Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person

An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, the sample of which will be described later, is a set of measures aimed at restoring, compensating for lost or impaired body functions, as well as the ability to carry out certain activities. It is formed in accordance with the decision of the authorized body of the Ministry of Health. The IPR includes individual forms, types, volumes, procedures and terms for professional, health and other measures. Let us further consider how the development of a program for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is being carried out, and what measures may be included in it. The article will also describe some of the nuances associated with the implementation of IPR.

disabled rehabilitation program

Card format

Since 2005, in Russia, a rehabilitation program for a disabled person has been compiled in a single form. It was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 287 of November 29, 2004. The map consists of several parts. A rehabilitation program for a disabled person is formed taking into account information about a citizen. Accordingly, in the first part, information about it is indicated in detail. In addition to personal data, this section contains information:

  1. On the educational level (professional and general).
  2. Specialties, qualifications and labor functions performed at the time of the survey (if any).
  3. Disability group, degree of disability.

Key events

What does the sample program contain? The rehabilitation of persons with disabilities includes key recovery and compensation measures. Among them are medical events. As part of medical rehabilitation are carried out:

  1. Rehabilitation therapy.
  2. Reconstructive surgery.
  3. Orthosis and prosthetics.
  4. Providing technical devices and means.
  5. Sanatorium-resort treatment (for non-working citizens).

The program of medical and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities includes:

  1. Consulting and informing on a range of measures taken.
  2. Legal support.
  3. Family patronage.
  4. Rehabilitation with the use of sports and physical education.
  5. Adaptation training.
  6. Providing technical devices for the implementation of public and domestic activities.
  7. Psychological help.
  8. Sociocultural rehabilitation.

individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person

Disability recovery

A professional rehabilitation program for a disabled person is a system of measures aimed at restoring a citizen’s working ability. It includes:

  1. Development of recommendations on contraindications and acceptable types and conditions of activity.
  2. Career guidance.
  3. Vocational training or retraining.
  4. Assistance in finding a job.
  5. The provision of technical means.

Work with minor citizens

The rehabilitation program for a disabled child includes psychological and pedagogical measures. These include:

  1. Getting pre-school and school education and upbringing.
  2. Psychological and pedagogical correctional work.
  3. The provision of technical means for training.

In addition, the rehabilitation program for a disabled child provides for the patronage of the family in which he is located. Specialists conduct consultations and provide psychological assistance to parents.

Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person: sample

The most important sections of the IPR are those that indicate psychological, pedagogical, medical measures, as well as services that provide assistance in restoring the citizen's professional competitiveness in the labor market. In each of them there are two parts. The first indicates specific activities, technical equipment that will be necessary for a person. In the second part, there is information about the performers, forms, terms, the order in which the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person will be implemented, as well as the results obtained or the reasons for not receiving them. A sample form is provided in the article.

Where to get a card?

The rehabilitation program for a disabled person is drawn up in accordance with the decision of the federal ITU institution. In this regard, it is necessary to apply for the card to the organization that issues the certificate. It is usually the local unit of the Bureau of Medical and Social Examination (BMSE).

individual rehabilitation program for the disabled

Appointment of IPR

Programs for the social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities are a key mechanism for ensuring that the personal needs of citizens are taken into account and that support is targeted. Today, the presence of an IPR card allows you to effectively resolve many issues related to the implementation of compensation and recovery measures. At the same time, the effectiveness of interaction with government representatives is increasing at all levels. For example, higher education institutions require admission to study when enrolling. Not a single citizen with a disability will be able to register with the employment center without a corresponding document. Consequently, without IPR it is impossible to get an education, get a job, get a new specialty.

In addition, the state program for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities provides for the possibility of obtaining the technical means necessary for adaptation. In addition, the document may indicate special conditions that are necessary for a particular person. This is especially important for citizens under the age of 18 liters. An individual rehabilitation and habilitation program for a disabled child includes only those activities that are permissible for him, taking into account his psychophysiological state.

Order of receipt

In accordance with the Regulation on the recognition of a citizen as a disabled person, the development of the program should be carried out within a month after the establishment of the group and the degree of disability. However, in practice, the following procedure applies. To get IPR, you need to visit your doctor and ask him for a referral to ITU. The bureau for medical and social examination, in addition, should file an application. It is issued in 2 copies. It is advisable to indicate the specific activities, services and facilities that a citizen needs.

In order to most fully reflect all the needs for each section of the map, it is recommended to describe them on a separate sheet-application. At the same time, the request should take into account this information in the text of the statement. It is also advisable to attach the recommendations of specialists or the conclusions of experts providing certain services to the document. This is necessary to form the most complete picture of all the needs of a citizen and his rehabilitation potential among ITU staff .

You can apply for a card not only during re-examination. The program of social rehabilitation of children with disabilities, as well as adults with disabilities, is drawn up every year, even if the group is established without a period of re-examination.

program for medical and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities

Important point

An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, the filling out of which should be carried out taking into account not only the recommendations of experts, but also the wishes of the citizen himself, is transferred to him for signature. He must put his autograph in each section of the card. So he expresses his agreement with the activities indicated in it.

However, contradictions are not excluded. In such cases, the citizen writes in the signature field that he does not agree with the contents of the card and indicates the reasons. The decisions and actions of BMSE employees are entitled to challenge. The complaint is submitted to the regional headquarters. A copy of the card should be attached to it. After this, an examination is carried out, conversations are conducted with the citizen. According to their results, a conclusion is made on the disputed points. If the citizen's claims are justified, a new program is drawn up. It is signed by the chairman of the commission and certified by the seal of GBMSE. The decision may also be challenged by the federal bureau within a month. In addition, a citizen has the right to appeal to the court.


The scope of activities provided for in the IPR may not exceed the Federal List of Technical Means and Services. A citizen or his representative may partially or completely refuse them. In this case, state bodies, local structures, as well as other organizations will be exempted from responsibility for the implementation of the program. In addition, a citizen will be deprived of the right to compensation.

Specialists, however, urge not to rush to refuse. The federal program for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is advisory rather than mandatory. After signing the card, a citizen has the right not to apply to the relevant authorities and structures for receiving certain funds or services. In this case, it is possible to change the initial decision and take advantage of state support throughout its term.

Artist selection

The definition of the subjects responsible for the implementation of certain points of the program is considered one of the key points in the design of the card. The contractor must be indicated opposite each event envisaged. The new form of IPR involves a special procedure for their determination. Previously, the performers indicated the BMSE. Currently, the bureau includes only some of them on the map. For example, in the section on the provision of technical means, the contractor is indicated by the FSS body. Subjects may also be indicated by the local social security structure.

It must be remembered that the key task of rehabilitation is to eliminate or, as far as possible, fully compensate for disabilities resulting from disability. In this regard, the performers should choose those individuals or organizations who can cope with the tasks. It can be both state and private structures of any form of ownership.

federal rehabilitation program for the disabled


The Federal Law governing the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation establishes that if the service or technical means provided for in the rehabilitation program cannot be provided to the citizen or he paid for them using his own means, he is entitled to full compensation for costs. IPR can include activities funded by the budget, as well as those that are borne by the person.

In accordance with the law, only those services and facilities that are on the corresponding list can be provided free of charge. It is approved by government decree and includes not many positions. The state, therefore, assumes obligations to pay a minimum set of services and those. funds.

It is worth noting that in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are regional regulations that significantly expand the list. Reimbursement of expenses should be carried out by the territorial units of the FSS. It should be borne in mind that the right to compensation is given only by documented contractual relations with actual executors of IPR. Citizens should provide evidence of payment for the service or those. facilities. A corresponding application is submitted to the FSS, to which are attached copies of the IPR card and other documents.

Possible difficulties

Application for cost compensation and documents attached to it are considered no more than a month. If at the end of this period the citizen did not receive a response or was denied reimbursement, he can contact the higher structure of the FSS. If even in this case his request was not granted, he has the right to apply to the court. Specialists point citizens to the fact that filing a lawsuit will not indicate that a citizen seeks to aggravate the conflict. In this case, such a reaction to injustice will enable state bodies to be involved in solving the problem, and responsible persons will be able to realize their responsibilities. Along with this, one should be prepared for any outcome of the case.

implementation of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person

Regulatory support

In the Russian Federation, the following legislative acts are in force that regulate the design and implementation of IPR:

  1. Federal Law No. 181. Article 11 of this law is fully devoted to the individual rehabilitation program. In addition, IPR is indicated in Art. 8, 18, 19, 23, 29, 25, 32.
  2. Federal Law "On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities". In this normative act, the definition of IPR is given, the bodies responsible for its preparation are called, the basic rights of people with disabilities are indicated. The law establishes that a disabled person cannot be recognized as unemployed without formalizing an individual rehabilitation program for him. The normative act establishes the obligation of the responsible authorities to perform IPR, as well as the ability of a citizen to apply to the court if it is not complied with.
  3. Regulation on recognition of a person as disabled.
  4. Government Decision No. 805 of December 16, 2004. It regulates the activities of the FGU ITU.
  5. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 11.29.2004
  6. Government Order No. 1343-r of October 21, 2004


After drawing up a card of an individual rehabilitation program, a citizen or his representative, by law, seek help from a variety of organizations to implement the measures envisaged and obtain the necessary ones. funds.

It should be said that at present, the mechanism for executing IPR cannot be called ideal. There are many gaps in the government support program itself. In this regard, in practice, citizens very often encounter all kinds of obstacles. Problems can appear at different stages - both at the time of the preparation of the rehabilitation program, and during the implementation of the activities outlined in it.

Particular difficulty arises in the process of exercising the right to reimbursement of expenses incurred. In this case, it is advisable to enlist the support of a qualified lawyer. It is also important to have all the documents proving the fact of paying for the service or technical equipment for your money. Conflicts related to the implementation of the rehabilitation program can be resolved both in the complaint and in the courts. The first involves contacting higher authorities. As regards judicial appeal, the practice in such cases is not extensive enough to date. However, it also contains precedents for disputes won over the reimbursement of expenses incurred by a citizen and his relatives for rehabilitation measures.

Please note that issuing an IPR card is currently required. Another question is that often not all services and those are prescribed in it. funds that are necessary for the citizen, but only those that are included in the free list. Thus, the government is faced with the task of improving the mechanism for the implementation of rehabilitation programs.

individual rehabilitation and habilitation program for a disabled child

IPR should be effective for humans. A rehabilitation program will only be useful if it is not based on the ability of the state, but on the actual needs of each person with a disability.


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