Planting infants: goals, pros and cons, tips from pediatricians

A baby who appears in the house requires special attention. Questions about how to properly care for this tiny little man all over the world are the topic of heated discussions among specialists, grandmothers and mothers.

woman holding a newborn baby in her arms

One of them concerns planting infants. What is this method, what is its origin, what is the technique of its implementation?

Scientific background

Early planting of a newborn is not at all an ultramodern innovation. This method has been used by our ancestors for many millennia. The issues of planting infants are explained in the ancient books of India and China, as well as in the annals of the ancient Greeks and Romans. And today, this method is used in many countries with a backward economy, where there is no opportunity to use disposable diapers.

From a scientific point of view, planting babies is a fairly effective method. The fact is that the act of urinating and defecating the baby is directly related to the procedure for feeding it. The food entering the stomach expands it, which increases the body's need for the release of excess urine and feces. Quite often, mothers notice that their baby is emptied, usually during feeding or immediately after it.

In addition, due to the small volume of the bladder, the child walks “small” about every 20-30 minutes. Adults should be guided by this periodicity. In addition, the baby certainly "reports" about his desire to free the body, giving individual signals. They can be expressed in the form of crying, screaming, squealing, or special facial expressions and gestures.

baby cries

According to the famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky, planting a baby will not allow him to accustom him to the pot faster. The doctor is convinced that he will be able to relieve the need consciously in no earlier than two years of his life. Up to this age, parents will have to “catch the moments” when their baby gives signs indicating that he wanted to go to the toilet. This is what makes the development of human thinking, its physiology, and also the formation of the necessary skills. Planting newborns allows you to create a child’s habit of pooping and writing in a specific position in a special place. But she is in no way connected with his conscious desire to adhere to the rules of hygiene and go to the potty.

What it is?

Planting newborns (see the article for the procedure photo) is the process of teaching a little man to cope with his natural needs not in panties or diapers, but when he is in an adult's half-sitting position, empty his intestines or bladder above a sink, bathtub or basin . Sometimes parents put a waterproof diaper or a folded newspaper.

It should be borne in mind that children do not sit at the same time. They cope with their need for a natural embryo pose for the baby. So, according to Dr. Komarovsky, planting a baby who is not physiologically ready for this cannot be carried out, and no one calls for such a thing. Parents will need to teach the baby to the potty much later.

Pros of the method

What does Komarovsky say about planting newborns? He is sure that in any case parents should make a decision. If the mother believes that the baby should already be in her arms or in close proximity from a very early age, then she still needs to learn this method. But if a woman is sure that it is more correct, if the child will spend most of her time in the crib with a dummy, then she simply can not plant it. Then it is better to put on a baby diaper. But in any case, parents are encouraged to evaluate all the pros and cons of this method.

newborn baby

The main arguments that speak of the benefits of the early training of infants in the toilet are:

  • dry buttocks, on which there will be no diaper rash and irritation;
  • lack of overheating of the genitals;
  • the implementation of a regular and gentle process of hardening and timely washing;
  • lack of need to spend significant sums of money on hygienic creams, powders and diapers;
  • there is a greater likelihood of earlier accustoming to the pot, which will allow parents to be proud of the baby who, before his peers, stopped "dirtying" his pants.

According to psychologists, the early planting of crumbs is not only his "going to the toilet." A similar process is more than that. It allows you to strengthen the connection of the baby with the mother at a subconscious level. In the future, this will allow a woman to understand her child literally, and also to feel his mood. Brings a method of planting and considerable benefit to the baby. The baby gets acquainted with his body, becomes more self-confident and gains independence in personal hygiene.

Early planting of newborns helps preserve the environment. After all, disposable diapers are garbage, which also decomposes for a long time. In this regard, only one child during the year is able to pollute the nature of a whole ton of diapers. And if they are used before they reach the age of 2, then the damage to the environment will be twice as large.

Early planting also helps with such a common problem in infants as colic and constipation. Of course, to date, manufacturers have developed many drugs that alleviate the condition of newborns. Also, some parents, based on good intentions, insert an enema or a bar of soap in the ass. Nevertheless, nature itself has developed a fairly simple method that will save a small organism from gas and torment. And it is early planting. It is enough to recall the so-called embryo pose. It is recommended for use by adults suffering from constipation. Such a posture can alleviate suffering and is the most convenient in physiological terms. The position of the baby’s body during planting is the same, and the procedure itself allows you to rid it of discomfort in the tummy.

Cons of the method

Despite the positive aspects of planting, not everyone is sure that it is useful. What are the disadvantages of this method?

  1. A young mother does not always feel well. A woman is weakened after childbirth, and it can be very difficult for her to plant a baby.
  2. Mom will need to be constantly on the alert, which is why for some time she will have to refuse to perform many household duties. After all, she needs to observe the baby almost constantly to catch his desire to go to the toilet.
  3. Great risk not to be in time. The absence of a baby’s diaper, which the mother dropped off at the wrong time, will lead to the need for washing diapers, clothes and cleaning furniture.
  4. The baby will often have to dress and undress. If the practice of planting is used in winter and the house is cold, then such procedures will be dangerous to his health.
  5. Mom will have to spend a lot of time and effort, while showing patience.
  6. Planting is not possible in a store, on the road or in a cafe. And to go for walks with the baby in the winter, without putting on a diaper, is hardly possible.

In addition, if the baby is premature, then his body temperature is often lowered.

baby in the diaper

Diapers also warm the baby a little and make the process of adapting it to the outside world more comfortable. In the case when such a baby appeared in the family, it is better to use diapers for him.

Golden mean

So is it worth it to use the method of planting babies or not? Having considered various points of view, it is worth finding a compromise between them. There is no need to be categorical and to be only “for” or “against”. For example, in the afternoon, being in a homely quiet environment, the baby can be allowed to enjoy freedom without putting on diapers. They should be used for a walk, at night, during those periods when mom needs a rest or she is sick.

Adhering to such a golden mean, you can finally understand this issue and determine for yourself whether the baby and his parents need planting or not. It should be borne in mind that ready-made solutions do not exist. After all, any child and his mother have their own unique personality. And each of the adults should finally weigh the pros and cons, abandoning the practice of early planting or, conversely, acting according to their own instinct or needs of the newborn.

Where to begin?

Is it difficult to carry out the process of planting a baby with constipation and colic? Not. These actions are not so difficult. In their implementation, however, as in everything that concerns kids, you will need to first make some efforts.

If mother decided to work hard for the comfort of her child and learn to understand and respond sensitively to his needs, then she will need to adhere to the simple rules of such a procedure.

When to start planting a baby? Using a similar technique is recommended from the earliest period of a newborn’s life. The sooner the planting is carried out, the better for both mom and baby. It is advisable to do this from the very birth of the crumbs, while he has not yet lost obvious behavioral reactions when there is a need to empty the intestines or bladder. Indeed, at the age of 6-8 weeks, such "warnings" almost completely disappear. It will become much harder to catch mom this moment, and planting newborns with colic can be a real challenge.

mom holds baby over the toilet

You will need to constantly listen and look closely at the movements and sounds of the newborn. This will soon soon make it easy to identify the signs with which the baby makes it known that he wants to use the toilet.

If while planting the baby the mother didn’t have time a little and the “process” has already begun, then she should still substitute the basin, while sentencing the “letter-letter”. This will allow the child to find a reflex connection between the process itself and the pronounced sounds. Subsequently, emptying the intestines and bladder will be much easier for him after the adult's command.

Planting a baby without his requirements is necessary and necessary. So, this should be done before the walk, as well as before and after sleep. Planting a baby over a sink or over a basin should be carried out in cases where enough time has passed after the previous act of emptying, which indicates that, most likely, the right moment is about to come. Such a procedure will allow the baby to empty his bladder a little earlier than he feels discomfort.

Planting a baby from gazikov can be carried out by giving him a chest. The baby should be above the basin, and the mother says “letter-letter” and “aa”. Chest is recommended to be given due to the fact that in this way it is possible to achieve natural relaxation of all the muscles of the crumbs. After all, this is why babies empty their intestines and bladder during feeding.

Most likely, when planting a baby from gas jets and constipation, the process will not begin immediately. Mom will have to wait a while. But in the case when the baby begins to actively protest, forcing him is not recommended. After all, this will most likely lead to the opposite effect. In this case, the planting of newborns from colic should be repeated after some time. It is also worth analyzing how much the baby ate before. It is possible that at the moment his bladder and intestines are simply not full.

It is recommended to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the newborn. So, some babies write immediately after waking up, while others some time later, after their body finally “wakes up”. The gaps between the need to empty the bladder are also different. In girls, they are usually longer. That is why it is best to make a decision on how often it is necessary to carry out the planting of newborns from colic, experimentally.

Dry diapers and a basin for such a procedure should always be at hand. After all, the baby should not feel the throwing and anxiety of the mother, because of which he himself will begin to get nervous.

When planting a child, it should be borne in mind that until 18 months he will not be able to consciously control such processes. And this is the case even when the opposite seems to parents. In addition, even becoming older, he will not always walk in dry pants. Given this, a woman should not reproach herself for failures and complain about them.

Planting a newborn becomes available only when he is constantly next to his mother. But this does not mean that she will have to continuously monitor her crumbs and react to every rustle of him. Mom may well do cooking, knitting or reading a book. The main thing is that the baby is close and always in sight. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to notice its signals, indicating the desire to empty the intestines or bladder.

Common mistakes

At first, when planting newborns from constipation and colic, it will be very difficult for mom. But after she begins to easily determine the urges of her child, the process will begin to happen much easier. In addition, it will be necessary to take into account some mistakes that young mothers often make when planting, and try not to make them. And this:

  1. Excessive zeal. Signals of urination and defecation do not differ in uniformity and constancy. This makes it necessary to rely only on one's own intuition, and not on the existing baggage of experience and knowledge. That is why a woman should relax and not constantly try to "catch" the right moment.
  2. Inconvenience. Planting a baby at home is quite simple. And how to do this while on the street? If you want to use the method everywhere, you will need to decide in advance how to do it near the playground, in the park, etc.
  3. Lack of practice. About planting a baby with gases it is impossible to read in any educational literature. They do not always help to finally master this technique and the advice of experienced mothers. In order to master this process, you will need to practice more often, spending some time on training.
  4. Uncertainty. Some mothers, seeing the urge of the child, do not always recognize them, deciding not to do anything. When using the technique, it is recommended to relax and allow yourself to make mistakes. And if the planting turned out to be productive and timely, then the woman should praise herself.
  5. Age features of the baby. From 6 months, the baby begins to gradually understand the world around him and actively get acquainted with it, looking closely at the behavior of adults. At this age, children already begin to endure a little, feeling the urge. This leads to the fact that the mother often faces a situation where the child wants to empty the bladder or intestines, but does not. Adults cannot correct this situation. However, it should be understood that this is a wonderful sign that the baby has already gained control over his desires.
  6. Perfectionism. Some moms want to be perfect. However, constantly guessing the urges of the pean is simply impossible. After all, regular signs that an evacuation of the body will occur soon may well change. That is why it is simply unrealistic to strive to constantly plant crumbs in a timely manner.

How to fix the result?

Planting infants is a process that can be influenced. You can relax the excretory system by making light pats, as well as stroking the lower abdomen and the ass. No need to be afraid to praise the baby. He should hear affectionate phrases that mom needs to accompany the process of not only emptying, but also washing. They will relax the baby.

Planting a baby over the sink is recommended to be done by turning on a weak stream of water. Her sounds will also allow the baby to relax. At the same time, an adult should behave patiently, calmly and affectionately.

baby poop in the sink

Sometimes a child whom mother has landed since birth suddenly starts protesting against this procedure. One of the reasons for this condition may be the onset of a period of upholding independence and the right to decide everything yourself. Some already a little grown up kids need privacy. The only way they can go to the toilet.

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The third reason may be washing procedures if they are unpleasant for the baby. They need to be carried out carefully, using water only at a comfortable temperature.

The fourth reason for refusing to plant is cold. It is possible that the baby is freezing, spending a long time without clothes.

There are certain postures for planting newborns. You can familiarize yourself with them in the book “Life Without Diapers,” authored by Ingrid Bauer. From a large number of such poses, we will get acquainted with the main, as well as with its three variations, which are used most often.


Using this pose when planting newborns from colic (see photo below), the mother can both stand, sit or lie. In the latter case, the procedure can be performed even at night. In this case, the woman does not even have to get out of bed. It will be enough to hang the child’s ass over the basin standing on the floor. Mom’s hand should securely and tightly wrap around the baby’s body. If possible, it is recommended that one of its legs be pulled a little to the side. This will allow a little release of the inguinal region.

The baby's head should lie on her mother, resting on her chest, if she is standing or sitting.

kids are kept above the pot

When planting a baby with colic, a woman will need to keep her second hand under the knee joint of the baby. If the child is already more than a year old, then he can be allowed to sit on the potty. Mom should be close by and hold his hand. It is not necessary to refuse bodily contact with your child. Without mother’s help, the baby will stop “asking” and will try to do everything on his own.

But nevertheless, the position in which the mother holds her child in her arms is the most effective from the point of view of psychology and physiology. Using a classic pose, two points should be steadily performed:

  1. The baby's knees should be above his butt. The pelvis crumbs while hanging in the air. It is very important. In a similar position, the muscles of the pelvis begin to work and the sphincter relaxes. This should be borne in mind when acquiring a child toilet seat. Being on it, the baby will not be able to place his knees above the butt. That is why it is not recommended to purchase such a device until it is completely accustomed to the pot.
  2. Mandatory presence of mom's help or bodily contact with her. Moreover, such requirements must be adhered to throughout the planting.

Similar rules should be followed when applying other poses. However, when using them, some other features are added.

Pose for newborns

When planting a baby, the mother can sit, stand or lie. The baby’s head should be located on her shoulder. With the same hand, she will need to hold the crumbs under her knees. The second hand of a woman should be completely free. In addition to the fact that the knees of the baby are above the priests and the pelvis hangs freely in the air, it does not have support on the cervical spine.

Pose from the knees

This situation is especially relevant in cases where the baby has severe diarrhea or suffers from an intestinal upset. The pose "from the knees" for such children will be as convenient as possible. It does not imply a load on either the cervical or lumbar spine, which is why it can be used for both the smallest babies and for older children. Tactile contact in this position is maximum. Mom is relaxed, her hands are free, which allows you to pet a baby tummy. But it should be borne in mind that with constipation, the posture from the knees is not recommended.

Breast planting

A similar pose is recommended during night feedings, as it allows the baby to continue to sleep. You should also use this method of planting the baby with constipation, as it will allow the baby to relax as much as possible. In addition, while breastfeeding, the baby, as a rule, will definitely want to go to the toilet. It is best for the mother to lie on her side, because the planting process should be equally comfortable for both the woman and the child.

There are quite a few provisions for the baby to empty her bladder and intestines in a previously prepared container. But to know them all is not necessary at all. When deciding to take care of planting a newborn, do not be afraid to experiment. This will allow you to experimentally find for yourself the most comfortable pose.


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