of tall varieties.

Tomato variety red arrow

Tomato Growing Recommendations

It is better to grow hybrid varieties through seedlings, planting in the soil after 5-6 weeks. Plant seedlings according to the scheme - 6 bushes per 1 m 2 . The red arrow does not require pinching.

Do not forget to fertilize (organic) and regularly water the tomatoes. These simple rules will help to improve the quality of the fruit and maintain high yields.

Disease and pest resistance

The new hybrid tomato variety is virtually unaffected by disease. To exclude the possibility of infection of the plantation with infection, it is necessary to systematically carry out preventive measures. It is appropriate to use copper-containing agents 2 times for the entire season.

An increasing percentage of ordinary summer residents choose tomatoes Red Arrow. Customer reviews suggest that tomatoes of this variety have established themselves as a valuable crop in the garden. Plants are unpretentious, do not require constant care, and yield a good harvest. Features of tomatoes and valuable qualities form the level of demand for seeds, which are easy to purchase in any garden store.


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