Types of foundations and their arrangement

Any construction requires a foundation. The foundation is the foundation without which the building will not stand idle for a long time. Therefore, such a supporting structure should be given special attention at the design stage. There are various types of foundations. If we consider them from the point of view of the depth of the foundation, then we can distinguish between heavily-buried, not-buried and shallow- buried foundations. In the modern construction of large buildings, preference is given to a heavily sunken look.

The main types of foundations

Depending on the structural features of the building, several types of foundations are being built nowadays: columnar, strip, tile, pile.

The columnar type of foundation is one of the simple and cheap options. It is used in the construction of small buildings (baths, cabins, summer houses). The technology for laying such a foundation is to install columns of blocks along the perimeter of the building at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. However, this type is not suitable for soils with high mobility. Column foundation is recommended to be installed on sandy soils.

Block footing foundations are made of special blocks fastened together with concrete mortar. The construction of a tape block foundation is less time-consuming. Install the structure on sandy soils under the building of wood.

The monolithic shallow strip foundation is used in the construction of wooden houses. There is a small load per unit area of ​​the foundation. This type provides good base strength.

The shallow, shallow monolithic surface foundation is the best option for heaving soil. It has a low cost with high strength foundations for wooden houses.

The pile foundation is distinguished by the popular construction technology. This saves time, physical labor, material resources. The foundation on piles with a special technology is characterized by an expanded sole, good bearing capacity. It is built on clay soils, loams, heaving soils. It can be used in the construction of buildings on the slopes.

Foundation device

Before you begin the construction of the foundation of the building, it is necessary to consider the types of foundations and choose the appropriate option. The solution to this issue depends on the material from which the walls will be made, on the mass of the entire structure of the structure, on the properties of the soil. The foundation can be not only the basis of the building, but also fulfill the role of seismic protection.

For the foundation, depending on the type of structure and purpose, the following materials will be required: wood, stone, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete. Often in construction, a combined method of building the foundation is used, for example, prefabricated and monolithic. In the construction of light structures (cottages, houses with a small number of floors), a shallow monolithic foundation is advisable. The technology for erecting such a foundation is to prepare a trench with a depth of not more than 60 cm, install metal reinforcement before the process of pouring concrete. The construction of a monolithic structure does not require the use of complex equipment, which saves costs.

Proper construction of the foundation in accordance with the standards of construction and construction technology is the key to long-term operation of the building. Work should be entrusted to specialists. Miscalculations and design errors will adversely affect the quality of the foundation. You can get advice on the device and costs, discuss the types of foundations by visiting modern construction organizations in person or by contacting them through Internet sites.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21566/

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