How to lay paving slabs: tips and tricks

The production of paving slabs today has acquired tremendous proportions, and not only in industrial, but also at home. It is not surprising that this facing material has gained immense popularity in the design of garden paths, sidewalks, etc. However, before proceeding with the improvement of the territory adjacent to your home, you need to figure out how to lay the paving slabs correctly.

how to lay paving slabs

Often this material is called pavers. There are many schemes for laying it, the most popular of them are the Christmas tree, the column and the brickwork. This material is good because it is very easy to bridge paths and sidewalks with its help. And the plots on which paving stones of different colors were used look very neat and elegant. So, how to put the paving slabs? Consider the main stages of work.

how to lay paving slabs in the country

First you need to familiarize yourself with some tips that will be useful in preparing and laying tiles. When buying paving stones, one must take into account the waste generated from cutting. Their number depends on the shape of the tile and on the way of laying.

Before laying paving slabs, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil from the selected site to a depth of at least fifteen centimeters. You should also clean the place of debris and plant roots. Next, mark the proposed plot taking into account the slope. To rain and melt water depart better, in some cases it is recommended to arrange a drainage.

Your next step should be rolling or tamping the soil. It is produced in any way known to you. Before laying paving slabs, it is necessary to mark the future path and build borders. To do this, dig the grooves where the curb stones are installed. The tamped track must be laid out with geotextiles. This is done so that during operation the paved area does not deform.

As the basis for paving slabs you need to make a "pillow" of crushed stone and sand. It is arranged regardless of whether you chose the laying method: on a dry mixture or on a solution. A β€œpillow” is made as follows: the entire surface of the site is covered with a layer of crushed stone of the middle fraction. The layer must be watered and carefully tamped. Next, pour a layer of sand, which must also be moistened and leveled. It is worth noting that experts offer many ways to properly lay paving slabs in the country. Some masters recommend pouring cement mortar directly onto the crushed stone layer, bypassing the sand, while others place a reinforcing mesh on the sand layer. Experts also advise pouring the screed not with concrete, but with a solution of tile glue.

how to lay paving slabs

Before laying paving slabs, it is worth considering that in the process of work it is necessary to immediately form a track and observe the level of material laying. Paving stones need to be laid on the finished "pillow", after which it should be rammed with a mallet or vibrating plate. You can lay tiles not only in a traditional, but also in a dry way. This is done as follows: a cement-sand mixture must be poured onto the laid pavers and distributed at all seams. Sweep away the remains with a brush, and carefully pour the tile itself with water so that the liquid penetrates into all the cracks. Soon the mixture will harden, and your path will delight the eye with accuracy and beauty.


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