Fine motor skills in children: how to determine whether your child is behind in development, and how to help him catch up with peers

All parents heard that it’s useful for kids to give exercises for fine motor skills. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the child to learn how to dress independently, use small objects, tie shoelaces ... The development of fine motor skills in preschoolers determines the emphasis of the child, his ability to draw, sculpt, embroider ... What is fine motor skills, and how can it be promoted ?

Fine motor skills are one of the most important human abilities. This word refers to the ability to perform fine, precise movements with fingers and hands. For example, pick up your favorite toy or decorate pictures. This is possible only when the child coordinated the actions of the nervous, skeletal and muscle systems. Fine motor skills in children affect the development of speech. The speech and motor centers are located in the child’s head very close to each other. If your child cannot learn how to speak, help him with fine motor exercises.

How to understand if your child is behind the norm in development?

If even your baby is slightly behind - do not despair, with regular exercise, he will easily catch up with his peers. However, you should familiarize yourself with the norms identified by child development specialists.

At the age of 8-12 months, your baby should be able to take small objects with the thumb and forefinger. At 13-18 months, the child should be able to steadily put one cube on another. At 15-18 months, children usually know how to assemble a pyramid of rings. At 17-20 months, the baby is able to steadily build a tower of three cubes, and also turn pages of the book one at a time. A 17-24 month old baby can capture moving objects. At the age of 18-24 months, the little one learns to lower various small objects into a small hole. At 20-24 months, the baby strung large beads on a cord. At the age of 21-22 months, the child should be able to transfer fluid from one vessel to another. And at 22-24 months, babies can build towers from four to six cubes.

What to do if your child’s success does not meet the above standards?

Fine motor skills in children require constant training. It is very useful to do a neat massage of the palms and fingers of your child. Help your baby pick up small toys, roll balls and build towers from cubes. Hold his hand when he learns to use a spoon or draw with a pencil. Excellent fine motor skills in children, often playing with the constructor. Small balls help the motor development, which the baby likes to roll from corner to corner. Small children will benefit from playing cakes, as well as tearing soft colored paper.

The following exercise will be very useful: in front of the baby’s eyes, dig a small object in a jar of croup, and then ask the child to dig it out. It is useful for kids to rummage through the croup, sift it through your fingers. Show your child how to play with this simple device. However, make sure that he does not drag anything into his mouth.

Perfectly develops fine motor skills modeling, drawing, as well as simple dressing. Trying to fasten and unfasten the buttons, the baby trains his coordination. For older children, a good exercise will be lacing the shoes, as well as tying small objects with a thin rope. Older children like to assemble mosaics and puzzles. Fine motor skills in children develop well when cutting shapes from paper - snowflakes, coins, leaves, and so on. Cut out shapes of colorful colored paper with your baby, and then glue them together with glue stick.

Helping the baby develop fine motor skills, make sure that he does not swallow the small parts of the toys. Games with small objects are possible only with careful monitoring of parents! Some children love to stick everything in their mouths, which can have unpleasant consequences. Exercise with your child with pleasure, giving exercises as a fun game, and do not forget about his safety.


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