Why are the fish silent and is it really so?

Even children know that the fish are silent, because it was not in vain that they came up with the proverb “dumb like a fish”. Everyone saw how a caught carp or crucian carp only moves its mouth silently, as if it suffers air, but does not make any sounds. Then the question arises as to why the fish are silent, because other animals make some kind of sounds when communicating with their relatives.

why fish are silent
On the one hand, no one heard herring or pike talking, but on the other hand, this does not mean at all that they cannot make any sounds. For many years, scientists have been trying to find an explanation why the fish are silent. Various versions were voiced, among which was the following: since a person lives on land, he cannot hear their conversation. According to another version, marine inhabitants communicate at the ultrasonic level.

It turns out that throughout all this time, people had inaccurate information, because the fish do not remain silent, but even actively talk. The ancient Greeks knew about this fact. So, Homer, who wrote about the adventures of Odyssey, did not forget to mention the singing of sirens, the prototype of which were the scenes, who made sounds in the water that remotely resemble songs.

broretta fish
Carrying out their research, scientists lowered a hydrophone under water - a special microphone of a new design. On the recordings made with this equipment, it was possible to make out different sounds, reminiscent of clapping, rattle, clicking, crackling, squeaking and much more. Imagine the surprise of the researchers when it turned out that this was nothing more than a fish conversation. It turns out that silent and dumb underwater inhabitants simply do not exist. Talks even a bretella fish.

Of course, what kind of sounds each marine inhabitant makes is still unknown, but thanks to the tests carried out, it was possible to record a conversation of some kinds. For example, the Black Sea horse mackerel makes a sound reminiscent of a dog barking, the Azov goby - growl, mullet - the clatter of hooves, carps and crucians smack. A variety of sounds is amazing, under the water you can hear croaking, meowing, drum roll, hissing, humming, grunting. Absolutely everyone is talking, no one is left behind, even tuna.

tuna fish
The fish speaks with the help of a muscle that causes the swimming bubble to oscillate. The toad fish, which pulls its swimming bladder more than a thousand times in just one minute, has gone the farthest. Some species knock on bones or teeth. For example, eel knocks on the swimming bladder with bones, clown fish can chirp due to the presence of vocal cords, and herring releases vesicles from the anus. Therefore, one can no longer ask why the fish are silent, because this is not so. If we could hear them, we would go crazy under water from such a noise.

It was found that the inhabitants of the waters in the seas and oceans speak much louder than their relatives in the aquariums. It is suggested that they amplify the sound to shout out the noise of the waves. For so many years, people have been wondering why the fish are silent, but it turns out we just can't hear them. Even mollusks do not remain silent. The conversation between all types of fish is different, they make sounds in order to attract the opposite sex, scare off enemies, give an alarm, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2152/

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