When does strawberry ripen in different regions?

when strawberries ripen in the suburbs

A ripe berry, tasty and fragrant - this is a good mood, a charge of vitality and vitamins! It is pleasant to diversify the festive table with such an โ€œoff-seasonโ€ dessert, but from mid-May to the end of June you can eat rich crops as much as you like, and even make jam for the winter! But all the same, you need to know exactly when the strawberries ripen in your region, so that by eating a berry you get all its vitamins.

Garden varieties of strawberries, which we perceive most often as strawberries, are planted in the ground in the month of April, when the ground has already warmed up enough. If you want, you can also grow strawberries on the windowsill, which will bear fruit all year long, but we are talking about ordinary conditions and the most โ€œpopularโ€ varieties (Queen Elizabeth, Gigantella, Mashenka, etc.). We will not go into all the details of this process, we only note that all varieties of berries require a lot of attention and care.

when strawberries ripen in Krasnodar

Krasnodar "royal berry". When does a strawberry ripen in Krasnodar?

Due to climatic conditions and suitable soil in the Krasnodar Territory, the most favorable conditions for growing strawberries and strawberries. In addition, in this area a huge amount of land, the land is still agricultural. Hardworking entrepreneurs cultivate whole plantations of sweet berries. Closer to the end of May, thanks to timely watering, top dressing, and generally proper care, they are ready to provide a rich harvest for everyone who wants to enjoy fresh early strawberries. True, at such a time only very early varieties mature on the open ground. But by June, mid-season fruits are on their way. When does your strawberry ripen? It depends on which variety you purchased. If you choose which strawberries to buy "for trial" at the beginning of the season, then, of course, it is better to give preference to domestic.

When does strawberry ripen in the suburbs?

If you have a summer cottage not far from the capital, then you can make a small greenhouse or just break the beds with strawberries to please yourself and your loved ones with ripe fruits grown on everything ecologically clean. When does strawberry ripen in this region? The greenhouse berry ripens earlier, already in early June, if there is no frequent heavy rainfall. But the main crop is still not so early to expect. Due to the vagaries of the weather, the fruits grow more often than average sizes, and the yield is less than in the Kuban, where both the sun and the soil are favorable for the cultivation of strawberries (or garden strawberries).

when strawberries ripen
Do not think that in the suburbs there is no local strawberry. There is one, and the choice is also great, the state farms are simply engaged in this matter. Harvest strawberries in this area begin to be harvested from about mid-June, and if the weather is cool, then closer to the end of the month. Within 20-30 days, that is, until the end of July, the berries ripen actively, giving an annual crop. Many state farms invite everyone to harvest strawberries and pay directly with berries. This is a great way to enjoy delicious ripe fruits, harvested by yourself from the beds. Focusing on when strawberries ripen in different regions, you can not only earn extra money, but also eat plenty of healthy fruits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21574/

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