Landing according to the zodiac. Fertile zodiac signs during sowing and infertile

Experienced gardeners know how great the moon's influence on vegetable production is. Characterization of the zodiac constellations will help determine what are the most fertile signs of the zodiac. When sowing fruits and vegetables it is necessary to take into account the phase of the moon, to find out in which constellation it is located, when it is better to engage in planting plants, and when to confine oneself to cultivating the earth with fertilizers. Knowing the characteristics of the zodiac signs will help to get a rich harvest and will eliminate mistakes in gardening.

What is the lunar calendar for?

The lunar calendar appeared earlier than the solar. People in ancient times found that the Moon affects the processes on our planet and the well-being of man. Its phases affect water in the seas, oceans - these are ebbs and flows. The moon affects plant growth. It is her effect that determines the fertile signs of the zodiac. When sowing beneficial effects on vegetables can be achieved .

fertile zodiac signs when sowing

The moon changes the internal state of man. Using the lunar calendar, you can calculate favorable days for beginnings and negotiations. Even hair cutting is advised to do depending on the phase of the moon.

The lunar month consists of 29-30 lunar days. They have 24.5 hours. Therefore, the usual calendar is different from the lunar. The growing moon means a time of change and new forces, waning - a time of rest. Her condition is easy to track by looking at the night sky.

Thanks to the lunar calendar, you can calculate the acceptable phase of the moon for planting, determine which constellation it will be in. This will help to coincide with summer work on auspicious days.

Moon phases

It is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon during planting, processing plants and shrubs, and harvesting.

  • New moon. Do not plant plants, do not vaccinate. To destroy pests, weed weeds, cut dry branches, collect herbs.
  • Waxing Crescent. Plant and transplant crops growing above the ground. Fertilize the earth, give mineral fertilizing. Water, vaccinate.
  • Full moon. Weed and thin out the beds, loosen and spud the earth. Collect seeds, root crops. Do not pinch, pinch. You can not plant, prune trees and bushes.
  • Waning moon. Planting root vegetables, legumes. Root top dressing of plants. Destroy pests, weed weeds. Harvest.

fertile zodiac signs

The moon passes over the course of a month all phases and signs of the zodiac. Each of them in its own way affects country cultures. There are fertile and infertile zodiac signs. If there is a mismatch between the phase of the moon and the constellation, then preference should be given to the latter. For example, when the growing moon, you can plant peppers, but if the zodiac sign is infertile, then the culture on this day is better not to plant.

Signs of the zodiac - fertile and barren

When the Moon within a month passes from one constellation to another, it meets all the signs of the zodiac on its way. They affect vegetables.

Cancer is the most fertile sign of the zodiac. If the moon is in this constellation, sowing will yield a bountiful harvest. But it will be poorly stored, and the seed material will be unsuccessful.

Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, Libra, Capricorn are also fertile signs of the zodiac. When sowing carry a good harvest. But storage and seed does not always turn out to be of a high level.

Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini - infertile signs. Low yields are compensated by long storage. Seed in most cases is good.

Aquarius, Leo, Aries - infertile signs. If the moon is in these constellations, then it is better to engage in the collection of seeds. Harvesting at this time involves a long, good storage.

zodiac signs are fertile and barren

Knowing fertile zodiac signs in april for example planting days are easy to calculate on the lunar calendar. Sowing the main vegetable crops is better timed to coincide with April 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

Fertile zodiac signs are a conditional category, because high germination does not give good storage. It is better to stick to the golden mean, paying attention not only to the phases of the moon of the constellation, but also to climatic conditions.

Flower crops

Gemini, Aquarius, Libra - fertile signs of the zodiac when sowing flower plants. The moon in these constellations acts on enhanced flowering, fruit set. You can plant onion flowers, weeding and fertilizing. All work related to colors is suitable. Harvesting leafy plants is recommended.

Root crops

To work with root plants, what are the signs of the zodiac fertile? For sowing, it is necessary that the Moon be in the sign of Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn . They activate root growth. Therefore, root, bulbous plants are best planted at this time. Give preference to the waning moon. You can dive seedlings, spud and dig up root crops.

Fruit crops

Fertile zodiac signs for sowing fruit plants - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius . They stimulate the growth of fruits, seeds. When the moon is in these constellations, a harvest of leafy plants is recommended. All work associated with fruit crops is allowed.

fertile and infertile zodiac signs

Leaf crops

Which zodiac signs are fertile for planting leafy plants? If the Moon is in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, there is growth, the active development of leaf crops. Harvesting is not allowed at this time. All work associated with leafy plants is permissible.

Moon in the constellation Aries

On the growing moon it is recommended to plant trees, plant and transplant onions, peppers, herbs. Collect fruits and flowers. Plant crops whose fruits will be harvested in the same year (tomatoes, beans).

On the waning moon, you can plant sharp root vegetables - radish, radish, daikon, horseradish. Trim trees, shrubs for decorative and sanitary purposes. Destroy pests, weed, loosen, pinch plants.

Moon in the constellation Taurus

It is recommended to plant and transplant all vegetable crops, fruit trees and shrubs, berries, legumes, and bulb plants on the growing Moon . This is a good time to plant winter crops.

On the waning moon, prefer to plant root crops - potatoes, carrots, turnips, radishes, beets. To process berry bushes, to remove mustaches, to spud and loosen the earth. Trim trees, bushes for decorative and sanitary purposes.

Moon in the constellation Gemini

On the growing moon should be planted and transplanted winding decorative crops - hops, grapes, bindweed. You can process and transplant plants with a mustache - strawberries, strawberries. Weed, collect medicinal flowers.

On the waning moon to conduct pinching, cut off the extra ovaries, dry branches of trees. Weed, mulch, harvest vegetables and fruits. Collect medicinal roots.

what are the fertile signs of the zodiac

Moon in the constellation Cancer

It is recommended to plant crops that bear fruit above the earth on the growing moon . This is cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, watermelons. You can plant fruit trees, bushes, fertilize the earth.

Root crops are planted on the waning moon : potatoes, beets and other crops. Mineral dressing, watering is recommended.

Moon in the constellation Leo

On the growing moon, it is better to collect seed material. Engage in ornamental plants: plant, transplant, share roots. These days are especially favorable for photophilous plants.

Trees and bushes are sheared for the waning moon for decorative purposes . Harvest for drying and storage. Sow lawn grass, unpretentious flowers.

Moon in the constellation Virgo

On the growing moon, the landing and feeding of all vegetable crops, the fruits of which are located above the earth, is favorable. You can sow and transplant flowers, climbing plants, berry bushes. Plant seedlings of vegetables whose fruits will be above the ground. Spray trees and bushes from pests. To plant lawn, spice and medicinal grass.

On the waning moon, plant root crops, spud and cultivate the earth with organic matter. Fight pests living in the ground.

Moon in the constellation Libra

On the growing moon, they recommend sowing legumes, cabbage, all kinds of lettuce. You can plant and replant fruit trees, bushes. This time is suitable for working with decorative flowers.

Root crops: beets, radishes, potatoes and other crops are planted on the waning moon . You can mow grass, take care of the lawn.

Moon in the constellation Scorpio

Saplings of raspberries, currants, sea-buckthorn, gooseberries are planted on the growing moon . Vegetable seedlings will take root well in the open ground, whose fruits will be above the ground - tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkin, eggplant. Fruit trees should be planted, medicinal plants planted.

On the waning moon, plant sharp root crops: radish, daikon, radish, onion. It should mow the grass, look after the lawn, weed weeds. Favorable days for pest control.

Moon in the constellation Sagittarius

On the growing moon should be engaged in the landing of curly ornamental plants. You can plant legumes, herbs and herbs. Trim tree branches for decorative and sanitary purposes. This is a good time to collect medicinal flowers.

On the waning moon, the harvest will be stored for a long time. You can collect vegetables, fruits, root crops. Favorable days for sowing garlic, collecting medicinal roots.

the most fertile zodiac sign

Moon in the constellation Capricorn

On the growing moon should work with vegetable crops, the fruits of which are above the ground. They can be sown, transplanted, soaked seeds. This is a good time for grafting and grafting fruit trees, planting a single onion (for greens). You can spray trees and shrubs from pests.

Root crops intended for long storage should be sown on the waning moon . All work with the earth is suitable - earthing, cultivation, weeding, organic fertilizing, watering, uprooting of stumps.

Moon in the constellation Aquarius

On the growing moon, you can plant ornamental plants, collect medicinal flowers, weed weeds.

A crop intended for long-term storage should be harvested on the waning moon . Trim dry branches of trees, bushes. To pinch crops, remove unnecessary shoots and ovaries. Spray the garden from pests. To loosen, dig the earth, weed weeds.

Moon in the constellation Pisces

On the growing moon, it is recommended to sow and transplant vegetables into open ground, the fruits of which are located above the ground. It is best to engage in crops with an early harvest. Plant berry bushes, legumes and melons, cabbage, all kinds of lettuce. You can plant trees.

Root crops intended for an early harvest are planted on a waning moon . Recommended mineral top dressing of the earth.


Depending on the phase of the moon, garden work should be calculated. On the growing, deal with plants whose fruits are above the ground. On the waning moon, give preference to root crops.

fertile zodiac signs in april

Fertile zodiac signs will help to bring a bountiful harvest. But the seed may be unsuccessful. For long-term storage of vegetable crops, sowing should be timed to the time when the Moon is in the constellation Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn. Located in Crayfish and Pisces, it will bring a crop intended for quick consumption.

At a time when barren and infertile signs - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius - rule, it is best to start the fight against pests and weeds. You can deal with bindweed and plants with a mustache (for example, beans, strawberries).

It is not always possible to take into account the phase of the moon, and its presence in a particular constellation. Therefore, agronomists advise not often to ask what fertile signs of the zodiac are, but to plant vegetables and fruits with love, based on the climatic characteristics of the region and the cultivated culture.


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