Abarkasy: reviews, description, sizes, choice. Spanish summer shoes

Today, in search of new ideas, designers are increasingly paying attention to national costumes of different peoples of the world. Interpreting the ideas of the masters of the past in a new way, modern specialists create many images that fit perfectly into everyday street fashion. Every day, comfortable, bright and colorful clothes and shoes in ethno style are finding more and more fans.

abarkasy reviews

This is how the English loafers, French clogs, Vietnamese slippers, Spanish espadrilles and Native American loafers entered the world of modern fashion. The list, of course, is far from complete. These shoes are so organically blended into the modern world of fashion that it is already difficult to believe in its centuries-old history. All these models look very relevant, despite the fact that their design was invented many centuries ago. But all of the listed varieties really have a rather long history. Perhaps the secret of unprecedented success lies in the convenience tested over the years?

One of the most striking examples of a new look at the national costume is the Spanish traditional shoes of Abarcas. Reviews about them today are very numerous, which means that many people have already made the choice in favor of this stylish, beautiful and quite comfortable shoe. If you also plan to make such a purchase, our article will tell you about the features, differences and history of traditional abarkas, as well as tell you what and where to carry them. And an analysis of the reviews of the owners will help you choose the most suitable model, which may be your ideal choice for a trip to warm regions.

What are abarkasy?

Our illustrations will help to present everything clearly. These flat shoes without heels are designed for long walks and relaxation. For convenience, a special strap is provided on the heel, which will not allow the sandals to fly off your feet while walking. Emphasizes the laid-back style of a rounded toe.

Abarkasy - summer Spanish shoes, which means that it is perfect for the beach. In such sandals it will not be hot even at sunny noon, because they are sewn from natural materials. Additional ventilation is provided by an open toe, which opens the fingers and allows the foot to breathe. Of course, you can not do without a couple of stylish Abarkas to those who are going on vacation to Spain.

Some manufacturers are developing abarkas design, which is different from the classic. For such shoes, the brightest fabrics painted in ethnic style are used. The old ornaments of the indigenous people of Menorca help to emphasize the effect. In some cases, for inspiration, designers use the national flavor of Latin America, into which many centuries ago the Spanish colonists brought not only the new faith and culture of the Old World, but also their comfortable shoes. As a result of the mixing of the traditions of Europeans and Indians, many wonderful ideas were born. That is why today on the abarcas you can see not only traditional Spanish paintings, but also Mexican colorful patterns.

Shoes with a long history

Abarkasy summer spanish shoes

The homeland of this shoe is the Spanish island of Menorca. Its inhabitants wore cotton and leather abarcas several centuries ago and continue to wear today as part of their national attire. In sunny Menorca, these shoes are worn on holidays and on weekdays.

Abarkasy - summer Spanish shoes that are loved not only by ordinary citizens of Spain, but even members of the royal family. It is known that the king himself, whenever he comes to rest, changes his shoes exactly to such shoes.

The modern pattern, of course, differs from the archaic, but the main elements are completely identical: a flat sole, a strap on the heel, an open toe. Serious Spanish manufacturers, as in the old days, make abarcas from genuine leather and suede. In this case, the vast majority of work is performed not on modern equipment, but manually. Like any handmade shoes, abarkasy look expensive, but also cost a lot.

Key features and differences from other shoes

Sometimes these shoes are confused with other popular Spanish shoes - espadrilles. External resemblance, of course, is. Immediately noticeable style, convenience, color. Like abarkasy, espadrilles, too, as they say, come from the people. At the heart of modern developments - traditional shoes of the indigenous population of Spain.

children's sandals

But the differences are obvious: espadrilles are more closed, and they are most often sewn from canvas, linen, cotton, denim, and not from leather. They are more like ballet shoes, not sandals, and are suitable not only for summer, but also for the off-season.

Both of these species usually do not have arch support. Remember this feature, especially when you choose children's sandals for the summer. The child is not recommended to walk in such shoes for a long time, this can lead not only to fatigue, but also to incorrect formation of the arch of the foot. For a trip to the sea or to the country, children's abarkases can be an excellent option, but leather sandals with a tight heel, protected by fingers and an arch support are preferable as everyday shoes.

This type of shoe is, in principle, not intended for continuous wear. But for recreation, this option is simply indispensable.

How to choose abarkasy

Reviews of many owners indicate that most models are designed for a low rise. The easiest way is to choose your perfect pair in a stationary store with the possibility of fitting.

If you plan to order abarkasy in the online store, send the seller a message through the feedback form, indicating your size.

Pay attention to materials. It is believed that the best in the world of Abarkas produce in Spain. But there are many models from other manufacturers on the market. Pay attention to the material from which they are made. A classic is leather and suede. However, if you do not plan to spend too much on slippers for your holidays, pay attention to the products of brands from Asia. Chinese manufacturers offer a huge number of models that look very similar to the original, but are made from simple materials. At the same time, these shoes look very beautiful.


Of course, not only the fullness of the foot, but also its length is important. The dimensional grid used by Spanish manufacturers coincides with the Russian one. Another thing is the Abarcas produced in Asia. Reviews often say that Chinese shoes are small. You can order shoes larger than usual, but it is much more reliable to measure the foot and report the result to the seller. Adult sizes are available in sizes from 35 to 42.

Children’s shoes, like adult ones, are recommended to be tried on before purchase. Do not forget that many children also have a fairly high rise.

Female and male models

It is noteworthy that the Spanish sandals of the Abarcas are sewn in almost the same patterns. Male models differ from female models only in size and color. Platform and wedge lovers can find the right model to their liking, but most options still have a flat sole and a small heel.

spanish sandals

Women's shoes for the summer are often produced in the most striking colors and prints, and for men, tones such as black, blue, brown are most characteristic.

In addition, there are a huge number of unisex models that are suitable for lovers of comfortable, stylish shoes of both sexes.

Baby Abarkasy

On the market there are even booties with soft soles in the form of traditional Spanish shoes. Of course, such a variety exists only for beauty.

Children's sandals are also produced for kids who are already confidently walking. Children like bright colors and a simple laconic style, as well as the convenience that the abarkases invariably possess.

However, it is worth noting that a child may not like to wear such shoes. Foot fixation for some babies may not be enough.

children's abarkasy

Owner reviews about quality

If you have never worn such shoes before, the experience of those who managed to test it and appreciate its advantages will probably come in handy.

Many owners note that live abarkasy look much more interesting and effective than on the screen and directory pages. The work enclosed in them is visible. After all, the real Abarkas, as in the old days, today are almost entirely made by hand. The line is done manually, there are practically no glued elements. This gives the shoe a special charm and emphasizes its ethnic origin.

Quality leather is one of the most wear-resistant materials. Judging by the reviews, a couple of Abarkas can last more than one summer.

However, not everyone who personally appreciated this shoe speaks enthusiastically about it. Some note that for long wear such shoes are uncomfortable, legs in it get tired. It is worth noting that not all adhere to this opinion, some claim that you can walk all day on the cobblestones, country roads, park paths, pebbles and sand in abarcas. This is not surprising, because in the world there simply are no things that would absolutely please everyone.

When examining reviews, the manufacturer should be considered. The original from Spain has several advantages, however, the cost of such models is much higher. When purchasing a budget replica, you should not expect that you will get the same quality as Spanish shoes.

And to make it easier for other potential buyers to make a choice, do not skimp on objective reviews and you. Be sure to leave your comment on the seller’s website about whether you liked the quality, whether the size fit, whether the purchase meets your expectations.

Price level

Original Spanish abarkas in domestic retail stores cost about 30 euros on average. If you happen to be in Spain, you can buy these shoes much cheaper.

Asian manufacturers are asking for less. Textiles are always cheaper than genuine leather. A pair of Korean or Chinese-made abarkases will cost on average half to three times cheaper than the original.

A little bit about relevance

It is generally accepted that abarkasy is beach shoes, but the range of its application is not at all limited to a strip of sand along the coast. Such shoes are often chosen by those who plan to go on vacation. If you have long walks around the resort town, sightseeing tours and regular visits to the beach, perhaps the Abarkas will be the perfect choice.

It follows that these shoes are appropriate and permissible in any relaxed atmosphere. It exists just for relaxation, meeting friends and a relaxed atmosphere.

With shoes in a business, evening and classic style, such shoes do not combine. Do not wear these shoes in public institutions: banks, courts, inspections. She looks too casual for a serious office. It should be taken into account seasonality - these shoes are only suitable in summer, in dry weather.

women's shoes for the summer

In resort towns, the rules are not so strict. At the southern airport, it is unlikely that anyone would be surprised to see a man in the barracks. And in the historical homeland of this shoe it is worn almost everywhere. The locals of Menorca believe that in comfortable leather sandals it is quite possible to go even to a gala event.

What to wear with abarkasa

Not the best company for them will be too warm clothes. Choose wardrobe details from light summer fabrics, they are best suited to shoes such as abarkasy.

Why wear such shoes in the city? She goes with many casual things. Spanish Abarkas go well with classic-cut jeans. They will go well with a dress or sundress made of denim.

Such shoes for lovers of boho style can become a real find. Today it has gained unprecedented popularity. Colorful dresses with puffy skirts, lace tiered tunics, tops with ethnic prints are an excellent company for this variety of shoes. Support the style with matching style accessories: handbags made of jute, denim or natural plant fibers, jewelry with wooden, clay, brass beads, leather or woven belts and belts, straw hats.

If for you abarcases are first of all beach shoes, wear them with pareos, short shorts, tunics from flying transparent fabrics. These shoes are equally well combined with dresses, trousers, swimwear and sundresses.

Representatives of the stronger sex also have long chosen this stylish beautiful shoes. Men often combine casual clothes in military style with jeans, jeans, linen trousers and cargo breeches. Recommendations regarding the appropriateness of wearing are the same for both women and men.

Proper care

Like any other natural shoes, Abarkas need competent care. Timely clean them from contamination, take care of the skin with the help of special products. During storage, it is advisable to pack silica gel bags in a box with these shoes.

beach shoes

Instead of a conclusion

To summarize, it is worth noting the following. When buying your first pair of abarkasa, carefully consider the choice of size. Think in advance with what and where you will wear these shoes.

An even more serious approach requires the purchase of such a variety of shoes for children. Not all kids like this shoe. Prolonged use may result in leg fatigue.

How not to get into trouble when buying shoes like abarkasy? Reviews that can be found on the official websites of suppliers can be very helpful. Always take them seriously. And when you can personally assess the benefits of Abarkas, share your opinion with other lovers of unusual shoes in ethnic style.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21490/

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