Mysteries of the human brain. Interesting facts about the brain

A quick glance at the state of the science of studying the mysteries of the human brain, you understand that technology is not yet fully able to dissolve the myths of the sophisticated reader. The size of the research does not reflect the likelihood of the truth about our body, which can not be said about the psyche. A relatively small organ - the brain, weighing 1.5 kg, requires complex experiments. What is most sad, they can be carried out only on a person. What sane person is ready to devote himself to science for the sake of an unknown future?

The main secrets that concern scientists

The desire to study the brain is not as justified as the desire to understand the basic principles of work:

  1. What prevails - upbringing, heredity or focusing of the personality formation of the psyche in the process of brain development?
  2. Why does brain activity increase in adolescence, decrease in old age and uncontrollably give correct answers in early childhood?
  3. How likely is it to remember events from the memory of ancestors? Here we are talking about genetic memory, which stores the events of 30-50 years ago.

The main task of scientists is to establish a connection between the "gap" at the moment when the twins begin to think differently. They have identical initial indicators, but at some point they begin to know the world for certain, to change. The brain is formed in the ethical concept in the same way - the same way. However, the fragmentary data obtained during the study of the mysteries of the brains of the twins indicate that even being separated in childhood, in adulthood, the fate and habits of relatives are alike to the smallest detail.

How many neurons in the brain

Hence the assumption that from the womb the brain is formed according to established models - identical, similar or similar to the parent or ancestor.

Brain Cessation: Countdown

In old age, many people stop reporting to their actions. Past performance is lost due to some factors, but what exactly affects? According to science:

  1. Alzheimer's disease is in most cases the main cause of mental illness. A man forgets himself, the world around. Scientists know the exact places that the disease infects, but cannot prevent it. It is possible to indicate in advance the likelihood of development, a predisposition, but why is it still not possible to stop cell decay?
  2. Injuries affecting the progression of the disease. It is clear that any blow leads to consequences. The brain is no exception. Another thing is strange: some people begin to “see” something that is hidden from the eyes of a healthy person.

After cell damage, how many percent does the brain work and why does it not immediately stop the struggle for existence? Researchers suggest that at some point, neurons reproduce “lost” data in order to restore the basis for organ performance. This leads to confusion. Therefore, they did not separate the mind and brain, so that the studies turned out to be more reliable.

How memories work: the brain forgets everything that happened to us

Interesting facts about the brain

Many say that to remember a particular case, you need to strain the "memory", and it will provide the necessary information. Those with amnesia can use hypnosis. In fact, a person is not given the opportunity to know everything about himself:

  1. Memory is erased: the short-term phase is not captured by the brain. A strong emotion event is remembered only by sensation. Studies of the brain showed that from a whole day the organ can reproduce what hooked a person without details of experiences that did not cause strong unrest.
  2. To recall a long-standing event, a person imagines that day, the brain erases the memory and puts a new one on top of the “base” in order to interpret everything “fresh”.
  3. Memory will never be an exact copy of the past. It is enough to fantasize, to think how bad it was for a person, and the brain itself presents the most cruel information from its subconscious. There are laid scenes from films that are close in empathy and not only.

Long-term memory is not yet fully understood. At the University of Cambridge, Frederick Bartlett conducted an experiment: he asked students to look at the image and play it back in a few minutes. I had to repeat the drawing after a week, a month and six months. As a result, the scientist collected all the pictures and saw that the latter is different from the first, but nothing is original. Students claimed that they drew what they saw with their own eyes. From here F. Bartlett concluded:

Remembrance is a reconstruction of a creative nature, an attempt to relive emotions at the moment of the first sensation. Old information is being "rewritten", "erased" by new thoughts.

Mysteries of the brain: what scientists hide

Suggestion sometimes helps a person pass a lie detector test. If you need to "wipe" the present, he may well use one of the mysteries of the human brain, so that fantasy is taken for reality.

Neural Bridges - Realization of Fiction or Success in Reality

A person should be grateful for such a structure of the brain to nature, because thanks to him he was able to learn new movements, achieve victories in sports. Why is the physical side affected in this matter? The fact is that neurons in the brain are special units of the nervous system that help fix and reproduce information. Impulses enter the muscles, a person begins to do what he never knew before.

  1. Look at the movements of a person several times and remember them.
  2. Then think ahead of his next step, literally.
  3. Mentally repeat everything that the other does.
  4. Reproduce what you remember.

They also learn long ballet compositions, but nobody for hours repeats one movement 500 times. Thanks to neurons, a person receives information for which a place has been prepared in advance.

The riddle of the century - why does a person dream?

Brain research: what have scientists found?

The very fact of the appearance of pictures during sleep is an intriguing event. The brain rests at night in the first phase of sleep, which lasts 1-3 hours. The second phase of sleep allows him to activate the work 100%. Then the eyeballs move faster, a person in a dream hears nothing and nobody, it is quite difficult to wake up.

Pictures do not pop up in a chaotic order:

  1. If you saw a short dream, then it lasted all night. One action takes 7-17 seconds, and a whole episode of sleep - up to 7 hours.
  2. If in a dream you watched a whole movie, then there will certainly be scenes of chasing, fast walking - it’s not by chance that your brain “accelerates” the pace of events in order to have time to show the whole performance.
  3. Long dreams are rarely remembered, only bright children can describe individual bright pieces, even after a few days.

Sometimes a child can see colorful dreams. An adult will watch a black and white movie, but in a dream understand that this pillar is red, and that one is green. In advance, the installation is given to independently paint the prologue. This is due to a malfunction of the cerebellum, and in children - everything is normal. It is this organ that fills objects with color, and in a dream with eyes closed it is practically impossible to do this.

Consciousness and mind - how does the brain activate the latent possibilities of man?

Strange about the human brain - why does he die?

Where the brain ends, the mind and consciousness begin - scientists of the University of London came to this conclusion in 2010. To make a decision, in the head of a person there is a hearth with a ready-made model of behavior. And if someone is going to tell you the news, do not push - everything has been prepared for a long time, it just takes time.

At the same time, human consciousness is divided into conscious and unconscious actions: breathing, walking, blinking. If you need to think which way to go, the brain will activate the conscious section of the mind. A familiar road is not required from you activity: you already know where to turn. Scientists call this automatism - driving a car, cooking, dressing process. Everything is brought to automatic actions so that the brain does not bother itself every time. In cases where a clearly worked out action fails, a conscious section of nerve endings is activated. And how many neurons in the brain are responsible for a specific action? See how organ structures interact.

Below is a list of the main "helpers" responsible for our activity and conscious life.

Neural works: how do the strings of nerves dictate our lives?

Interesting about our mind and brain

The most sophisticated puzzles of the brain are simple to understand, if you know a little about them: each type of neuron produces cells that we call hormones.

  1. Serotonin - makes us happy, "in the mood."
  2. Dopamine gives pleasure, or rather, we enjoy something.
  3. Glutamate is the causative agent of the senses that come when you remember something.
  4. Acetylcholine is produced by a cholinergic neuron.
  5. Oskitocin helps us to love.

The last hormone is produced artificially too - it is injected into women in labor on the first day after delivery, so that blood coagulation increases. Some believe that the hormone in the mother causes stronger feelings, and the maternal instinct activates the production of serotonin faster. How much percent does the brain work with this combination of neurons?

Mind and brain - when the subconscious mind works without neurons

Scientists have found that mothers become "robots" who can hardly sleep, work hard, and neurons help them learn to care for their newborns faster. Hence the conclusion that dad is not a mother, and it is impossible to replace her.

Unsolved secrets we'll never know

The most interesting fact about the brain is aging. Scientists suggest two options why the human brain dies after the pulse stops and before physical death:

  1. Aging and death are part of human genetics.
  2. Aging has no purpose, it is not inherent in genetics, but is the result of cell aging.

Eternal life is possible, but the riddles of the brain are so hard to explain scientifically that it seems we will never know the purpose of our existence.


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