What to go for an interview: features, recommendations and reviews

Interviewing is an important step in testing for strength. Everyone who at least once got a job knows that tricky questions from future employers can lead to a dead end, from which the direct path is only to the labor exchange. To avoid failures in hiring, you need to know a few rules of proper behavior, but the most important thing is to remember that "they are greeted by clothes." So if you don’t want to hear the cold: “We will call you back”, you should know in advance what to go for an interview. After all, the first impression can be decisive.

How to go for an interview

How important is the look?

Sociologists claim that the employer makes a decision about candidates within a few seconds. You should not rely only on one appearance, but really a lot depends on it. What catches your eye first? What to go for an interview with a girl, and what a man?

Your clothes should be in harmony with the position you are applying for. So there’s absolutely no reason to dress in youth jeans with twists, if you count on the position of deputy director in a large company. Do not forget about one important statement of psychologists. They recommend that you come for an interview in clothes that are priced at half the salary you are counting on. Remember that the first impression of you should be very good. After all, this is already half the success.

Company dress code

Today, almost any self-respecting company has its own website on the Internet. Often, it is created precisely with the aim of finding new and promising personnel. So if you are seriously wondering in what form to go for an interview, then do not be lazy to study the site of the company whose vacancy you are interested in. Very often you can find a lot of useful information. Including the dress code, if any. This will greatly increase your chances of future success.

How to go for an interview

Universal option

If you were unable to find the information, or the dress code in the company simply does not exist, then you need to start first of all from comfort. What is the best way to go for an interview? It’s clear that you don’t need to go in jeans and sneakers, but to choose clothes that will be convenient for you is half the success. You should feel confident, and not adapt to the "framework". Firstly, it will be striking. Secondly, if you crawl the whole interview in the chair due to the fact that the new skirt is too tight, then nothing good will come of it. Thus, you will only create an image of a person who is nervous and unsure of himself. And, most likely, the employer will be forced to refuse you.

Gross mistakes

Why go to an interview? There are certain general requirements. Excessive sexuality is strictly unacceptable. All leopard, very short, and screaming leave at home. Underwear should not peek out from under the clothes. A bare stomach is also a bad helper. So you get a job unless in a strip club. Any bracelets and too long earrings are prohibited. Take care of the bag too. Shabby pens will not go unnoticed. Also, do not come for an interview on too high heels.

what to go to an interview for a man in the summer

Men, avoid sandals, T-shirts and stretched sweaters. In no case do not wear massive gold chains and rings. And check your shoes. Erased noses and heels are strictly unacceptable.

All the nuances and subtleties are quite difficult to remember. Therefore, follow the general principles: neat, well-groomed and clean. This is perhaps the most important thing.

For those in the works

What is better to wear for an interview if you are a representative of a creative profession? First, don't be afraid to show it. Confirm your non-standard profession in a stylish, and most importantly, unusual way. Clown costume, of course, is a bust. But skirts and dresses with an asymmetric cut and catchy finish are perfect. Colored jackets and blouses are also acceptable.

what clothes to go for an interview

Classic for women

What to go for an interview with a woman if you are completely confused and do not know what to wear? Coco Chanel answered this question. A little black dress is a safe choice. On top of it you can wear a small neat belt. But he should be worn only with a jacket. Add modest accessories and delicate classic shoes to your look - business style is ready.

If you decide to wear a suit of wool, then choose a jacket where the lining is only half or quarter length. Thus, it will not be hot for you, because the fabric will be able to “breathe”. The blouse in the suit should be made of natural silk. A thick cotton shirt is also suitable. You can also come in a skirt. But it is important to remember that the length should be just above the knees. It is considered classic. In addition, if you have chosen the correct length, the skirt will not bulge when you sit down. Do not forget about tights. Ideally, they should match your skin color.

what to go for an interview with a woman

Makeup and hairstyle

Do not forget about the right makeup and hairstyle. Hair should be laid as neatly as possible. You can make a bunch or collect in the tail. If your bangs fall over your eyes, better remove it and pin it with a hairpin. Otherwise, it will interfere with both you and your interviewer during the interview. You will constantly be distracted and lose the thread of the conversation. Makeup should not be too bright. Natural is best. Lightly accentuate the eyes and lips. Discreet shades will look perfect. As for the flavor. Do not use perfumes with a pungent odor. This may not be pleasant to everyone.

Options for Gentlemen

In what clothes to go for an interview, if we are talking about the strong half? In fact, things are much simpler here. A classic two-piece suit is perfect. Dark blue, dark gray or just black is always a good option. A fitted white shirt will look best. The size of the collar should be slightly larger than your neck. This will help you avoid choking if you react to everything that is too excited. If you don’t like the suit, it is easily replaced with trousers and a classic dark-colored sweater.

You can not wear a tie. But if you decide, then you need to know some fairly simple rules. It will look good with any suit, plain and without patterns. It can be red or blue. And most importantly - tie your tie correctly. Wide knotted only with middle knots. A thin tie can be tied with absolutely any knot. If you wear a tie, take care of the clip. Classic silver is always suitable.

What is clearly not worth a man to go for an interview with? You can not even talk about a tracksuit or jeans. This is definitely a very bad option. By the way, this is a terrible idea, even if you are getting a job at a fitness center. This style of clothing is definitely not suitable for an interview.

what to go for an interview with a man

Shoes should be polished to a shine. Use a special sponge for this. It is recommended that you wear black lace-up boots for the interview. Dark brown is also allowed. By the way, a classic belt for trousers must necessarily match the color of your shoes. Well, do not forget about socks. Black and without holes. Best new. Place order not only in the head, but also on it. Do not let your hair puff in different directions. It is best to do a short haircut in advance. Despite the fact that now the beard is in fashion, it is still recommended to shave it off. So you will look tidier. The same goes for the mustache.

Most men do not like to visit beauty salons. But if you go for an interview, then take care of the cleanliness of your hands. Nails should be trimmed. And no dirt beneath them. Few people will like it. Wedding rings are welcome. This suggests that you are most likely a serious person. Other jewelry is best to prudently remove. Especially when it comes to earrings or piercings. As well as women, men are recommended light aromas of cologne. And do not overdo it. Do not pour the entire bottle on yourself. A good impression will help to make a briefcase. Put a notebook, a pair of pens, or a brand new gadget there.

Female images in the summer

What to go for an interview with a girl in the summer? Hot weather is not always good. The eternal misfortune is sweat and smell. To avoid such problems, it is best to completely abandon synthetic fabrics. You can also purchase special armpit tabs at the store. These are small pads that are fixed inside the sleeves. So you can definitely avoid problems with an unpleasant odor.

What to go for an interview in the summer? At this time, dresses or skirts of light green, pale pink and blue tones are recommended. But do not overdo it. Maintain a business-like and austere style. Sleeveless dress can be combined with a jacket. Among other things, try to avoid any patterns on your clothes. It is better to abandon short-sleeved blouses, even in summer. If you still risk putting on such a thing, then very carefully watch the bra strap. She should not look out.

If you know how to wear classic capris, then feel free to dare. Pick up a neat tunic with a short sleeve to them and you will look just fine. A pencil skirt and a shirt will be the best choice. You can also wear a dress of medium length, but only plain, with a sleeve in three quarters. You can throw a jacket, but if the sun bakes too much, it is better to leave it at home. The same goes for silk scarf. Of course, it looks beautiful, but with it you will definitely be very hot.

By the way, even in extreme heat you will have to wear tights. By the way, do not be too lazy to bring a couple of spare ones with you. Arriving for an interview with arrows on your feet is the worst option. Recommended 8 den. Bare feet are strictly unacceptable.

Shoes should be with their toes closed. So sandals will not work. Best ballet shoes. Try to avoid too high heels. There is no need to talk about spanking - this is unacceptable.

Summer clothing options for men

What to go to an interview for a man in the summer? Here, everything is not much different from the winter version. Best suit, but without a jacket. It can be replaced with a vest. A short-sleeved shirt is perfect. Linen suits should not be worn. They will quickly be remembered, and you will look very untidy and sloppy. T-shirts, T-shirts and shorts should not be worn even in forty-degree heat. This is a tough taboo.

As for the shoes. Men are much easier to deal with than women. Bright summer classics always fit. If the general dress code of the company allows you to step back a bit from strict restrictions, then you can choose moccasins, boatsiders or loafers. A wristwatch is a good accessory.

Take with you

What to go for an interview, we figured out. But what can you take with you? To show that you are serious, you can enlist the support of modern gadgets. Take along a convenient tablet or compact laptop. This will help the employer create the right impression of you. And, if you decide to bring something like that, do not be too lazy to make a couple of notes. This will emphasize your business approach and will not go unnoticed. In addition, with the help of technology you can easily demonstrate your portfolio.

what is better to dress for an interview

A couple of useful tips

Now that you know exactly how to make a first impression, it is worth considering how to answer all important questions correctly. First of all, don’t worry. Behave naturally. As soon as you decide what to go for an interview, sit down, calm down and put your thoughts in order. Do not panic ahead of time. The employer will feel your fear and insecurity. And this is the worst. After all, no one needs a self-confident employee. Take care in advance of what you will say. Remember that even though they’re “greeted by clothes, they are escorted by the mind.” Go ahead and you will succeed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21546/

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