RYSE: Son of Rome review on PC

Fans of spending their free time at a computer or game console often have to deal with one global problem - the choice of a quality game. Indeed, it is very difficult to choose an interesting and exciting project: either the graphics are not beautiful enough, the plot is too simple, or the quests are incomprehensible. To make sure that a new game is suitable for you in all respects, it’s worth studying its small review. Ryse: Son of Rome is one of the most interesting historical sagas that can impress both in technical specifications and in its schedule.

Review Ryse: Son of Rome
But about everything in more detail.

About the game

To begin with, we note that the game has been on the Net for a long time, because it has almost turned a whole year. Critics and the developers themselves attribute this project to the slasher genre, and you can play this game from different platforms, from PC to PC. At the same time, Ryse: Son of Rome was previously positioned for the next-generation Xbox One console. The developers themselves - Crytek - are professionals in their field. They made the game worthy of being advertised on large venues. The creators themselves are not showing their projects for the first time. One of the most outstanding and previously released games can be considered a shooter Crysis, but still today we will pay attention to the project "Rice". To understand that the saga about the Roman Empire is worthy of attention, it is enough to study this review.

game review Ryse: Son of Rome

Ryse: Son of Rome is an epic saga, the main component of which are military exploits and battles.

The plot is based on the threat of the disappearance of an entire empire, and only true defenders are ready to take the side of an entire civilization and save it from collapse. Too many barbarians to win will have to work hard.

Beginning of the game and plot plot

Whatever the game, it has a beginning, has its own background, which can also be reviewed. Ryse: Son of Rome begins with the siege of the whole of Rome by the bloodthirsty barbarians. A participant becomes a praetorian in the game - this is the defense commander. Your commander’s situation is deplorable: the walls collapse, the fortifications ceased to fulfill their function. The commander’s task is to protect the emperor and the population, but whatever the Praetorian does leads to the emergence of terrible memories from the past, which usually give rise to a desire to avenge the death of a loved one. In general, the entire storyline is based on such memories.

Ryse: Son of Rome review on pc
But there is something else in this game, and therefore you should definitely study its review. Ryse: Son of Rome has its advantages and disadvantages, and, unfortunately, the gameplay is not the most impressive part.

Minimum goals, maximum enemies

What is not very happy in this game is the gameplay. A narrow-line corridor slasher with a typology of tasks can quickly bore a participant. The thing is that, in addition to the constant destruction of the opponent, there is nothing else to do here. For example, some kind of location is given: the task will consist only in the destruction of all enemies in a given territory. Only their number and power will change. That is why the goal in the game is not the most outstanding - just kill the barbarians who want to capture the empire. Not everyone will like it. But what can especially please if you carefully study the review of the game? Ryse: Son of Rome is a unique project, and the plot with its locations is the only nuance. Stunning graphics outweigh the scales. Here, the artists showed the highest level of their professionalism and knowledge of the matter.

Ryse: Son of Rome review in Russian
Every detail, every little detail is worked out so that, in principle, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a picture from a video report from the scene. The effect of presence here is fully developed: everything is realistic and believable.

"Cinematic" effect - the key to success of the game

It’s worthwhile to dwell on the chart in more detail, because, in fact, this is the main advantage, which conquered hundreds of thousands of participants. Firstly, the graphics are hyper-realistic. The drawn details are a big plus, but there is a second point - this is emotionality. Imagine a sharp sword of a character piercing the body of an enemy, and he experiences unthinkable pain and falls to the ground. The peculiarity of the game is that it pays attention to emotions. The participant will see how the pain reflects on the face of the barbarian, how he regrets that he has come to the battle - this is what pleases me most in Ryse: Son of Rome. The review in Russian allows you to understand whether it is worth starting this project and spending your free time on it or not.

What do the participants say?

The developers' comments about their project are usually enthusiastic, but what the participants say, who have already tried to complete the game, always looks different, somehow darker. But this game is really imperfect, as the Ryse: Son of Rome review actually testifies to. On a PC, the game comes with amazing graphics - it's hard not to notice, but what the participants then note is a boring and monotonous plot. Yes, there is a leveling of the character, it is possible to improve fighting skills, but apart from this, nothing can be achieved - neither the title of the emperor, nor world power. Even at the end of the game, the participant will still remain the commander of his defense. Not the most brilliant prospect. But often participants and the positive side of the game. This is the engine. Games work without lags, textures do not freeze, and if blood sprinkles to the side, then it will certainly hit the screen in the form of streaks, not a red circle.

Ryse: Son of Rome pc review
Everything is realistic and believable. It was pleasantly surprised that the Ryse: Son of Rome game is on PC. The review of this project, created by us, also includes one more thing - this is the impression of the game.

Emotions and impressions

What is remarkable in this game is the almost complete absence of tension. The participant performs missions, goes one stage after another. There is no chase or sharp stories: the commander rushes into battle, his task is to destroy everyone who is on the map. Could not cope - start over. In general, the game is pretty good, as evidenced by this review.

Ryse: Son of Rome PC version is worthy of you to go through it, try your hand at it and liberate the Roman Empire. An epic saga, very colorful and bright, drawn in detail, gives aesthetic pleasure. But if we talk about "achievements", then the developers, of course, did not succeed.

Review Ryse: Son of Rome pc version
The game does not have a tie that would capture, there is no twisted plot, which is so lacking.


In general, the Ryse: Son of Rome game claims to be the best, but only if you position it as a picture. This, by and large, is a full-fledged toy for the Xbox One or PC console, but due to the insufficiently cool plot, it did not get into the rating lists. However, a matter of taste. Even if the gamer is not a fan of historical themes, this game can still surprise you. A detailed reproduction of the surrounding world will allow you to feel the whole mood of the era, and you can also enjoy it. If the player does not know whether to try his hand or not, then you can firmly say: “Go for it!” This game is worthy of attention, and if there is time, then it is worth spending it on this project. A few days - and all the barbarians will be destroyed, and the Empire saved. Thanks to you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21489/

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