How to get to the developers room in Skyrim? Instruction manual

Skyrim is the end of the legendary Bethesda role-playing game series. A huge open world, an extensive pumping system, a multifaceted plot and many secrets that you will have to look for yourself and find in the most unexpected places. In this article you will learn how to get into the developers room in Skyrim.

What it is?

In games from Bethesda, a large role is played by the command console, which by default can be called by pressing the “~” key on the keyboard. By opening the console, you can enter cheat codes, various commands for moving, opening new game features and much more. These opportunities are available in role-playing games of the Fallout series and others.

The game has a separate room, which contains all the things from Skyrim. Here you will find all the weapons, armor, items for crafting, books and much more. The room is designed as a standard dungeon. All items are distributed in chests and shelves. Once in the room with the help of a cheat, you can take everything that fits into your backpack and take it with you to the world of Skyrim. With the help of one of the teams you will learn how to get into the developers room in Skyrim. Check out the instructions below.

how to get into the developers room in skyrim

Special room with all things.

Let's figure out how to get to the developers location. First you need to open the console using the “~” button on the keyboard. Here you enter all the codes and commands for Skyrim. Cheat on the developers room - coc qasmoke. After that, press Enter. Your game character will instantly be transferred to a secret room. Pick whatever you see fit. You can also enter an unlimited weight code in your backpack to take out the maximum number of items. How to get to the developers room in Skyrim, you know. But how to get out of there to familiar locations?

skype cheat on the developers room

To do this, open the console again and enter the coc Riverwood command there. You will be taken back to Riverwood. You can also enter the name of another location to move to it. Now you know how to get into the developers room in Skyrim, and you can get any game equipment.


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