What is the danger of temporary registration for the homeowner?

Before registering a person at a particular address, you need to understand the danger of temporary registration for the owner. Is it worthless to prescribe these or those people in your territory? How can I do that? What difficulties can the population have during temporary registration at a particular address? After receiving answers to all these questions, homeowners will be warned about all the consequences of their actions.

what is the danger of temporary registration for the owner

Registration on time

The first step is to understand what is at stake. What is the danger of temporary registration for the apartment owner? The answer is not so simple. We will have to study existing legislation.

What is a temporary residence permit? This is registration at the place of temporary residence for a certain period. After it expires, citizens must either re-register or leave the premises.

It would seem nothing dangerous or suspicious. But in practice, citizens have some difficulties with temporary residents. Which ones?

Rights for temporary registration

What is the danger of a temporary residence permit for a homeowner? You need to understand that when registering a person in a house, he has certain rights. And they can deliver a lot of trouble. Especially if the owner has contacted unscrupulous customers.

Temporary registration gives a person the right to live in a particular housing. It is no different from citizens with a permanent residence permit. The only difference is that such persons have temporary rights.

what is the danger of temporary registration of the apartment owner

Is temporary registration dangerous for the owner? It is safe to say that if the property is not privatized, then there is nothing to fear. The fact is that temporarily residing in the territory are not entitled to participate in privatization. Also, such citizens do not have rights to a share in another's property. All they can do is live on the territory of registration for a fixed period.

Communal payments

What is the danger of temporary registration for the owner? The only feature that every apartment owner must face is an increase in utility bills.

Today, when billing for housing and communal services, the number of citizens living in the apartment is taken into account. The more tenants, the higher utility bills will be in the end.

Perhaps the increase in "communal" - this is the only thing that really needs to worry the homeowner. Usually, its payment falls on the shoulders of temporary residents or is divided between the owner and tenant.

Foreigners and temporary registration

What is the danger of temporary registration for the apartment owner? The owners of residential property are often intimidated by a variety of horror stories and myths. If you listen to some stories, then the registration of the population for a while often turns into problems. Especially when it comes to foreigners.

According to the established rules, homeowners must notify the FMS about what they have registered in the territory of the migrant. Otherwise, an administrative penalty is imposed in Russia. It is expressed in a fine of 4,000 rubles.

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You should also be wary of situations with a "left" registration. These are cases when the homeowner registers in his apartment a foreigner who really will not live on the territory. Under such circumstances, people can be fined a maximum of 5,000 rubles. But if you follow the established rules of registration of migrants, no difficulties and negative aspects will arise.

Damage to property

What is the danger of temporary registration for the owner? The following scenario is relevant mainly for dishonest residents. With a temporary residence permit, the owner usually does not suspect which citizens he is dealing with. If you come across conscientious people, there is nothing to worry about.

But this does not always happen. During temporary registration, citizens receive the right to reside in an apartment. So, they can use everything that is located on the territory in order to ensure their lives.

What is the danger of temporary registration for the homeowner? In Belarus or in the Russian Federation - this is not so important. The main thing is that temporarily registered persons do not always turn out to be conscientious. They can ruin the property of the landlord and leave quickly. To hide, so as not to be responsible for their actions. That is why owners are advised to conclude a property insurance contract, as well as take a deposit.

Rubber Flats Act

But the problems do not end there. Temporary registration of what is dangerous for the owner? Tax and FMS are particularly interested in "rubber" apartments. This is a housing where many foreigners are registered. In Russia, just such a scenario is very common. What it is?

what is the danger of temporary registration for the homeowner

"Rubber" refers to apartments in which many people are registered who do not actually live there. Fictitious registration in the Russian Federation is punishable by law. The owner of residential property may be subject to criminal liability.

Which one? Among the punishments are:

  • fine (100-500 thousand rubles);
  • forced labor (maximum 3 years);
  • imprisonment (up to 36 months).

Additionally, a citizen may be prohibited for 3 years from conducting this or that activity. But this is not a mandatory element of the punishment of negligent homeowners. The fine may be expressed in the earnings of the offender for 36 months maximum.


Accordingly, if you follow all the rules established by law, there will be no criminal liability for temporary residence of citizens. But here the troubles do not end there.

What is the danger of temporary registration for the homeowner? You should pay attention to families with minor children or those who are going to have children in the near future. Why?

The fact is that, according to the established laws, citizens who have temporary residence permits can register their minor children at the place of temporary residence. In this case, the consent of the owner to the operation is not necessary.

temporary registration than dangerous for the owner tax

What is the end result? Citizens with children (including foreigners) can register their minors in a strange apartment. Writing them to nowhere will be impossible. Thus, the owner acquires an encumbrance in the form of minor children. In the course of this scenario, difficulties may arise in the alienation of property.

Perhaps this is the second really dangerous nuance associated with temporary registration. He needs to beware most. After all, when solving issues in which minors are involved, you will have to communicate with guardianship authorities. This service always takes the side of children and protects their interests.


It is clear why the temporary residence permit is dangerous for the homeowner. It is important to understand that after the expiration of the registration deadline at the place of temporary residence, the owner can either re-register tenants or evict them. Citizens are required to leave the apartment.

Is temporary registration dangerous for the owner

If this does not happen, a forced eviction is possible. For this, the homeowner must go to court. This is a fairly common version of the development of events among unscrupulous residents. Based on a court decision, a forced eviction takes place. They simply cannot leave temporarily registered citizens in an apartment just like that. For this, the owner of the property can not worry.

Registration Procedure

Now a little about how you can register in the apartment for the time of this or that person. In general, this operation is no different from a permanent residence permit. The difference is that in the end, the registered person will not be stamped with a passport. Instead, they issue a certificate of the established form.

To temporarily register on the territory of a citizen, you will need:

  1. Take the initiative.
  2. Collect a specific list of papers.
  3. Apply to the FMS. Attach prepared documents with copies of it.
  4. Get a certificate of temporary registration.

As a rule, the process does not provide for anything difficult or special. Usually the parties do not have problems with temporary registration.


What documents can be useful for translating ideas into reality? The list of papers for temporary registration is needed as follows:

  • statement of established form;
  • birth certificate (for minors);
  • identity card (for children from 14 years of age and adults);
  • military ID (if available);
  • owner's passport;
  • documents on property rights to property (from the owner of the apartment);
  • grounds for staying on the territory (lease agreement, application from the owner of the premises, etc.).

For foreigners, an additional migration card is required. After about 5 days, a citizen will be issued a certificate of temporary registration.

what is the danger of temporary registration for the owner of the apartment

Early discharge

Under certain circumstances, tenants can be discharged ahead of schedule. When exactly?

Among such cases, there are:

  • conscription into the army or mobilization;
  • imprisonment of a registered person;
  • if the person was recognized dead or missing;
  • judicially;
  • when registering at a new address;
  • if the parties have submitted fake or invalid documents;
  • the presence of illegal actions in the room.

From now on, it is clear why the temporary registration is dangerous for the owner. In reality, everything is not as scary as it seems. In most cases, all problems are resolved through the courts. Judicial authorities side with the conscientious owner of the property.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21531/

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