Soundproofing materials for the walls of the apartment: reviews and recommendations for choosing

In panel houses, and especially in old ones, the level of sound absorption leaves much to be desired. The use of special materials can help solve this problem quite effectively. If you wish, this kind of work is easy to do on your own. What sound insulation materials for walls, floors and ceilings are best chosen in a particular case? Let's deal with this in more detail.

Types of noise

Extraneous sounds enter the apartment in many ways. Reduce the level of comfort of living can:

  • Airborne noise. These are extraneous sounds from the street (for example, the noise of cars) or from neighbors (music, a loud TV, etc.).
  • Shock noises. Such sound is transmitted along the structural elements of the building (for example, the stomp from above).

For each of these types of extraneous noise, there are different types of sound insulators. About which ones, and we will talk further.

soundproofing materials for walls

How to get rid of airborne noise

To protect against sounds of this kind, it is best to use soundproofing materials for walls having a fibrous structure. Usually in this case, mineral or glass wool is used. The principle of operation of such insulators is extremely simple. Passing through the fibers, the sound wave causes the vibration of air molecules. As a result of their friction against the pores of the material, the latter is heated. Thus, sound energy is simply converted into heat. The more friction is active, the more significant the effect of noise absorption will be. Therefore, a very important parameter for such materials is their density. The larger it is, the more significant will be the energy loss of the sound wave. Another important parameter is the thickness of the fiber material. The finer it is, the more friction will be, and therefore, higher sound absorption.

When choosing mineral or glass wool, it is very important to pay attention to the manufacturer. The fact is that the fibers in such materials are combined with substances containing formaldehyde resins that are harmful to health. In quality materials they are much smaller. At the moment, you can also find ecowool on sale. It is an absolutely environmentally friendly material.

soundproofing materials for walls in the apartment

What should be used to deal with shock sounds

In this case, porous soundproofing materials for walls are usually used. This can be, for example, polystyrene foam or polystyrene. Such materials are obtained by the method of expanding or foaming polystyrene or some other raw material. Unfortunately, porous insulators practically do not help from airborne noise.

This kind of building materials is also not absolutely environmentally friendly. Polyfoam and expanded polystyrene are capable of releasing harmful substances into the air. The fact is that in their production not harmless components are used. In particular, poisonous styrene. By polymerizing, this chemical becomes completely harmless. However, any foamed slabs always contain a small amount in a free state. So polystyrene and polystyrene are not the best soundproof materials for the walls of an apartment. According to the standards, they cannot be used indoors. Therefore, either buy products of famous brands, or - which is better - sheathe the walls with other material. For example, a natural cork.

soundproofing materials for the walls of the apartment

Integrated Options

On sale you can also find soundproofing materials for walls in the apartment, protecting both from shock and from airborne noise. Most often they have a multilayer structure. Very often, for example, ZIPS panels are used to isolate the walls of an apartment. They are structures made of alternating layers of mineral wool and gypsum-fiber sheets. Plate thickness may vary. The number of layers is also different. Such panels are not mounted in a frame that perfectly transmits shock noises, but on special vibration-disconnect attachment points. Their thickness, depending on the level of noise absorption (56-65 dB), can vary from 53 to 133 mm. The finish layer is made of plasterboard 1.25 cm.

best soundproofing material for walls

In addition to the effectiveness in isolating the apartment from extraneous sounds, these panels also have such advantages as ease of installation and a rather high level of environmental safety. If desired, this type of insulation can be finished on top with absolutely any modern finishing material.

Multilayer soundproofing materials for walls: reviews

The consumer's opinion about the ZIPS panels was very good. It is believed that they absorb shock and airborne noise very well. The owners of problem apartments are not too happy with the cost of this isolator. Therefore, it is usually advised to purchase such panels only for covering the ceiling. It is better to insulate the walls with basalt material in the profile frame.

Mineral and ecowool

Such soundproofing materials for walls will cost you much cheaper than panels. However, as already mentioned, they will not save from shock noise. Mineral wool is usually installed either in a metal frame or in a wooden one. Additional fastening is carried out using plastic “fungi”. The most popular types of basalt sound insulators are: Schumanet, Akmigran and Akminit cotton wool. Finnish Acousto-Melody and Acousto-Pop are also considered a very good option.

Ecowool is a unique material consisting of fluffy antiseptic wood. This material is sold in packages. For wall insulation , liquid plaster is made from it.

thin soundproofing material for walls

Reviews about mineral and ecowool

“Schumanet” is one of the soundproofing materials about which the consumer has a very good opinion. It does not cost too much and can be used for cladding both walls and the ceiling. In the first case, it is installed in the frame. In the second, not fungi, but inside a suspended plasterboard structure. In this case, the frame must be mounted through vibration-absorbing elements. “Schumanet” is perhaps the best soundproofing material for the walls of an apartment at the moment.

There is also a lot of positive feedback about ecowool. Emphasis is placed on non-waste installation, seamless layer and, of course, the absence of harmful fumes. Ecowool does not sag and can be used in houses with walls made of absolutely any materials.

Soundproof materials for walls do-it-yourself

Very interesting is the fact that ecowool can be made independently if desired. For this, only waste paper and an old activator washing machine will be needed. In the latter, instead of the blades, a knife system is installed. Pulp crushed into fluff is additionally impregnated with fire-resistant compounds. Unfortunately, newspaper wool will contain lead.

What cork panels to choose

There are only two main varieties of such a sound absorber:

  • Cork wallpaper. This is a thin soundproofing material for walls, quite inexpensive and easy to install. In this case, a thick cork layer is simply glued onto the cardboard. It is better to purchase products from well-known manufacturers.
  • Cork tiles. This variety can be used for soundproofing both walls and ceilings. It delays noise more efficiently, but also costs more than wallpaper.

Cork soundproofing materials for walls in the apartment are used quite often. Their main advantages, among other things, include elasticity and durability (up to 40 years).

soundproofing materials for walls reviews

So what material to choose

From the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • To isolate the ceiling, it is worth purchasing ZIPS panels. This material effectively absorbs shock noises, usually coming from above.
  • The walls can be covered with Schumanet mineral wool or plastered with a mixture of ecowool.
  • For flooring, it is best to use a cork.

It is not necessary to use foams and polystyrene foams for soundproofing an apartment from the inside. Firstly, these materials in this case are not particularly effective, and secondly, they can release very harmful substances to the air.

do-it-yourself soundproofing materials for walls

What more needs to be done

Cladding of walls, ceiling and floor will not give the desired effect if the apartment does not carry out additional activities aimed at soundproofing window and doorways. In the first case, it is necessary to use high-quality double-glazed windows. It is best to put plastic windows with 3-5 cameras and an outer glass with a thickness of at least 5 mm. As for the doors, today special models with sound insulation are produced. In the latter case, mineral wool is inserted into the web.


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