Ondulin roof: installation features

The roof of ondulin has recently become more and more popular with private craftsmen and professional developers. This is due to many factors, among them we should especially highlight the acceptable cost and ease of installation. Installation work will be possible even for a novice master who does not have sufficient experience in carrying out roofing works. But for starters, of course, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features of the installation. Otherwise, the roof will not last long, and the forces, time and money will be wasted.

Ondulin is on sale in the form of tiles or slate sheets. The basis is cellulose fiber, impregnated in the manufacturing process with special resins or bitumen. Processing is carried out at high pressure, while the material warms up to a temperature of 130 degrees. As a result, it is possible to obtain sheets that are waterproof, have a long service life and can be stacked at any slope angle.

Ondulin is biologically inert, mold and fungus do not form on its surface. This coating is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, does not fade during operation. The roof of ondulin is also popular for the reason that it has a small weight, so it can be used with lightweight structures. You can lay the material on the old roofing, arranging for the beginning a crate system.

Preparatory work

Installation of the roof with an ondulin can only begin after you manage to determine the type and amount of material for the ceiling. You can do the calculation yourself. Depending on the angle of inclination of the ramp, the coating technology, in particular the design of the crate, will change. This is determined by the snow load, which increases in the case of flat roofs.

ondulin roof

If the angle of the ramp is not more than 10 degrees, then the material is laid on a continuous crate. The transverse overlap of the sheets should be equal to 30 centimeters. In the role of the material for the base, you can use a trim board or plywood.

We cover the roof with ondulin only after the frame system is equipped. It can be sparse and is used when the angle is from 10 to 15 degrees. The distance between the rails can be approximately 45 centimeters. The length of the joint should be equal to 20 centimeters. With a steeper slope, you can equip the crate, the distance between the elements of which will be 60 centimeters. In this case, the joint should be equal to 17 centimeters.

For reference

Despite the fact that the manufacturer advises to lay ondulin without waterproofing with a significant slope angle, experts recommend not to abandon this layer. In this case, it will be necessary to create a ventilation gap. This will ensure the durability of the structure.

ondulin photo of roofs

Features of mounting the frame system

With a small slope, which is 5-10 degrees, a continuous crate is arranged, between the components of which it is necessary to leave a gap of 3-5 millimeters. Boards are laid for the ridge and valley, which are stacked on the rafters. On each side, the distance should be equal to 25 centimeters. Even with a slight slope on the overhang of the roof, it is necessary to fix an additional bar, sometimes it becomes solid by 0.5 millimeters. However, these recommendations cannot be found in the instructions. Ice and snow will accumulate from the edge of the roof in spring. It is this factor that determines the listed requirements.

Before you cover the roof with your own ondulin, it is necessary to determine the slope of the roof, which should not be less than 1/11. Such a system should be covered with a built-up roll waterproofing. If the components of the frame have the same thickness, then two wooden bars, the length of which will be equivalent to the internal distance between the components of the crate, will accelerate the work.

roof roof ondulin

The quality of the frame is not so important, since the ondulin perfectly fits on roofs with an uneven surface. Under such conditions, the asbestos slate would crack. Bitumen-cellulose webs will lay down in the shape of the structure, performing its function. But at the same time, you should not expect that visually the roof will look as attractive as possible.

Tool preparation

Before covering the roof with ondulin, it is necessary to prepare a certain set of tools, among them the following: a hacksaw, a marker, a hammer, a safety belt and devices for lifting sheets. The hacksaw should have small teeth that will perfectly cope with the cutting of ondulin. If the canvas is greased with oil, then the hacksaw will cut the material faster. Can be used for cutting and a hand circular saw. It is acceptable to replace the marker with a soft pencil, it is best to take one that has a light shade. It will be needed for marking sheets. Some experts use wax crayons for this. To mark the cornice row you will need a cord.

Nails should be hammered with an ordinary hammer, but the sheets can be lifted up using a special device. Ondulin is a lightweight material, so it will be easy to handshake. But if the roof is quite high or there are other reasons that preclude manual lifting of the material, a convenient fixture should be built. The simplest will be a strong rope, on the edges of which there are hooks. They should be hooked to the extreme waves of the sheet and raised to the roof of the central part of the rope.

sizes of ondulin for the roof

Roofing of the roof with ondulin must be carried out in the presence of personal protective equipment that the master will use. This should include a safety belt, sturdy shoes, a hard hat, as well as a belt with pockets and a jumpsuit.

The need for lining materials

If you decide to do the laying of ondulin, then you will probably be faced with the question of whether there is a need to use steam and waterproofing. The manufacturer claims that the properties of the described material can do without additional barriers, as the material copes with these functions. But if you want to warm the attic or attic, it is best to additionally use waterproofing.

Sheet stacking

Before starting roofing, it is especially important to choose the right roof material. Ondulin will be the best solution for this, which will create a reliable and durable design. After all of the above work is completed, you can start laying sheets, this technology is similar to installing slate, but the technique in this case is simpler.

Installation is carried out in such a way that the vertical seams go apart. To do this, the first row should start with a whole sheet, while the second - with half. By analogy with slate, the master will have to align the paintings with respect to the cornice.

Fastening sheets to the crate system is recommended to be carried out with nails with plastic caps for hats. However, in some cases, self-tapping screws, as well as roofing nails, are used. But in the latter case, the technology will be disrupted, so there may be emergencies that the manufacturer will not accept as claims.

right roof ondulin

The roof of ondulin is mounted in such a way that about 20 nails should go on one sheet. The lower part of the canvas is fixed in each upper wave, on the following elements the fastening is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, the fasteners will need to be installed through one wave. As practice shows, difficulties can arise at the time of closing the caps on the nails, experts recommend closing them on the ground, scoring in the right position.


In the installation instructions you can find information about the overlap parameters. In the case of adjacent sheets, it should be two waves, while the vertical overlap is equivalent to 30 centimeters, which is true for a slope of 10 degrees. With a slope of 15 degrees, the overlap should be 20 centimeters in the case of a vertical joint and one wave for lateral overlap.

In order to maintain the same level of entry of one sheet to another, first you need to draw a line on the surface of the sheets with a beat. If the roof of ondulin will be equipped on the surface of the metal frame, then the nails should be replaced with self-tapping screws. At the beginning of the work, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wind, which prevails in a particular area.

The first sheets are fixed on the roof slope, which is located on the opposite side of the wind direction. The second row begins with half the sheet, in this case, the laying will be much more convenient, and the material consumption can be reduced. This is due to the fact that the overlap of the lateral joint will be three sheets, not four.

how to cover the roof with your own hands ondulin

Skate and Ends

If you decided to use ondulin for work, it is recommended to consider a photo of the roofs first. Perhaps this will help to understand how best to carry out the work. As soon as you move on to fixing the roof ridge, you need to start mounting it using the same technology as the slate itself. It is mounted on the internal parts of the waves to additional elements of the crate.

At registration of endov it is necessary to use the elements made of ondulin. An additional crate is formed for them. The same technique should be applied when making the forceps. But it can be mounted with a simple bend, as well as fixing with nails part of the sheet of ondulin. To do this, use a gable board. But this method can be applied only if the air temperature has a positive value.

Features of the calculation of the material

The calculation of the ondulin on the roof can be done by you yourself. To do this, find out the basic geometric parameters. If you use a sheet whose dimensions are 0.95 x 2 meters, then its area will be 1.9 square meters.

It is important when calculating the area of ​​the roof. If these works are carried out at the design stage of construction, the determination of the area can be carried out by projection. In doing so, use knowledge of geometry. The dimensions of the ondulin for the roof are indicated by the manufacturer as a useful and complete value.

The surface of the roof structure is divided into separate geometric objects, for example, triangles and trapezoids. Using mathematical formulas, you can calculate the area of ​​each element. Further, it should be noted that the roof has a certain slope. The angle of each geometric object should be determined relative to the surface of the earth.

All indicators that were obtained during the above calculations should be summarized, which will allow you to get the roof area. If the projection of the structure is represented by a rectangle, and the angle of inclination is 30 degrees, then the roof area can be determined by multiplying the area of ​​the rectangle by the cosine of the angle of inclination. If you have an area value, you can calculate the number of sheets. For this, the indicator of the area of ​​the roof must be divided by the useful area of ​​the roofing sheet. The last value will depend on the slope of the ramp and may be 1.3; 1.5; 1.6 square meters.

how to cover the roof with ondulin

Designing joints and arranging ventilation

In order to cover the roof correctly with ondulin, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules that require compliance with the technology. For example, it is necessary to make a joint of a vertical wall and a roof by installing an apron from ondulin. Among other things, in the designated place you need to lay waterproofing, fixing the apron with nails. In order to provide ventilation, a roofing fan should be used, which is mounted on each wave that has a pair with the sheets.

Roofing windows, necessary to provide the attic with sunlight, are fixed with nails, and the upper part is decorated with a euro-slate, which is laid with an overlap to prevent flooding of rain drains. After completion of work, roofs of houses look very attractive. Ondulin fastening may include the exclusion of gaps between the sheets and the ridge. For this, a special filler is used. You can improve the waterproofing of the cornice using a special box. For the overhang of the sheet on the ledge, 70 millimeters will be enough. This parameter is the maximum.

Ventilation channels can be formed using ventilation pipes, which are manufactured by a company manufacturing roofing material. They are fixed with nails on each wave of the base. The upper part is laid over the overlap.

In order to prevent birds and insects from falling into the gap between the sheets, a ventilation comb should be installed in this place. It is mounted with nails on the ledge under the sheet. When arranging a metal crate and fastening sheets using self-tapping screws, excessive tightening of the fasteners should be excluded, otherwise the material may be damaged. To waterproof the joints and joints of the structure with the roof windows, you can use the protection of the cornices with the help of self-adhesive tape onduflesh. She will make the valley more complete. This tape is produced by the same companies that make ondulin. If you want to use a vapor barrier layer, then you can purchase lining material of the Ondutis brand R70.

Recommendations to the master

If you decide to purchase ondulin for roofing, a photo of the roofs is recommended to consider before visiting the store. Before the purchase, the corresponding calculations are also carried out. The surface area of ​​the roof should be determined by the eaves overhangs, while using the extreme line of the structure should not be.

Material dimensions

If the roof will be covered with ondulin by the hands of an inexperienced master, then before purchasing materials it is important to familiarize yourself with its geometric parameters in more detail. In the manufacture, the manufacturer uses certain standards, which sometimes have small errors. For example, along the length of the sheet, a figure can be increased to ten millimeters or reduced to three. As for the width, the value can be increased or decreased to 5 millimeters. If we consider the standard sizes, then the length, width and thickness of the sheet will be 2000 x 950 x 3 millimeters. One sheet weighs 6 kilograms, and the wave height of the canvas is equivalent to 36 millimeters. The error can be 2 millimeters in both directions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21528/

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