Infrared bulb: characteristics, purpose and practical application

An infrared light bulb is not only a light source, but also a kind of small heater. This fixture is a compact device, which is often made in the format of a standard lighting lamp or its desk counterpart. Most of the modifications are screwed into a standard cartridge, some require aggregation with a special seat. Consider the features of the design and use of these systems.

Infrared light bulb

Design features

Infrared bulbs are classified as autonomous heaters, powered by the mains. In fact, these are sources of infrared radiation that heat objects located within the zone of achievement of these rays. An elementary version of the device in question is a glass bulb with a tungsten inner thread. Most often, the glass is painted in dark red or brown. In the inside there is a mirror coating. The element is screwed into the cartridge on some housing or simply suspended on the ceiling of a heated room.

The specified device may have a power of 50 to 500 watts. More powerful devices can also be found on sale, but they are focused mainly on purely heating installations. The case is able to warm up to a very high temperature, and therefore the cartridge must be made of heat-resistant materials. Do not touch the working flask, as there is a high probability of getting a burn.

How does an infrared heating bulb work?

The principle of operation used in these elements is created naturally. Many people know that the sun is the most powerful emitter of IR streams. The rays of this planet reach the surface of the Earth, heating all the objects placed on it. After that, they give off warm air to the atmosphere. Consequently, not the air itself heats up from the received rays, but the landscape and all kinds of buildings.

By the same method, infrared bulbs also function. Their light, reaching certain objects, is absorbed by them, turning into heat energy. You can verify this by placing your hand under the source, feeling inside the body part spilling thermal energy. Such devices warm the room more efficiently than their classic counterparts, saving energy.

Infrared heater lamp


The brighter the light flux of the device in question, the more its radiation propagates further due to short waves. Such devices can be used to heat rooms with a rather large area. Long wave infrared light bulbs are not so bright. However, gentle and soft heat emanates from them. The second option is safer for living organisms, including humans. When used correctly, such devices are also used in physiotherapy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.


Modern infrared light bulbs come in several forms. Four main types of elements are distinguished:

  • with the presence of a gray reflector;
  • without a mirror;
  • with blue coating;
  • with a red reflector.

Models without a mirror coating are similar to conventional filament counterparts. At the same time, they emit IR glow. It is worth noting that the light-heating heating elements available in the design of halogen heaters also belong to the category of infrared elements oriented to heating large areas.

The remaining categories of infrared light bulbs for heating are equipped with a special coating of mirror origin. A similar feature increases the efficiency of the device and allows you to direct the flow in the right direction. If there is no additional coating, it is replaced by an external analogue, as in halogen infrared heaters. Some modifications are a combined system, which is a powerful spotlight.

Table infrared lamp


Ceramic infrared light bulb is usually made in a traditional style, designed for cartridge E-27. Such elements are marked accordingly. For example, the definition of "ICS" indicates that the product is not painted, designed for both lighting and heating. The marking "IKZK" speaks of a red coating of glass, "IKZS" - of a blue color.

The devices under consideration also differ in the following parameters:

  • base size, standard - cartridge E-27;
  • wavelengths (long, short, medium);
  • power indicator (copies are presented in a very wide range);
  • supply voltage (in household versions, it is mainly 220 V, for automotive counterparts - 12 volt infrared bulbs).


These lamps have several significant advantages compared to other innovative counterparts. Among them:

  1. Absolute silent operation. Even quiet IR guns are louder because they are aggregated with fan units.
  2. High efficiency in excess of 90%.
  3. There is the possibility of spot surface treatment. This is true for farms and other places of keeping animals.
  4. Compact size. For example, a standard infrared heater in the form of a 500 W bulb is comparable in size to a standard incandescent lamp.
  5. Easy installation. To install this element, simply screw it into the cartridge and activate it using a stationary switch.
  6. Environmental safety (during operation, oxygen is not burned, and harmful gases are not released into the atmosphere).
Infrared lamp


You can buy infrared bulbs in Orenburg without leaving your home. Simply place an order on specialized sites. Choosing a similar element, it should be borne in mind that it also has disadvantages. Among them:

  • significant consumption of electric energy, which is typical for all heaters that are powered from the network;
  • the appearance of discomfort during a long stay in the coverage area of ​​infrared equipment, most often this is due to a violation of the rules of operation or installation of the devices in question;
  • increased temperature of the flask during operation, which is fraught with burns.

Animal heating

IR devices are great for livestock farming. In chicken coops, infrared heat helps put chickens on their feet, and also helps young animals survive in the first days of life, when they are very cold and have weakened immunity. The devices considered for adult birds allow generating the required level of heat, which reduces the occurrence of various diseases and also increases the laying of eggs.

To understand how infrared light bulbs warm, it should be noted that they are used not only in zoos and farms for heating young animals, but also in terrariums. It forms a kind of compartment where the rays from the heater fall, representing a certain point of comfort, which reptiles with pleasure will slide to heat. At the same time, bright light does not stand out, which stabilizes the nervous system of animals and calms them.

Photo infrared lamp

Space and street heating

An infrared heater is one of the best ways to heat a terrace or gazebo. Short waves make it possible to cover a decent area with heat, without requiring the accumulation of favorable waves in a certain place. Such devices are often used in summer cafes and in open-air dance venues, providing comfort and coziness to visitors. Conventional convection or ventilation analogues are not suitable for this action.

The tube heater of the configuration in question perfectly copes with the heating of residential and non-residential premises. Most often, devices are mounted on the wall and ceiling, creating the maximum comfort zone in the room. Even if the light bulb of the infrared heater burns out, it will take only a couple of minutes to replace it, which will not affect the comfort of people in the room. Such devices are rarely used as permanent sources of heating due to their specifics, but they are great as temporary generators for quick heat production.

Installation of infrared heaters in saunas

In baths and saunas, IR lamps are almost indispensable for several reasons. Firstly, they perfectly warm the body, penetrating to a depth of 40 millimeters, which gives a positive warming effect. Secondly, these lamps promote weight loss by burning excess fat in tandem with steam. In addition, they are safe if all installation rules are followed.

As a result of the influence of cumulative factors, the blood flow improves in the body, the energy costs of the body increase, and calories go away. With regular visits to saunas with IR devices, an improvement in the condition of the skin is observed, the manifestations of eczema and dermatitis disappear. The walls of blood vessels become more elastic, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular lesions.

Infrared lighting in the interior

Use in construction

Considered designs are often used for drying varnish coatings and some other materials. This profitable method is practiced both in private workshops and in large industrial plants. Tube drying makes it possible to accurately affect the work surface. However, other zones do not heat up. For example, when gluing the hood of a car only he heats up, the remaining elements remain in the previous temperature regime.

If you work with plastic, then infrared radiation helps to soften and straighten the material. This is important when machining surfaces of complex configuration, when it is necessary to extrude certain forms from plastic in hard-to-reach places. Also, such lamps are operated by printing houses, allowing you to remove excess liquid from paper. At the same time, the drying speed increases, the print quality improves.

Medical industry

Now infrared lamps in treatment are not as popular as several years ago. They were used to eliminate pain in muscle, bone pain and osteochondrosis. Also often this technique was used in complex therapy for the treatment of inflammatory processes, flu, tonsillitis, skin diseases, high blood pressure. It was believed that the short-term exposure to IR devices helps relieve stress, remove bruises, increase stamina. Now, such devices are mainly popular in the field of physiotherapy. Infrared rays have a beneficial effect when recovering from fractures and bruises, as well as eliminating acne.

Infrared lamp

How to connect an infrared motion sensor to a light bulb?

General recommendations for the installation of this equipment:

  • height above the treated area should be from 2500 to 4000 millimeters, depending on the modification of the equipment;
  • when choosing a place for installation, it should be understood that the detector is more sensitive to movement occurring across the observation point;
  • the combined load power of the lamps is limited (for incandescent lamps - 60-1200 W, for fluorescent analogues - 0-600 W).

Most often, the sensors are connected to modifications that are mounted in the socket of spotlights. Installation sequence:

  1. First, disconnect the voltage in the mains.
  2. Remove the protective plastic cover.
  3. Connect the conductors according to the circuit indicated by the manufacturer in the instrument passport.
  4. The fixing springs are bent and directed upwards.
  5. The sensor is placed in a prepared socket, where it is fixed by means of springs.

On this, the installation process of the infrared motion sensor can be considered completed. At the end of the work, the equipment is tested and adjusted.


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