How to check a residence permit for readiness? How much is a residence permit considered

It is important to have information on how to check a residence permit for readiness. Since without these actions it will be difficult to find out in time about the decision made. To obtain information on the issuance of a certificate, you can use an electronic request or an application in writing.

What is a residence permit?

A residence permit must be understood as the right of a stateless person or a foreign citizen to officially reside in the territory of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the presence of a residence permit allows you to work or develop your business in Russia.

residence permit readiness check

Those who have obtained the right to long-term residence can move inside the country without any obstacles. Also, there will be no difficulties with trips to the territory of other states and subsequent return to the Russian Federation. To do this, you do not have to draw up additional documentation.

A residence permit is considered valid for 5 years from the date of receipt. After the expiration of the residence permit must be renewed.

How much time is needed for clearance

The standard time period for which the application is considered is 6 months. Six months later, the decision should be announced, regardless of whether it is negative or positive.

In this case, preferential treatment conditions are possible. They are available to the following categories of citizens:

  1. Residents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Belarus. They can get a residence permit for 3 months.
  2. Highly skilled workers. Such people, as well as their families, will have to wait 3 months to obtain a residence permit.
  3. Citizens participating in the resettlement program of compatriots. The necessary documents can be issued to them after 2 months.
  4. People who have received refugee status. The period for consideration of their request is limited to a period of 15 days.

How to check your residency permit

The first thing you need to start with is visiting the GUVM website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In online mode, you can issue a request and find out how things are going with the application.

how much they give a residence permit

A call to the help desk can also help, where they will certainly tell you whether a residence permit is ready or not.

If none of the above methods is suitable, then you should personally visit the local branch of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which initially submitted documents for a residence permit.

How to use the site

Performing a readiness check for a residence permit in an online format is the fastest and most convenient way.

Having come to the official site of GUVM you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Find the item "Checking the readiness of a residence permit" and select it.
  2. Fill in all the items in the open form. You will need to provide information regarding the region, document number and date of birth.
  3. Click the “Send Request” button. It is located at the bottom of the completed form. After this action, the user will be able to see the processing status of his documents.
how much is a residence permit considered

The data that is displayed is based on lists of territorial bodies, updated on an ongoing basis. Moreover, the latest database date should be displayed in the site window.

In the case when the residence permit is not yet ready, the system displays the message "Data on the readiness of a residence permit is not available." This does not mean rejection, just the application is still pending.

Understanding how long to wait for a residence permit in Russia in most cases, do not make hasty conclusions about the refusal.

When you receive a response, you must pay attention to the date of the last update. Perhaps the latest data has not been received for several days and the solution will be published at the next download. If half the standard period has not passed from the time of filing the application, then it is likely that the issue of a specific residence permit is still being considered.

But if there is no decision, and the term for consideration of the application is coming to an end, then the probability that a negative decision was made is very high. For a final check of the status of the application, it is better to contact the department where the documents were received.

If the refusal is confirmed, you need to find out the reason for this decision. Perhaps the refusal is unfounded and can be appealed in court.

Thus, when accessing the Internet, there should be no problems with how to check if the residence permit is ready.

Phone call

Some people find it easier to dial another number and talk with the operator than to master the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You need to call the information desk, and it is precisely the department in which documents were submitted. Of course, there is no single number and you will have to find out the suitable one by the place of stay.

how much is a residence permit considered

Before you check your residency permit by phone, you need to consider the possible waiting time - an average of 2 minutes. Such a slow reaction of the operators with a high line load is explained. There are many who want to know the fate of the statement and they can call at the same time.

Local branch visit

You need to plan a visit to the regional authority to which the documents were handed over.

A list of papers ready for issuance is available from the inspector. It is he who will be able to provide the necessary information.

For those who live in St. Petersburg and Moscow

People living in St. Petersburg initially need to submit documents to the local branch of the Office for Migration, which is located on Red Textile. It is also worthwhile to find out the status of the application for a residence permit.

How to confirm a residence permit

You can also use the GUVD website by selecting the region you want to search. To check the readiness of a residence permit in St. Petersburg, you should use a phone.

Residents of Moscow need to contact one of the capital's multifunctional centers. You can do this by visiting the site’s site or the nearest branch. To get answers to any questions regarding residence permit, it is worth calling by phone.

How to make a request

People who are interested in how to find out whether a residence permit is ready, it is better to visit the local police department. You need to have an identification document with you.

Since there is no strict form for submitting a request, it is better to initially focus on the Law “On the Procedure for the Appeal of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, namely, Art. 7 (aka Law No. 59-FZ).

The request is in free form addressed to the head of the department. In such a document, you must specify:

  • personal data, including passport data;
  • the basis for providing the information that is requested;
  • name of the institution accepting the request;
  • mailing address to which the reply can be sent;
  • phone number.

How quickly a response to a request is received depends largely on the workload of a particular department. But at the same time, information should be provided within 30 days and no later. Such a requirement is contained in 1 tbsp. Law 59-FZ.

how to check a residence permit for readiness

It is also important to initially understand how much a residence permit is being considered, and to take into account this waiting period. If information is urgently needed, then the request should indicate the reasons for which data on residence permit are needed. As one of them may be the need for employment.

In the event that for some reason it is not possible to personally visit the police department, the request can be sent by mail. If the letter is sent by a potential employer, then it is better to use the official form of the company.

The service of providing information regarding residence permits is not subject to taxes and duties. That is, you don’t have to pay.

If a positive decision has been made, then in order to obtain a certificate you need to visit the department where the papers were submitted along with the application.

Why can they refuse to issue a residence permit?

In addition to information about how much a residence permit is being considered, attention should be paid to obstacles. Failure can be obtained for the following reasons:

  • a trip was made outside the country for more than 6 months;
  • there was a criminal or administrative offense;
  • the applicant was diagnosed with a serious infectious disease;
  • the information in the documents attached to the application was incomplete or incorrect.
how to get a residence permit for a child

It is also important to understand how to extend a residence permit in Russia after receiving it. To do this, you need to write a statement and attach documents to it confirming the availability of housing and a sufficient income level for a full life.

In addition, you will have to pay a state fee.

What to do if a decision is delayed

Having found out how long they give a residence permit, you need to constantly monitor information, especially at the end of the review period. If the timing of the decision has been violated, then you need to apply with the appropriate application to the territorial body dealing with migration issues.

The number and address of a suitable branch can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

There is a form on the same resource that allows you to file a complaint in case of violation of the terms for issuing a certificate.

How to get a residence permit

In order to become the holder of a residence permit certificate, you must perform the following steps:

  • obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia (RVP);
  • take an exam in Russian or document proficiency in this language
  • write an application and go through a medical commission;
  • pay state duty (3500 rubles);
  • get a certificate of income and prepare documents confirming the availability of housing (own or rented);
  • the application and all papers should be submitted to the local police department.
How to find out if a residence permit is ready

Next, you will need to wait for the appropriate decision.

It is worth considering the fact that the residence permit must also have children of migrants. It is important to know information about how to obtain a residence permit for a child, since difficulties can arise with an illiterate approach to this process. To obtain a residence permit, a statement on behalf of the children drawn up by their parents is required. In this case, you will need to attach such papers as:

  1. Passport of the country of residence. If the child is 16 years old, then his written consent will be required.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Medical certificate. It must confirm that a minor migrant is not infected with HIV.
  4. Information about the income of parents.
  5. Photos (4 pcs.).

Children under 18 years of age can not pass the exam in the Russian language.

Those who received a residence permit must understand how to confirm a residence permit. Information about this is important because this process is mandatory and annual. If you ignore the confirmation procedure, then the residence permit can simply be withdrawn.

To avoid such a development of events, you need to send a notification of residence in Russia to the FMS every year. All necessary papers are best prepared in advance. We are talking about such documents as a statement, statements of income and from the place of work, foreign passport, original residence permit, etc.

In this case, a copy of the passport must be certified by a notary and translated into Russian.


There are several ways to check for a decision to issue a residence permit. Applicants have access to the electronic application format, a written request and sending a special letter. When receiving the results on the official website of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the database may not be updated.


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