DIY laptop for preschoolers: templates, a master class and interesting ideas

A laptop for preschoolers is an amazing and very useful tool, which has gained its popularity in our country relatively recently. What is especially nice, to make such an educational game you can (and should) do it yourself. What does a laptop look like and what is it like?

Developmental book with an individual character

Laptop for preschoolers
A laptop is a learning folder dedicated to a single topic. Such a manual is prepared at home and always with the help of a child. The secret of the laptop is in its design: it is appropriate to use a variety of pockets, additional turns, “windows” and other interesting design options. A laptop for preschoolers can contain not only a compendium of basic knowledge on a selected topic, but also additional logical and creative tasks. Such a “game” is perfect for single viewing or studying in the company of children. And most importantly, it’s not difficult to make a laptop, and this process will surely captivate the whole family and give only positive emotions.

Materials and Tools

Laptop for preschoolers templates
It is most convenient to make laptops from cardboard folders for documents. But if you don’t have one at hand, you can choose an ordinary sheet of cardboard as the basis. As for the interior design, there are two options: either you draw and glue everything by hand, or you cut out prints made on the printer. Each of these options is good in its own way, in the first case the scope for imagination is unlimited, in the second you can cope with all the work much faster. How to make a laptop for preschoolers using a computer and printer? Templates can be prepared in any graphics program. We bring to your attention a finished sample, which you can also use in your work. And yet, if the child is large enough and independent, it is much more interesting to make laptops yourself, using only colored paper, cardboard and various decorative elements. And do not be afraid to do something crookedly or not carefully enough; children, as a rule, do not pay attention to such trifles and value manual work much more than adults, regardless of its quality.

Choosing a topic for visual aid

Laptop for kids for preschoolers
Materials for creativity prepared and waiting in the wings? Great, it's time to decide which topic your first development folder will focus on. The advantage of this type of benefits is that it can be devoted to any topic. You can collect in one folder a short summary about the animal and plant life of the forest or meadow, or devote such a visual summary to a specific profession. You can also make a laptop based on fairy tales for preschoolers about a specific animal or object. The possibilities of training folders are almost limitless, make such a guide about the types of geometric shapes, the structure of the universe, the history of the state.

Laptop for preschoolers: a master class with step-by-step instructions

Take a cardboard folder, paste the inside of it with colored paper or cardboard. Now is the time to start preparing the filling of our laptop. It is very good if inside there will be both general data in the form of a brief summary on the topic being studied, and tasks for independent work. For example, if you make a laptop on SDA for preschoolers, make cards with the most important rules and put them in a separate pocket. Separately prepare tasks - riddles on the chosen topic, some not too difficult tasks. It is most convenient to lay out cards in pockets glued to the base. You can also use other design options - fold a rectangular sheet with an accordion, make paper houses with opening windows, envelopes, use voluminous double-sided tape to highlight individual elements. Do not forget to decorate the cover as well - you can glue a beautiful print on it on a chosen topic, draw a picture or make an application, and for kids who already know how to read, an “adult” book cover with a name is also suitable.

Filling Examples

Lapbook for fairy tales for preschoolers
When you open a standard folder from cardboard, you get two or three A4 sheets to fill out. What educational material to place on them? The laptop allows you to collect in one manual the most diverse options for developmental activities for preschoolers. For inspiration, you can watch board games and workbooks that your child already has. Depending on his age, these can be tasks such as “collect a pair of two cards”, puzzles, elements for coloring, counting material, “find the differences”. Do not forget about logical tasks and riddles - offer your child short stories or poems, after listening to which you will need to give the correct answer. A laptop for preschoolers is also a colorful abstract. Organize basic information on a selected topic using diagrams and pictures, lists and labels.

Design Secrets

Laptop for preschoolers master class
Many mothers doubt whether it is worth involving a child to work on a laptop or is it better to present him with a finished folder as a surprise gift? It’s up to you to decide, but, as practice shows, absolutely all children like to make crafts in various techniques. And yes, let the finished manual look imperfect, but its goal is to teach the child something new and to captivate for a long time. Therefore, if possible, be sure to make a laptop not only for the child, but also with him. An interesting idea for those who decide to use prints from the printer: choose black and white contour drawings that the daughter or son will color on their own. Try to use various techniques to decorate your useful craft - let the laptop be decorated immediately with both applique and drawings. You can glue in and not too voluminous decor, for example, figures from fabric, flat buttons or sparkles.

How to work with a laptop?

DIY laptop for preschoolers
It is recommended that you fully dry the fully developed development folder during the day, after which you can begin to practice with it. A laptop for preschoolers is not only incredibly useful and interesting, but also universal. With this folder, the child can study alone or with friends / brothers and sisters. Filling a folder can simply be viewed by revealing all the pockets and secret pages, or completing all tasks, repeating the facts. And what is most pleasant - a laptop for preschoolers, made with your own hands, is truly individual, on its pages you can take into account and reflect all the interests of your own baby. Given the low cost of crafts and the speed of its manufacture - try to create a home collection of developing folders about everything in the world, and in the future your child will surely amaze you with its versatility and flexibility of thinking.


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