Cats of the breed Manx: description of the breed with a photo

The cat creates an atmosphere of kindness and warmth in the house. With her presence, the fluffy beauty soothes and gives a wonderful mood. People have brought dozens of breeds of these graceful animals. For example, some individuals are hairless or have an unusual ear shape. Manx cats have a very short tail, and sometimes it is completely absent. You can learn more about these beautiful creations from the article.

Historical reference

The homeland of these beautiful animals is the Isle of Man, owned by the UK. The description of the breed of Manx cats, a breed that does not have a tail, begins with a history of its occurrence. It is believed that the ancestors of these animals miraculously escaped from a ship in distress. At that time, cats still had a tail, but then, due to mutations, it disappeared.

According to another version, the ancestors of animals of this breed arrived in the UK on merchant ships from the Far East. The Isle of Man was isolated from the mainland, resulting in closely related crosses among cats. This is precisely what led to numerous mutations, as a result of which individuals without a tail appeared. Animal breeding was not controlled by anyone in those days, so cats with an interesting defect continued to mate with other cats. Over time, tailless animals became more and more.

In Europe, an unusual breed was learned only in the 19th century. Breeders began to conduct breeding work only in the 20s of the 20th century. Now the breed is known, and it has many fans, but it is especially loved in Western Europe.

Manx cat


The animal has rounded trunk and head lines. In the description of the breed of cats, Manx emphasizes that the body should be strong and muscular. An animal that is brought for examination to the exhibition must be completely healthy, otherwise it will be disqualified.

Manx heads are rounded and large in size. Cheeks and cheekbones are well defined. The nose is short, wide and straight. The bite is correct, the muzzle is developed. Ears should be proportional to the head. They are set high and look a little outward. They are wide at the base, but taper towards the tips. A rare, long coat grows inside the ears. The eyes are expressive, large, round. Ideally, their color should match the tone of the coat.

The body is harmoniously developed, strong, compact. Chest well defined, ribs not flat. But despite the impressive size, the manxes do not look obese and clumsy, they are rather strong and fit. The back is short, especially in cats, but the body should still look harmonious. The front legs are short, but the hind legs are noticeably longer. The tail is absent, the croup is wide and muscular.

Manx's coat is shiny and very soft. To the touch, it resembles a feather bed or pillow. The coat is double. Any shades except Siamese color are acceptable. Crossing Manks with any other breeds is strictly prohibited.


The main feature of Manx cats is the tail. There are 4 varieties of these animals:

  • ramp;
  • riser;
  • stumpi;
  • longs.

Because of the unusual tail, the breed is called the cat manx patronus. This is a very beautiful mystical entity from the world of magic. The most popular kind of Manx is ramp. She has a completely missing tail, and in its place there is a characteristic fossa. The back of these cats is completely round.

The second kind of menx is the riser, also called the riser. They have cartilage in the place where the tail should be. Outwardly, it is completely invisible, since the hair completely hides it. A variety of stumps has a tail, but it should be no longer than 2.5 cm. The process is clearly visible in the hair and consists of 1 or 2 vertebrae. The last variety - longs - has a tail of normal length. They are also called tailed manxes.

Beautiful cat


Looking at the photos of cats of the breed Manx, people immediately get the feeling that this is a very smart and playful animal. And there is. Manks really like to spend time with their master and very difficult to endure separation from him. If the owner is at home, then the faithful cat will definitely take a place near him.

Manx loves children and will enjoy playing with them. But this cat is not a plush toy, so whoever pulls it by the ears or paws will be immediately punished. But if you do not offend Manx, then this is a very friendly and peaceful animal.

Games are a favorite pastime for these cats. They like fun jumping or running after the ball. Resting, Manx tries to take a place at the top so that a good view of the house opens from him. These cats learn tricks with ease, they can even execute commands. If the owner loves traveling, then Manx can be a great companion for him.

Cat manx

Buying a kitten

In Russia, there are practically no breeders engaged in this breed, therefore, most likely, it will be necessary to acquire a baby in Europe. Looking at photos of cats of the breed Manx, it is impossible not to fall in love with them. But breeding these animals is very difficult, therefore, the cost of a fluffy beauty will be expensive. Now the minimum price for a cat of this breed is 30-50 thousand rubles. The price of cats that have no tail at all can reach up to 100 thousand rubles. Show-class animals can be even more expensive.

Most of the Manx nurseries are in America and the UK. Promising for breeding animals in Russia, they are reluctant to sell. Therefore, people who want to get a kitten will encounter some difficulties. Bona fide breeders sell their babies already vaccinated and after 3 months of age. Together with pet buyers, they are given a veterinary passport and a cat card for free.

Manx breed kitten

Manx Care

Although the fur of these cats is not long, they need to be combed. Often you do not need to do this, just a few times a week. It is most convenient to comb out the dead undercoat with special brush-puffer brushes. Cats of the Manx breed love to watch the water, but they bathe themselves reluctantly.

The eyes and ears of the pet may become dirty, so they must be cleaned regularly with the help of hygienic drops, which can be purchased at the veterinary pharmacy. If desired, the owner can trim the cat's claws, usually this should be done no more than once a month.

Menks love the company of the owners, but sometimes they want to be alone. For these purposes, the owner can buy a special cat house for the pet. In it, Manx will be able to sleep or just relax from games. The house needs to be put in a calm, quiet place so that no one bothers the cat.

If the owner walks with Manx, then he should regularly process it from fleas. It is most convenient to use drops at the withers for these purposes. Also, regardless of whether the manx walks or not, it must be periodically treated for helminths. The cat also needs annual vaccinations. If Manx will walk on the street, the owner must buy him a harness so that the pet does not run away.

Manx on a walk


Menks are not fastidious in their diet, so they can eat both high-quality food and balanced natural food. Owners should pay special attention to the content of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the diet, especially calcium. Due to the rapid intensive growth, by 3-6 months the kitten practically reaches the weight that an adult animal should have. This is a big load on the skeleton and internal organs of the baby, so a deficiency of nutrients in this case is unacceptable.

For advice on the choice of food, the owner can contact either a veterinarian or a breeder. It is impossible to feed cats of the Manx breed with food from the table, this will further lead to the development of diseases. Cheap low-quality feeds will not work for a gentle pet either. If suddenly the cat began to refuse food or he had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the pet should be taken to a veterinary clinic.


Manx cats are prone to spinal diseases. This is due to the tailless gene that the baby receives from his parents. Moreover, if the kitten receives it from both father and mother, then he will die, not even born. If the gene is transmitted only from one of the parents, then the baby will be safely born, but, like all menxes, he will be prone to diseases of the spine.

In all other respects, these are practically healthy cats; they suffer from ailments no more often than representatives of other breeds. However, diseases of the spine in a matter of months can turn a pet into a deeply disabled person. He may develop rectal lesions and vertebral fissure. Veterinarians call this Manx syndrome. Often this ailment develops in a kitten in the first months of life, but even if everything worked out, then the danger does not disappear. Manx syndrome can affect a cat both in a year, and in 5 years, and in 10.

Manx breed


It is forbidden to mate 2 tailless cats of the breed Manx. This will lead to the birth of either non-viable offspring, or deep disabled people. Therefore, a tailless cat is always picked up by a gentleman of a variety of longa. Thanks to this knitting, completely healthy babies are likely to appear. In one litter there can be both tailless kittens and longs.

Breeders are now conducting their breeding activities aimed at preserving the historical appearance of the breed and reducing the negative manifestations of mutations. When selling kittens, owners receive written guarantees of the baby’s health.

Manx cats

Interesting facts about the Manxes

There is an ancient legend about the origin of these tailless cats. When Noah built his ark, he called on him and Manksa. The cat then had a standard tail and was very proud. Manks said he did not intend to huddle in the ark with the rest of the animals and would wait out the flood in another place. However, when the water began to arrive, he changed his mind and jumped on board at the very last moment, pressing his tail with the door. According to legend, this is how cats of the breed Manx acquired a modern look.

Owner reviews

These pets are playful, love their master and, if necessary, are even ready to defend him. Reviews about cats Manx only positive. Some owners are frustrated by the tendency of animals to a dangerous disease of the spine, but in this case they try to visit a veterinarian more often.

Menks love the company of children and other animals. A cat of this breed can be bred as a second pet. Menks do not require special care, and they are not picky about food. These cats can be taken for walks, where they will walk on a leash, like dogs. Manxes can also become loyal companions of travelers, as they are not afraid of a change of scenery.


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