Low sugar in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

A newborn baby may have health problems if they were observed in a woman during pregnancy. An important indicator is blood sugar. A normal amount means that the body is functioning properly and is able to independently produce vital energy. What can a low sugar in a newborn tell parents? Because of what this is happening and how to identify its level, as well as how to be treated, it will be considered in this article.

Baby's blood sugar

low sugar in a newborn baby

Before talking about why low sugar in a newborn baby, the causes of such an ailment are called, I would like to immediately mention the need for such a study. After the birth of the baby, all the necessary tests are immediately taken from him. Including biomaterial for sugar content. In the first five days, the analysis is done three times: on an empty stomach, thirty minutes after a meal and two hours later. If the indicators are normal, then the body is functioning normally. When there are pathologies in development, they will come to light over these days. When glucose appears in a baby below the 2.3 mmol mark, this indicates a developmental disorder. Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) is very dangerous for the crumbs, as the body is starving and the consequences may be irreversible.

It is important to know what causes low sugar in a newborn. The reasons for the changes may be as follows:

  • childbirth earlier or later than the due date;
  • the presence of diabetes (even gestational can cause the disease, this is a change in the amount of sugar in the blood caused by pregnancy) in the mother;
  • intrauterine lag in the development of the child;
  • heavy birth with asphyxia or blood transfusion;
  • accidental hypothermia of the baby;
  • improper feeding of the child with a long period of time;
  • an infectious disease or poisoning, maybe intrauterine;
  • mother's intake of drugs that lower sugar (it can even be just sweeteners that a woman takes to accelerate weight loss after childbirth).

The reasons for lowering glucose cannot be controlled, therefore, the baby is carefully monitored after the birth. If the indicators are normal all five days, then the glucose is absorbed normally by the newborn. Sometimes (no more than 4% of children) there are deviations. By the nature of the severity of the disease and its course, it is divided into two types: short-term and chronic.

Short-term low sugar in newborns. How is it manifested?

symptoms of low sugar in a newborn baby

Most often, the cause is premature delivery, the pancreas in the child has not yet had time to fully develop and has not yet been fully functioning. For treatment, it is enough to administer intravenous glucose to the newborn. Although other factors can provoke the disease:

  • mom herself is a diabetic;
  • a woman consumed a large amount of carbohydrates in the last month before giving birth;
  • improper treatment of gestational diabetes, non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations;
  • fasting in the womb, including oxygen;
  • intrauterine infection.

With timely treatment, low blood sugar in a newborn will not have time to harm the health of the child. Usually the baby quickly gets better.

Chronic lowering of sugar. How is it manifested?

In this case, the blood sugar level must be maintained with drugs, treatment does not give a quick result. Recovery is possible with the correct, but long-term treatment. In this case, a lack of glucose can be caused by:

  • diabetes in one of the parents (or both);
  • impaired development of the child (intrauterine);
  • congenital pathologies.

Every pregnant woman should know the triggering factors of lowering blood glucose, and if there is a likelihood of developing the disease, it is necessary to immediately inform a specialist. Then the baby will be taken under special control.

how to understand that a child’s sugar is lowered

Symptoms of problems in newborns

Young parents also need to know the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease so as not to start it and not to fight the consequences later. The most obvious sign of hypoglycemia is a poor blood sugar; it is difficult to take such measurements at home, especially for an infant. But there are other symptoms:

  • the baby develops cyanosis near the nasolabial triangle (but this symptom can also indicate abnormal heart function);
  • the skin of the crumbs becomes pale, as with a lack of iron;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • temporary respiratory arrest when the baby is sleeping;
  • the child sluggishly sucks his chest, it is hard for him, so he quickly lets go of it, not completely saturated;
  • the baby sleeps a lot, more than the norm, practically does not stay awake;
  • heavy sweating;
  • violation of the rhythm of heart contractions (rapid or slow).

The listed symptoms are suitable for many diseases, therefore, it will not be possible to independently diagnose what caused the cause. You should immediately consult a pediatrician.

Consequences for the child

If the symptoms of low blood sugar in a newborn are pronounced, then you need to immediately call an ambulance. Failure to provide timely support to the child’s body with a decrease in glucose can result in irreversible painful processes, up to the death of the baby.

The consequences of low blood sugar in a newborn can be as follows:

  • disruption of the brain with damage to the central nervous system to paralysis;
  • mental retardation from peers;
  • falling baby into a coma;
  • violation of the heart;
  • blindness or blurred vision.

Other possible serious complications

Also, as a complication, severe convulsion may occur before an epileptic seizure. The consequences of low sugar in a newborn are quite dangerous, the baby may die or remain disabled for life. Therefore, parents should promptly note any deviations in the behavior of the child and in their physical condition. Otherwise, assistance may be provided too late.

Methods for treating a similar problem in children

What if low sugar in newborns? Before the necessary treatment, the doctor conducts a number of diagnostic measures. First of all, the baby takes blood from the heel at night or in the morning. Checks the concentration of glucose in the blood. At home, this can be done using test strips. Also, the mother may note that the urine of the child has acquired the smell of spoiled fruit. This indicates that it contains acetone bodies. Perhaps the breath will change. A hint of acetone may appear. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required. The child is in danger.

treatments for a child who has low sugar

In the hospital, a test is required for the reaction of the crumb body to glucose administration, as its amount in the blood changes over time. Changes also occur in the level of the hormone insulin. Be sure to conduct an external examination of the baby. If necessary, breast-feeding is supplemented by the introduction of glucose intravenously. If a low blood sugar in a newborn lasts for a long time, the causes of the onset of the disease are identified first.

When poor performance came to light in the first hours, then urgent treatment is not required at this stage. This may be a normal baby reaction. To increase the amount of glucose, it is enough for the child to immediately attach to the mother's breast. Colostrum or milk contains everything you need in the first hours of life for the baby. Sometimes these measures are enough to stabilize and raise low blood sugar in a newborn baby.

Glucose through a dropper

If this procedure does not help, then glucose is already administered through a dropper. At this time, mom is allowed to be near the baby. It is believed that he feels her and behaves calmer. The procedure for introducing glucose through a dropper takes a long time. The doctor calculates the necessary single dose and the amount of its entry into the blood over time. Mom is allowed at this time to feed the baby with breast milk, so glucose is absorbed faster and better. Only you have to do this with a bottle or through a catheter. Depends on the condition of the baby.

Regular blood sugar measurement

In treatment, glucose is measured regularly. When danger passes, the child may be prescribed oral medication and injections, droppers are canceled. But even after recovery, the baby will be under the supervision of doctors for a long time. Glucose monitoring will be carried out regularly. Thus, if the child’s low sugar returns, then treatment can be carried out immediately until complications begin.

low sugar in newborns

The use of hormonal drugs

In severe cases of the disease, the doctor prescribes not only a dropper, hormonal drugs can be administered (all therapy is carried out with the consent of the parents). Often, hormonal imbalance in children can cause the onset of the disease. The most important thing during the treatment period is to keep mom calm and milk. It is better than any medicine to help cope with the disease. To preserve the most important product, a woman should decant it, but not pour it. Milk can be given to the child through a bottle.

Tips for mothers who want to normalize their baby’s blood sugar

low blood sugar in a newborn baby

Mom with the help of breastfeeding can also help the baby to increase the concentration of glucose in the blood faster. To do this:

  • It has already been written more than once that milk must be preserved by all means and breastfeed.
  • Mom should eat more foods that contain complex carbohydrates.
  • Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. You should also exclude buns, soda, fatty, spicy and salty foods.
  • A woman should eat the right portions and in time. So in milk, beneficial substances do better.
  • High fiber foods slow down glucose uptake. Therefore, of course, there should be more of it in the diet.
  • Eat more fruits, but avoid those that can cause an allergic reaction (for example, it can be citrus fruits, such as: orange, mandarin and others).
  • Products containing protein must be present in the diet (for example, it can be: fish, white meat, various dairy products).
  • If mom is a coffee lover, then she should minimize his consumption. And it would be better to completely abandon it until the baby's glucose level is normalized.
  • When a woman monitors her weight and exercises, it is advisable to consume a small amount of easily digestible carbohydrates before training.
signs of low sugar in a newborn baby

Adherence to such a diet by a mother will help the baby recover faster. Low sugar in a newborn baby quickly returns to normal. And also it will be a good preventive measure for the baby. With such a diet, the occurrence of problems with glucose is reduced to a minimum. But if the disease was or is likely to occur, it is necessary to regularly take tests and be checked by a pediatrician.

Low sugar in a newborn. Prevention

low blood sugar in newborns

To prevent the development of the disease, mother is recommended to eat correctly (as described above) and feed the baby with breast milk for up to a year. If it is not, it is better that the pediatrician selects the mixture, taking into account the correct glucose content. It is necessary to try to avoid overheating or hypothermia of the baby. If the baby quickly gets tired during feeding, it is necessary to feed him more often. Make sure that the child receives not only the first empty milk, but also reaches a deeper milk. Otherwise, breastfeeding will not bring any benefit.

Little conclusion

Low sugar in newborns is a pretty serious health problem. Therefore, doctors monitor its level in the baby’s blood for five days after birth. A slight deviation in the first hours is the norm. The baby's condition quickly stabilizes when the baby is breast-fed or with a mixture of glucose (if the mother does not have milk). If the disease is launched, then this is fraught with grave consequences and even death. Therefore, parents are advised to closely monitor the crumbs in the first months of his life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21611/

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