Do dogs' teeth change? Features, structure, scheme

Healthy teeth in a dog are not only a natural gift, but also proper care for them. For animals, the process of changing them is very important, because chewing food affects the health of the digestive organs. Do dogs' teeth change when this happens and how animals behave during this period, we will consider in this article.

Baby teeth

At birth, puppies have no teeth. In most tetrapods, they begin to appear at the age of 3-4 weeks, and this process finally ends by seven weeks. And in dogs related to small decorative breeds, milk teeth begin to be cut only after a month and a half. During this period, the puppies become restless: their health worsens, they gnaw at the household items, bite. There must be 28 milk teeth, 14 on each jaw. They appear on the lower and upper jaws in this order:

  • two fangs;
  • six incisors;
  • six small indigenous.
Milk teeth

In some breeds, the standard may lack the first premolar. With a normal scissor bite, the puppies' jaws do not touch, the gap between them is no more than 3 mm. In case of any violations according to the number of teeth and bite, it is necessary to show the puppy to the veterinarian.

The structure of the oral cavity in puppies

The oral cavity is located under the nose in the lower part of the head. The skull bones, muscles and special organs participate in its formation. These include:

  • Lips - they are inactive and take almost no part in food grabbing.
  • Cheeks - limit the oral cavity from the sides.
  • Teeth - the animal uses them to grab, bite and tear food, as well as for defense and protection. They consist of solid dentin, which is coated on the outside with enamel. Inside there is a pulp, where blood vessels and nerve tissues pass.
  • Gums - often inflamed due to improperly selected food and poor oral hygiene.
  • Language - consists of muscles, makes a variety of movements, captures water and liquid food, puts it under the teeth and pushes it into the throat. There are taste buds on the back and sides of the tongue. It also performs the functions of a thermoregulatory organ.
  • Salivary glands - saliva is secreted immediately by three pairs of glands: sublingual, parotid and submandibular. There are many more small glands in the oral mucosa that secrete saliva to keep the oral cavity moist. The main task of saliva is to wet the feed, facilitating digestion. In addition, it has antibacterial and hemostatic effects.
  • Tonsils - located near the root of the tongue and often inflamed, causing tonsillitis.

The most important function that the oral cavity performs is the start of digestion.

Change of teeth in puppies

Do milk teeth change in dogs? Yes, they change, and the replacement for permanent starts when the puppy is four months old. The process lasts about three months. During this period, the pet needs to purchase various toys so that he does not gnaw furniture and shoes. Under the pressure of growing permanent milk teeth most often fall out during puppies eating or playing.

Beautiful puppy

In some cases, it turns out that the milk has not yet fallen out, and the constant already appears and grows incorrectly. To prevent this from happening, you must carefully monitor the change of teeth and timely seek help from a veterinarian. It is allowed to swing milk teeth with a finger, making room for permanent ones, or during this period give the puppy solid food.

What is the replacement procedure?

The puppy teeth change pattern is as follows:

  • the first are incisors;
  • the second - small indigenous or premolar;
  • the third are molars;
  • the fourth are fangs.

By the appearance of the latter, milk teeth should be absent, and the jaw should look like this:

  • on the top - six incisors, eight small molars, four molars and two fangs;
  • on the bottom as well, except that there are six molars instead of four.
Dog nibbles a branch

There are 42 permanent teeth, of which 22 are on the lower and 20 on the upper jaw. As already mentioned, the correct bite is scissor-like, the upper fangs are slightly found on the lower. To form the correct bite during tooth growth, puppies should not pull rags and toys. In large dogs, the formation process is faster than in small breeds.

How to help a puppy when changing teeth?

Do dogs' teeth change? Each puppy, starting from 4 months of age, has a change of teeth. In nature, puppies gnaw sticks and stones to get rid of milk teeth. Pets should also have objects that they will nibble on. At the same time, they inspect the puppy's mouth daily. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • gum redness;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • discoloration of teeth;
  • bleeding gums.
Open mouth

In addition, a fever may appear and the pet will completely refuse to eat. For all problems identified, contact your veterinarian. In other cases, the owner should pay more attention to the puppy during this difficult period for him.

Removal of deciduous teeth

Do dogs' teeth change? Yes, they are changing, and their owners often encounter problems that appear in animals during this period. Main reasons:

  • reduced meal times;
  • features of care and maintenance;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • reduced load on the masticatory muscles.
Puppy nibbles a bone

Most often, when changing teeth, representatives of small and dwarf breeds suffer. If problems arise, improper growth occurs, the bite is broken, plaque, stones are often formed, caries occurs. The main feature of tooth changes in dogs is polyidentia, which is characterized by the simultaneous existence of milk and molars. Dairy should be removed when a permanent tooth crown appears. After that, everything will fall into place. Only a veterinarian performs tooth extraction. Moreover, milk teeth should not be in the dog's oral cavity already at 9 months, otherwise there will be problems with a bite.

What can not be done during a tooth change?

At this time, you should not:

  • To vaccinate a puppy. In connection with the weakening of the immune system, it is advisable to postpone it until the full growth of permanent teeth.
  • Independently remove milk teeth.
  • Refuse veterinary examination.

During this period, the puppy needs good, attentive care and, if necessary, veterinary care provided on time.

Permanent teeth

When do puppy teeth change? By about six months, a difficult period passes, and the owner calms down, admiring the beautiful and even teeth with the correct bite. But the oral cavity needs constant care, you can not relax. The pet is not recommended to nibble very hard objects. The mouth is subject to regular inspection.

Teeth cleaning

The veterinarian will prescribe treatment if necessary. Special crackers and bones with minerals help prevent the appearance of stones, and also strengthen enamel. Many experts recommend brushing your teeth with a special toothpaste.


In the article, we examined whether the teeth in dogs change. It turns out that in puppies, as in children, there is a change of milk teeth to permanent ones. This is a natural process, but the puppy sometimes feels uncomfortable. Therefore, during this period, the owner needs to be more attentive to the pet, so that later problems with bite arise.


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