Belorussian passport: series, number, receipt, exchange

Belarusian passport is an official document issued to all citizens of the Republic of Belarus. From the beginning of history, he changed not only the appearance, but also the content. What is it like now, how to get it and when to change it?

When and by whom is the document issued

In 2012, the President of the Republic of Belarus signed Decree No. 197, thanks to which children who have reached the age of fourteen receive their passport from a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. Previously, this happened at the age of 16.

They receive it at the local registration and registration department of the Department of Citizenship and Migration. Suppose you are registered in Slutsk and live in Gomel, you have to come to Slutsk to apply for this city.

Belarusian passport

Are you planning to travel with your child outside the homeland? You will have to issue a passport for the child, even if he is several months old.

Your passport was stolen, lost or its further operation is impossible due to the circumstances (for example, the visa pages have ended) - the direct road for the new one in OGiM.

What package of papers you need to prepare

In order for you to be issued a passport due to the onset of fourteen years, prepare the following package of documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • Fill in a special sample application for receipt;
  • identity documents of both parents;
  • 4 color passport photos 40 x 50 mm, not cut;
  • documents confirming the place of registration of the teenager;
  • receipt from the bank or from the post about the payment of state duty.

passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus

If the document is issued to the child in order to go to rest outside the country, the list is slightly different. You will need:

  • application of the parent (one, any) to receive;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • identity document of the applicant;
  • 4 photos of the child: color, size 4 x 5 cm, on one sheet.

The presence of the child himself is not needed.

In other circumstances, to receive the following list is needed:

  • special application form;
  • a statement indicating the reason for the need for extradition (replacement), if any (expiration is not indicated);
  • 4 photos on a passport format 4 x 5 cm, color, whole sheet, not cut;
  • birth certificate of children under 16 years of age (if any);
  • if a document has been lost or stolen outside the Republic of Belarus, - a paper issued to you abroad confirming this;
  • other documents.

A bit of history

Until 1914, a passport in Belarus was issued only to men who reached the age of 18. Documents were not issued to women. Girls under the age of eighteen were added to the pope, and then to their husband. With the outbreak of World War I, when men were sent to the front, women were allowed to receive documents; the consent of the man was not required.

The issuance of passports of the sample of the Belarusian People’s Republic began in 1918. It was a little book with "Chase" on the cover of red and white. Records were made in three languages ​​- native, German and French. The entries were as follows - name, place of registration, whether the person was married, vivid signs and place of his service. They stopped issuing such a document in 1920, since the power of the Soviets reigned in the republic.

passport photo

Changes in the USSR

There has not been a single model since 1920, its role was played by the work book, which any person over sixteen years old was required to have. At the same time, she served as an identity card. Only in 1925 did they introduce a special certificate, which included information about whether the citizen was married (married), indicated his attitude to the army, type of activity, etc. They received it at the police. Then the concept of registration appeared, but with a passport such a document began to be called only in 1932. They gave it to everyone who reached the age of sixteen and was assigned to the city, state farm or workers' village. When moving to another place within 24 hours, the person was obliged to inform the appropriate authorities and obtain a temporary residence permit. The cover was then painted gray.

In documents of this sample, not only generally accepted data were written, but also occupation. It’s especially funny now to see the “dependent” lesson in old records. The collective farmers were an exception; they were not issued passports by law. What tricks didn’t go to become the owner of a gray booklet. The first documents were officially issued to collective farmers in 1974 after the reform.

It was this year that the passport became burgundy and “sickly-hammer”, as Mayakovsky wrote. In all republics, the text in the document was printed in two languages ​​- Russian and native language, in our case, Belarusian. Data was entered manually and entered vertically, and not horizontally, as in the modern version. The validity of the document is unlimited. It was only necessary at 25 and 45 years old to change the photo card to a new one. Then she was removed from the passport of the count on social status.

With the advent of independence

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Belarus became an independent state and introduced its own model of passports. The Chase has returned to the cover, which has now turned blue. The terms of action were adopted the same as in the USSR, the photo had to be changed at 25 and 45 years old.

passport page

In 1996, they began to issue a passport of a modern type, the way we know it today. It complies with international standards.

In 2012, a reform is underway, and a passport is issued only for ten years (why this is done is not entirely clear, but the head of state is probably more aware). A feature that distinguishes new passports in Belarus is a special form of protection - under the influence of ultraviolet light, a luminous fern twig and leaf numbering numbers appear on a U-turn.

new passports in Belarus

What information is entered

  • must indicate the name of the owner and his name (patronymic, if any);
  • date and place of birth;
  • identification number, individual for each resident of Belarus;
  • gender is indicated;
  • personal signature of the owner;
  • the signature of the person issuing the document, as well as the name of the authority that issued the passport;
  • date of issue and expiration date of the document;
  • information about minor children;
  • a record of a marriage indicating the full name of the spouse (spouse), date and place of registration, year of birth of the spouse (spouse) or its dissolution;
  • owner registration address.

Description page by page

The Belarusian passport is a small stitched book with embossed gold, the official emblem of the Republic of Belarus on a blue background. 12.5 x 8.5 cm - its dimensions. Consists of 33 pages with numbering in the corner. Each page of the passport is highlighted for certain marks and the distribution is as follows:

Belorussian passport number

  • Pages 1 and 2 are title pages.
  • 3-24 pages of the passport are allocated for visas and stamps of other countries.
  • 25-28 pages are allocated for general marks and stamps.
  • The page of the passport No. 29 is allocated for the stamp, which confirms the validity of the document, the stamp itself was canceled by the resolution from 01.01.2008.
  • From 31 to 33 - information, they enter the data of the citizen: name of the owner, date and place of birth, gender, identification number, passport series and its number, state code, date of issue of the passport, which authority issued the document and the validity period.
  • There is also a machine-readable zone, the signatures of the owner and the official who issued the passport are stamped.

series of Belarusian passports

Series and number. What do they mean

The Belarusian passport has a two-letter code and a number consisting of numbers. It is these two letters that are the series of Belarusian passports. They carry certain information presented in the table. By the way, these letters are Latin.

AbBrest city and Brest region
BMVitebsk city and Vitebsk region


Gomel city and Gomel region
KhGrodno city and Grodno region
MPMinsk city
MCMinsk Region
KBMogilev city and Mogilev region
PPpassports of this series are issued to citizens residing in other states, and the issuing authority is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The number of the Belarusian passport consists of seven random digits that do not carry any information and are assigned individually. It is placed on the last page in the upper right corner, immediately after the series.

There is also a personal number in the passport. If the number can change with a change of passport, then a personal number is assigned once and for all, it never changes.

How much is valid and when to change

A valid passport for children 5 years old, but the age should not exceed 14 years. In the future, the Belarusian passport is valid for 10 years, and must be exchanged every ten years until the citizen is 64 years old. From 64 to 100 years, the validity of the next passport is valid, and if you are lucky enough to live to be a hundred, you will be issued a document valid up to 125.

A Belarusian passport is exchanged upon expiration by the same authority. But it is not necessary to wait until the expiration date, you can do this in advance.

There are also other reasons why the document is exchanged for a new one:

  • change of surname, name or patronymic of the owner;
  • all sheets intended for visas are used up;
  • after sex reassignment surgery;
  • to use it further is not possible;
  • Inaccuracies detected.


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