Game engine Unity. Unity 3D in Russian

At the present stage of development, the gaming industry is quite popular. If earlier computer games were only entertainment for a narrow circle of lovers, now this area is reaching a whole new level. More and more people are addicted to computer games, projects that are suitable for certain ages and target groups (for example, family games) are constantly being released.

Naturally, someone is behind this - in most cases, this is a whole company consisting of several branches, each of which is engaged in its own activities. Together, they create the most outstanding and attractive computer games of our time. However, it is worth noting that recently a large number of indie games have appeared - projects from independent developers. It may be one person, or a small group of like-minded people, but most importantly, they do not have a huge budget, hundreds of workers with a highly specialized education. And now everyone can write their own game, because there are both special working environments and ready-made kernels, for example, the Unity game engine. In this article you will learn what it is and why it is needed.

Game core

unity game engine

It’s worth starting not with what exactly the Unity game engine is, but with what the engine is in principle. Imagine writing a computer game - you need to register from scratch absolutely all the code, absolutely all the smallest movements of the characters, the movement of opponents, interaction with the environment and thousands of different details. Incredibly difficult, isn't it? The engine can greatly facilitate the creation process.

The game engine is the core of the project, which contains all the basic scripts. That is, instead of creating a game from scratch, you can take a ready-made kernel and build on it as many layers of your content as you like. Do not be afraid that this is something illegal - you do not steal the core, but simply use it, as millions of others do. Using game engines created by others is a very common technique, only the largest companies have the means and capabilities to create their own large-scale game engine. If you do not have a budget for this, it is better to use the Unity game engine. But why exactly it?

Why Unity?

unity 3d game engine

There are a huge variety of engines that are available on the network either partially free or fully paid. They will allow you to create projects in both 2D and 3D, give you access to various possibilities and so on. But why among them you should choose the Unity game engine, and not any other?

In fact, no one forces you to make such a choice - for example, there is a very good UDK kernel, which many also use to create 3D games. If you are not interested in a three-dimensional image, you can very well create a two-dimensional project with the appropriate engine. But Unity is the most popular and high-quality three-dimensional engine of all available today, so you should definitely think about using it. The Unity 3D game engine has a number of significant advantages over others, which will be discussed later.

Unity Benefits

unity game engine in Russian

Unity is a new engine for creating 3D games. Many people wonder why you need to choose it. As mentioned earlier, no one forces you to opt for it. However, now you will find out why he stands out from the rest.

Firstly, this is a development environment - you are provided with an extremely convenient and functional IDE, which contains both a scene editor, an object editor, and even a small script editor. Regarding the latter, this plus is especially noticeable compared to the others, since most engines already have their own scripting language, which you have to use anyway. In the case of Unity, you can use both the local language and any other language.

We should also mention the level of graphics that can be created in the game - it is quite high in comparison with most other engines. And, of course, it is worth noting the highest level of physics - you can create a project no worse than any modern masterpiece, of course, with the proper skill.

unity new engine for creating 3d games

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning about the cost - it is it that becomes a stumbling block for many beginning developers. In this case, it is not too high - only one and a half thousand dollars. If you wish, you can use the free version - it is fully functional, but does not have a certain number of useful functions. Also, the finished project will constantly display the Unity logo during the game. Now you understand why Unity 3D is a popular game engine. But really, he has no minuses? Now let's talk about it.

Cons Unity

Many tried to find flaws in this engine, but with difficulty only one was accumulated of complaints - the closed source code. In a sense, these are really disadvantages - you can only use the kernel that the developer offers you, you cannot make any changes to it, even if you know how to do it. And even taking into account the fact that you paid one and a half thousand dollars - the license still does not give you access to the core itself. But if you look on the other hand, then practically no modern engine gives you access to the kernel code, so this minus can be considered a serious drawback with a big stretch. But other flaws in this wonderful engine can not be found.

Using Unity

unity 3d popular game engine

We have already said about the use of this engine - the IDE is just wonderful for him. It is rarely possible to find such a functional development environment that will not be overloaded with unnecessary details, will not be completely bare and uncomfortable. In Unity, everything was done just fine - you can immediately access the game scene editor, game objects, and even the scripts applied to them. You can right in the IDE view in real time an excerpt of what you were working on. In this, Unity simply has no competitors - this engine is great.

Russian Unity

If you do not know English, you can not worry, you can still use Unity. The game engine in Russian exists and is actively supported, so you can easily create game masterpieces in the translated version. Moreover, there is a huge Russian-speaking Internet community dedicated to this engine - there you can find the latest news, read the opinions of experienced users and ask questions of interest to you. Unity3D in Russian is quite possible.

unity3d in Russian

Adding Scripts

It has already been said above that you will not succeed in changing the kernel code. But at the same time you can add your own scripts, as well as download those that were created by other users.


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