The impossible is possible, or How to make a crystal at home

Natural crystal is a real miracle of nature. It captivates with its beauty and brilliance. But did you know that something like this can be done with your own hands? Do not believe? Read this article to the end and see for yourself. Here and now we will tell you the secret of how to make a crystal at home. To do this, you need quite affordable means that everyone has on the farm: salt and sugar. Yes, it is from these products that a crystal can be grown. How? Look for the answer to this article in this article.

how to make a crystal at home

How to make a crystal at home from sugar? Process description

Pour water into a saucepan, put it on a fire and boil. Pour sugar into the liquid and mix thoroughly. As soon as it ceases to dissolve, we can assume that it is enough. Now remove the container from the heat and let the sweet mass cool. How to make a crystal at home from sugar syrup? We read about this further. In a bag with dry granulated sugar, select the largest crystal and wrap it with a thin thread. Dip this piece into a saucepan with syrup, fixing it in a hanging position (by the handle on a window or cabinet, on a bookshelf). The place where the crystal is grown should be warm. In a cold solution, this product will form irregularly and will have an unaesthetic appearance. Leave the container and sugar blank alone for a couple of days. Check the liquid level in the saucepan, add syrup if necessary (it should not be hot). When the sweet pebble grows to the size you need, remove it from the container and dry it.

how to make a crystal at home

Salt and water are the foundation

The following information will be useful to those who want to get similar stones of different colors. The color of the crystals depends on what type of salt is used to create them. For example, transparent or dull white pebbles are obtained from ordinary kitchen NaCl. Blue crystals are grown from copper sulfate. Use plain tap water to create salt stones.

How to make a crystal at home from salt?

Select a large piece in a pack of salt and tie it with cotton or silk thread. Fix this design on a pencil (pen, stick, needle). Pour salt into a glass jar of water and mix until it stops melting and sediment appears at the bottom of the container. Heat the resulting mass a little and again carefully chop. How to make a crystal at home? Everything is very simple. Transfer the jar to a warm room and place a salt blank on it on a stick. Do not disturb the product for two to three days. Add salt to the jar if necessary. Watch your pebble grow. When it reaches the desired size, take it out and dry thoroughly.

what can a crystal be made of

So you have learned how to make a crystal at home from the simplest materials. In the future, such a pebble can be used for the manufacture of decorative elements in the interior, Christmas decorations, souvenirs.


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