Sinadenium Grant (tree of love): description, planting and care

Sinadenium is a lush evergreen shrub that grows in tropical African forests. He has a sprawling green crown with amazing inflorescences. A few genus includes 20 species, of which only the grant synadenium is a room flower. In the people it is also called milkweed or a tree of love. This plant does not require complex care, it has a supple crown and an attractive appearance. It can be grown as a miniature bush on the windowsill or as a tall tree to the ceiling.

synadenium grant

General description of the flower

Euphorbia Granta synadenium, the care of which is quite simple, grows high (up to 3 m), spreading thickets. Over the year, it grows by about 20-25 cm. It is distinguished by branched, deep-going roots and succulent stems; on the branches there are rare lateral processes. They are erect and very thickened. The stems have a smooth dark green skin. Thanks to this structure, the plant stores moisture and is able to survive even in severe drought.

The leaves attach to the branches with very short stalks. They are located next to or opposite. The leaf plate is obovate or oval. The leaves themselves are quite hard, leathery, dark green in color and with a shiny surface. Some varieties have reddish stains or spots. The leaves reach 25 cm in length and 12 cm in width.

More popular among flower growers, compared with the Grant Synadenium, is the Rubra Synadenium. The young leaves of this flower are completely pink, then their color changes to dark green, and reddish spots of irregular shape appear.

love tree

In winter, small flowers with long elastic peduncles appear on the love tree, which gather in corymbose inflorescences. Small flowers have the appearance of tiny bowlers or bells with short and curved edges. In the center of each flower are long stamens. After the flower, a small fruit remains in the form of a three-lobed achene with small black seeds.

Granta synadenium flower

If you break the stem or leaf, milky juice will stand out. He is very poisonous. It causes irritation on the skin, and if swallowed, it can be seriously poisoned, even fatal. When growing this flower at home, care must be taken to prevent children and animals from reaching it. When cutting Grant's synadenium, it is imperative to use protective gloves.

Temperature and lighting for flower care

Grant's synadenium care is almost the same as that of other succulents of the euphorbia family.

The plant feels good in diffused light both in winter and in summer. With insufficient lighting, the flower begins to stretch and loses its appearance. Therefore, in winter, you need to provide him with additional lighting. If it is impossible to do this for any reason, it is advisable to lower the temperature in order to temporarily stop the growth of the plant.

synadenium grant care

In the summer, a glazed ventilated balcony is suitable for the flower - there it will be as comfortable as possible. The optimal temperature for Grant's synadenium is considered to be 23-26 degrees. The plant tolerates hot summer weather well and adapts to coolness (up to +10 degrees). The temperature should not fall below, as this can affect the plant (high risk of root death).

Watering and humidity

The tree of love does not tolerate excess moisture; when overflowing, roots can rot. In summer, you need to water when the top layer of the substrate in the pot dries, and in the winter, the soil is dried even more, about half. If there is no need for watering, then it is better to wait. The plant tolerates drought well, but not for long. If the soil is very dry, then after a while the leaves will begin to fall off the flower.

Humidity is not very important for synadenium, it is absolutely not necessary to spray it. The flower perfectly adapts to the dry air of the apartment in winter. Of course, the synadenium loves periodic showers - it washes dust off the leaves. You do not need to wipe the leaves - they are covered with small hairs that can be damaged.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Grant's synadenium flower responds well to dressing, after which the pet looks much more spectacular. You need to fertilize the plant in the spring and summer, with the onset of winter, it is better to stop feeding, since the flower has a dormant period.

You can feed with universal mineral, nitrogen fertilizers, organics. Often it is not necessary to fertilize, it is enough once every two weeks, with the appropriate dosage.

Euphorbia synadenium grant

Plant transplant

Adult specimens are transplanted as needed. This flower grows quickly, so you have to transplant about once a year. The size and shape of the pot does not matter much. It is better to transplant in the spring (March-April). The flower has a fairly strong root system, so the transplant tolerates well.

The tree of love loves loose, but nutritious soil. It can be based on compost, dark peat, garden soil. The baking powder may be charcoal, expanded clay or sand. The substrate can be purchased ready-made in the store - it is best to take an earthen mixture.

Trimming synadenium

To maintain the beautiful appearance of the plant, it is imperative to carry out corrective procedures on time. The synadenium is no exception. How to crop it correctly is described below.

Formative pruning is done every year. The procedure allows you to renew the plant and give the bush a beautiful shape. Spend it in the spring, before transplanting. Then the plant begins the growing season. Be sure to trim or completely remove strongly stretched and bare branches. Do this with a sharp knife or pruner.

synadenium grant how to trim

All sections must be processed to stop the secretion of milky juice. For this, crushed charcoal or activated carbon is suitable. If the appearance of the flower suits, and there is nothing to trim, you can simply pinch off the tops of the shoots - so the bush will branch more strongly.

Reproduction of synadenium

The tree of love propagates in two ways: seeds and apical cuttings.

The first method is considered quite complicated. At home, synadenium rarely blooms, and you just can’t wait for seeds from it. In addition, this method is painstaking, but in the end it turns out many plants at once. Seeds are sown in spring in sandy peat soil to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. The pot should be covered with a film and put in a warm, bright place.

After 10-12 days, the seeds will germinate, and when the sprouts reach a height of only 1 cm, they need to be dived into separate pots. The second pick is carried out at a height of seedlings of 3 cm in the soil for adult plants.

Propagation by cuttings is much easier. When pruning, the tops of the stems remain; for planting, you need to select long cuttings (up to 12 cm) with 4-5 healthy leaves. They need to be treated with charcoal and left to dry for 1-2 days. After this time, the slice is covered with a whitish film, then the stalk can be planted in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. It takes root for 2-3 weeks.

Growing problems

This flower does not cause much trouble. The plant is resistant, the main thing is to choose a place for it and water it correctly.

Sometimes the following problems occur:

1. Leaves fall. Usually this happens when the conditions of detention change sharply: the temperature drops, cold water is used during irrigation, overflow or transplant takes place. In this case, the flower itself is quickly restored. But if the leaves continue to fall off, you need to inspect the roots - from cold or waterlogging, they can rot. The flower is rehabilitated as follows: bad roots need to be cut, transplanted into a new soil.

2. Leaves fall. The flower requires watering. After watering, the plant is quickly restored.

3. Branches are very extended. This happens due to a lack of light. Trimming and constant diffused sunlight will help restore shape.


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