Tomato Supermodel: variety description, characteristics, reviews

Every spring, as soon as the time comes to sow tomato seeds, gardeners think about which variety to choose. After all, everyone wants to please themselves and the household with an abundant and tasty crop and make preparations for the winter.

Recently, the Supermodel tomato variety has become quite popular among summer residents. It is described in detail in this article.

tomato supermodel

Tomato Supermodel: variety description

A supermodel is a mid-early variety, about 110-120 days pass from sowing seeds to ripening the first fruits. The plants themselves are determinant shtambovye, that is, as a rule, small compact bushes with a height of 60 to 80 cm.

The leaves of these tomatoes are small, dark green. They grow well in open ground, can also be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Tomato Supermodel is one of the best undersized varieties bred recently. It is characterized by unpretentious care, resistant to such common diseases as brown spotting and cracking of the fruit.

grade supermodel

Fruit Description

Perhaps the main feature of the Supermodel variety is its fruits. They have a non-standard shape: tomatoes are thin and elongated. Some fruits can grow up to 15 cm in length. This form is not only very interesting, but also great for whole-canning. A lot of tomatoes are placed in the jar, as they are stacked very tightly, leaving very little free space.

The fruits themselves are very beautiful. The color is pinkish red, very saturated, at full maturity it can even be raspberry. The pulp inside is dense, there are few seeds.

The weight of the fruit of tomato Supermodel is usually small - from 100 to 150 g. At the same time, they have a thin, but dense skin, so the fruits do not crack during processing, and are not damaged during transportation.

This variety has another added plus. Reviews about tomato Supermodel say that the fruits can be picked and green, as they ripen well outside the bush. This is especially important for those regions where the summer is not always happy with good weather. Tomatoes can be harvested green both with deteriorating weather conditions and with the threat of disease. This will help preserve the crop.

supermodel tomatoes


Variety Supermodel was bred in 2012 by Altai breeders, then it was registered. This variety is very fond of sunlight, so it is suitable for the southern regions and for central Russia. The optimal regions for cultivation are Altai Territory, Volga Region, and the Caucasus. Not recommended for cultivation in the northern regions: Siberia, the Far East.

In its application, the variety is considered absolutely universal: tomatoes can be eaten fresh, prepare salads and first courses. They are also perfect for harvesting and for canning, for processing into juice or tomato paste.

The balanced content of sugars and acids in tomato Supermodel makes it a delicious low-growing variety.

The yield of the variety is not too high, with proper care - 6-8 kg per 1 square. m. Poor care reduces productivity to 4 kg.

growing tomatoes

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like all other varieties, tomato Supermodel has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The variety, as the reviews say, has the following advantages:

  • Wonderful presentation.
  • High flavoring properties.
  • Unpretentiousness in leaving.
  • Strong immunity.
  • Unpretentiousness to soil.
  • The fruits are well transported and stored for a long time.
  • The fruits are universal in use.


  • Not too high yields.
  • The variety is demanding on sunlight and weeding.
  • It responds well to timely fertilizer application.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Tomato Supermodel has excellent immunity, but sometimes undergoes phomosis. To get rid of this disease, it is necessary to remove the affected fruits in time, and the plants themselves are treated with the β€œKhom” preparation. Also, at this time, tomatoes do not need to be fertilized with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, and the number of irrigation needs to be reduced.

Sometimes a supermodel is struck by dry spotting. With this unpleasant phenomenon, the drugs "Antracol", "Consento" help to fight.

Of the pests, perhaps the Colorado potato beetle can be feared. You can also fight it with chemicals: "Aktara", "Regent", "Prestige", etc.

Cultivation and care

Supermodel tomato seeds are sown for seedlings in late March - early April, depending on the region of cultivation.

Sowing is carried out in small containers, which will be conveniently closed with a bag or film. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and the containers with seedlings are transferred to the sunniest window sill.

tomato seedlings

So that the seeds germinate faster, and the seedlings themselves are strong and healthy, they can be treated with growth stimulants before sowing.

It is also important to choose high-quality seed. If the seeds are bought in a store, then you need to check the expiration date, integrity of the packaging, and of course, the manufacturer. One such producer is the Siberian Garden. Often purchased seeds are sold already processed.

If the seeds are obtained independently, then before sowing they need to be calibrated and disinfected. These procedures will help to get healthier and stronger plants, as well as a quality crop.

When 2-3 real leaflets appear on the seedlings, it can be dived into separate cups or boxes, where the seedlings will feel free. Seedling care consists of regular watering and good lighting.

Seedlings are planted in the ground when the threat of frost passes. The variety is undersized; it does not grow too much, therefore, per 1 sq. Km. 3-4 plants are planted. It is not necessary to tie and pinch tomatoes, but if they are grown in a greenhouse, a backup may be needed.

Subsequent care consists in timely watering, weeding, loosening. Supermodel responds well to dressing. Be sure to fertilize tomatoes in the phase of active growth.

As a conclusion, we can say that the Supermodel variety is not in vain so popular among gardeners, it earned good reviews. This unpretentious short handsome man will surely like both amateur gardeners and farmers. Its beautiful and tasty fruits will not leave anyone indifferent and are suitable for fresh consumption and for salting.


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