Color type "contrasting summer": palette, examples of combination, photo

Until recently, everyone was sure that female color types of appearance are divided into four groups in accordance with the four seasons. But recently it was found out that in each color there are subgroups, since it is extremely difficult to “fit” a huge number of people under a single standard. The color contrast summer is on the agenda. What is its characteristic, what are its main qualities? What clothes are suitable for the representatives of such color? We'll figure out.

Small introduction

In the minds of most people, the “summer” color type is a girl with light skin of a warm shade, gray or blue eyes, light or blond curls. She has an extremely gentle “light” appearance, which can even be called a little dull. Only with competent presentation will such a person look catchy and expressive. But few people know that the "contrasting summer" is considered to be an equally common type. Photos of such women demonstrate considerable similarity with the color “winter”, but this is the key mistake. "Winter" is a combination of polarities. White, porcelain skin and black or bright blue eyes. At the same time, the hair has a very saturated color - blue-black, bright brown or red. But as for the color contrast summer, its palette is most muted. Let's find out what these girls look like.


In fact, we see such an appearance on the streets several times a day. The color "contrasting summer" is very common, and it can be inherent in the girl by nature, and can be artificially derived, and at the same time it will look quite natural. Everything is simple - in order to turn from a classic light or cold “summer” to a more contrasting young lady, it is enough to color your light or blond curls in a darker tone. It can be an ashen brown-haired, ashen dark brown color or brown-ashen. So, it is already becoming clear how the owner of this color looks. Her skin is fair, but not porcelain, as it has a beige or olive tint. The eyes are most often chameleons. It is based on a gray tone, it can be transfused with blue, green and even nutty shades. The hair color of the “contrasting summer” color type is definitely dark, but has a cold tint, which is why they do not look bright, but restrained, muffled. In a word, this appearance is laconic, moderately bright, but very aristocratic and restrained. It combines both dark and light colors, but they all belong to a pastel palette.

Emily Blunt

Wardrobe selection criteria

Of course, in this case we will not consider specific models of clothing, the shape of cutouts, the length of skirts and trousers, and the silhouettes of jackets. All this already depends on the type of figure, and we have on the agenda the type of "contrasting summer", that is, a natural palette. Based on it, it is important for us to correctly choose the colors in clothes and learn how to combine them. This is extremely important, since often on the streets you can meet women who look ridiculous, although they seem to be dressed appropriately. All due to the fact that they illiterate approached the choice of shades for their wardrobe, and as a result - suppressed their own external data. So, the palette of “contrasting summer” is exclusively pastel, muted colors. They should not "scream", should not be bright, catchy, defiant. Each shade of your choice in clothes (by the way, in makeup, too) must be soft, restrained and even a little faded.

Body or cold?

There is an extremely erroneous opinion that for the color type "contrasting summer" colors should be chosen exclusively from the cold spectrum. This belief is based on the peculiarities of choosing a shade for the classic "summer", but in this case the rule does not work. How to be? It is worth starting from the personal characteristics of your appearance, adhering to the general rule - pastel gamma. For example, what colors are suitable for “contrasting summer”, if brown or hazelnut is present in the eyes, the skin is prone to tanning, and the hair is colored “Frosty chestnut”? True, a warm pastel palette would be ideal. This is a nude color, coffee with milk, soft brown, pale yellow, a shade of rose quartz, etc. And what tones will be relevant for girls with gray-blue eyes, dark blond curls and olive skin? The correct answer is gray, dark turquoise, dark blue (but not bright), lemon, etc.

But remember that sometimes there are exceptions. It depends on the characteristics of the color in which the thing is painted, and on the uniqueness of appearance. Sometimes a light brown suit will look perfect in combination with cold shades in appearance. However, anything can happen and vice versa.

Colors and their features

There is no such nature in nature that would not suit a particular color. There are inappropriate shades that incorrectly present a certain appearance and make it either faded or crush with its brightness. As for the "contrasting summer", on the whole, all existing colors in nature are also suitable for this color, it is only important to choose them in the shade that most advantageously emphasizes the features of the exterior. We propose to consider the most fashionable and most popular tones, and how to try them on this color. But consider the fact that everything is selected only individually. Even if this color is on our list, it may not be right for you.

Smoky blue

This is an extremely calm harmonious and restrained color, which can be safely called basic. He can be present in any thing - a suit, dress, coat or even in a light blouse. Despite the fact that this shade is considered neutral, it looks very interesting. This is not the bright blue that we are all used to seeing, it is something mysterious, immersed in the fog. This color will look especially good on those representatives of the “contrasting summer", in whom the skin has a cold undertone, the hair is ashen, and the eyes are gray or blue-gray.

Smoky gray tone in clothes

Blue gray

This cool color for the contrast summer color is the link. Not only does he decorate, he is also able to emphasize the dignity of appearance, in addition, the shade looks fascinating. The charm of the gray-blue color lies in the fact that it is universal, and, despite its pastel, it is quite attractive. If a suit or dress is made in a gray-blue shade, the outfit will instantly attract the views of others. And blouses, trousers, sweaters or shorts of this color will look "as at ease", that is, they will become a logical complement to other brighter things. You can also choose accessories in this color - a handbag, shoes, or maybe stones in earrings? Not a bad option!

Blue and gray dress

Purple gray

Lilac Gray is a unique color. It is like the embodiment of magic - mysterious, deep, but at the same time completely not bright, not catchy, but very modest. Lilac looks especially advantageous on translucent clothes - chiffon blouses and maxi skirts, light sundresses, ribbons, capes. It will also be relevant when it comes to solid outerwear - a trench coat or coat. Still lilac-gray tone will be appropriate in accessories. This can be not only standard shoes, a bag and earrings, but also scarves, gloves, scarves, hats, belts or even couplings.

Smoky purple tint

In the kingdom of the sun

The ideal colors for the "contrasting summer" are yellow tones, which is quite logical. Indeed, in the summer it is the sun that pleases us with its warm rays, therefore girls who are related to this season can a priori wear this color. So, it is worth remembering the main pastel rule - our yellow can not be bright, catchy, dark or too defiant. There are several options that are ideal for such women:

  • Citric. Fresh, cold, light and very interesting shade. It will look great on tanned skin, but it will make the image fresh and light.
  • Pale yellow. The color differs from its predecessor in the undertone - here it is warm. Just take the yellow gouache from the children’s kit and splash the white there - here you have the desired result.
  • Ocher. This is a warm, saturated, even dark color, but it belongs to the pastel palette, so it suits us. It will be ideal in tailoring suits, coats, hats, dresses and trousers.
Pale yellow for a contrasting summer

Shades of green

Clothing for the "contrasting summer" color type can be unusual and vibrant, you just have to remember the bewitching green color. But do not immediately run to the store and get the brightest blouse of a grassy shade - they will not paint you. Give preference to a more muted palette, and you will look once more attractive.

  • Emerald - perhaps one of the brightest shades that the owner of this type can afford. The color is good because it is bright, shimmers, sparkles, but does not look vulgar. It will be an excellent basis for a creative costume or for an evening outfit.
  • Dark turquoise or aquamarine. Natural, soft, but at the same time deep tone, which makes the image exciting, mysterious and majestic. The color looks great both in evening toilets and in simple casual wear.
  • Olive. Unlike the previous version, this color has a pronounced warm undertones. It will look perfect in combination with tanned skin, as well as against the background of hazel eyes.
Olive dress


You might think that now we will talk about an extremely boring, faded and “no” shade. But practice shows that this tone is chosen by designers and ordinary girls, and all because of the fact that it is universal. The hue is very interesting, because it combines the depth and magic of brown and neutrality of monochrome gamma. It can be extremely dark and deep, and can be light (like coffee with milk). Such a palette for contrasting summer is extremely successful, as it emphasizes the calm and laconicism of the image, complements it, but does not come to the fore. In any of the tones of taupe, suits, coats, dresses or accessories can be made.

Gray-brown color in clothes

Life in pink

Delicate and feminine pink color looks incredibly beautiful on the representatives of the "contrasting summer". The palette that is acceptable in this case is pale, muted and diluted with white tones.

  • Shade of rose quartz or Rose Quartz. Most recently, this color was considered one of the most popular, leading designers literally stamped from it. Now he has turned into a new classic. The hue is notable for the fact that it contains warm notes. At the same time, it is translucent, light and completely not bright.
  • Dark pink. In fact, this is the same rose quartz, only a few steps darker. It is most suitable for outerwear, suits, but its predecessor is an excellent basis for light chiffon dresses.

Peppermint color

Mint color rarely appears in fashion shows, and is most often found in non-format models. It is as if lost between a mega-popular turquoise and a rich olive - this is a transitional shade. Trying it on yourself, you will fall in love with it. Soft, pastel, muffled, but at the same time non-standard, expressive, attracting attention. Most often, mint color is chosen for sewing summer dresses and sundresses, it also looks good on blouses, t-shirts and blouses. If a suit, a strict dress, and especially a coat, are sustained in this shade, you will certainly become the center of attention.

Cream shores

Without light clothes, any wardrobe will be too monotonous and uninteresting. But when it comes to such a delicate flavor as a contrasting summer, there can be no talk of snow-white color. We will leave this color for the “winter” girls, and let us recall the cream one. It even has a tasty and alluring name - this shade is a mix of beige and white, it is incredibly delicate, light and very stylish. The cream color is universal - both costumes and coats, as well as light summer clothes look great in its execution. Surely, if you choose clothes in so many bright colors, color them with accessories. They can be seasoned in any of the above colors.

Marsala - a tribute to fashion

The last shade that we will talk about today is a mixture of raspberries, ripe cherries and red. The color, known under the fashionable word "Marsala", turned out to be suitable for the color type "contrasting summer". Photos prove to us that this tone makes girls with such an appearance more than bright. The eyes become more expressive, the hair color becomes saturated, the skin shimmers with all shades of tan and bronze. It is important to remember that Marsala is very saturated, therefore it is recommended to wear it only for evening events. This color does not tolerate competition - it can be supplemented with either black tones or milky, but not blue and green.

But what about the monochrome palette?

And this question is extremely logical. If we consider contrasting natural coloring, which is also designed in cool colors, then why not wear clothes in white, gray and black colors? It is certainly possible to wear it, but in small "quantities." These colors are great in the form of complementary elements for any of the shades listed above. They will serve as an invisible foundation, support, while the leading shade will lead in the image. Representatives of the “contrasting summer" are not recommended to create images in the spirit of Total Black or to dress in snow-white clothes from head to toe. Note that even for a wedding dress, a “warmer” fabric should be chosen that emphasizes olive skin. As for the gray tone, then completely donning it is also not recommended. It is permissible to wear a gray dress or suit, and as a complement to use accessories in the color of Marsala, smoky blue or emerald color.


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